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Will just leave this here for those with amnesia. 

(07-17-2018, 01:10 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Will just leave this here for those with amnesia. 


It was wrong when Obama did it.
It is wrong when Trump does it.
Where is the server?
(07-17-2018, 01:50 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the server?

Exactly. Another example of why you can't take these people serious.
(07-17-2018, 01:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 01:50 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the server?

Exactly. Another example of why you can't take these people serious.

I love how you just change the topic to Obama anytime someone calls you out. 

Boudreau wrote a perfect post and yet you post an Obama clip. Classic.

Some of you are more worried about players kneeling than you are with how Trump is interacting with foreign leaders.
(07-17-2018, 03:17 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 01:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly. Another example of why you can't take these people serious.

I love how you just change the topic to Obama anytime someone calls you out. 

Boudreau wrote a perfect post and yet you post an Obama clip. Classic.

Some of you are more worried about players kneeling than you are with how Trump is interacting with foreign leaders.

You realize how foolish it is to demand that Trump yell at Putin about something that could be resolved if they would simply examine said server, yes? Everyone has an opinion about the facts, but only the Democrats are resisting the examination and release of those facts.
(07-17-2018, 01:50 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the server?

[Image: good-waiter.jpg]
(07-17-2018, 03:17 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 01:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly. Another example of why you can't take these people serious.

I love how you just change the topic to Obama anytime someone calls you out. 

Boudreau wrote a perfect post and yet you post an Obama clip. Classic.

Some of you are more worried about players kneeling than you are with how Trump is interacting with foreign leaders.

(07-17-2018, 12:16 PM)boudreaumw Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 09:49 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Media outlets comparing it to Pearl Harbor makes it a "non-event" in the grand scheme of things. I fondly remember reading "The little boy that cried wolf" as a kid. At some point, people become numb to "It's the end of the world!" even if in fact, it is the end of the world.

And for the record, I don't blindly agree with everything DJT says and I may not agree with what he said yesterday, but in the grand scheme of how he has handled foreign policy in his less than 2 years in office, I am willing to chalk it up to a heat of the moment mistake more so than a treason charge.

You just described, perfectly, the fake news propaganda campaign the you fools have fallen for. Lack of self-awareness is clearly a prerequisite for any remaining support for a president who stood next to a thug who has had political rivals, journalists, and civilians murdered and chose to side with HIM over America's own intelligence apparatus and even the findings of the GOP led senate committee on the matter. The so called tough guy who tells it like it is, rolled over to the "extremely strong and powerful denial" of one of the worst men alive. Either he's compromised, scared of being seen as illegitimate or he's the weakest snowflake on the planet. 

If you don't think he intentionally colluded or  did anything illegal regarding Rusher that's fine, heck I think he's to stupid to even consider doing it intentionally and don't think there will be any evidence at all that he did so. If anything happened it was likely behind his back by the myriad of corrupt and shady garbage he brought into the campaign. However, The fact that Russia attacked our democratic elections on our soil should be an outrage to every single American. If you are the kind of person who think it's not a big deal, or that you are ok with it because everyone does it, or because you won so it's ok, or that it didnt happen because you are too stupid to accept actual facts then you are unamerican at best. All of those apologies are being tossed around for this corrupt piece of garbage. 

That you people vehemently support the closure of any investigation into what Rusher so clearly did is disgusting and as unpatriotic as you can be which is why even Fox Newsish hosts are being forced to call this what it is. If you want the investigation over you are supporting the covering up of a foreign power attacking our country. You should all be ashamed of yourselves but the majority of you don't feel a lick of shame. If you are not outraged over Rusher doing this to OUR country than you don't belong here.
You're so riled up that you can't see what a hypocritical hot garbage post this is. Of course, you'll have a few of the usual fans to pat you on the back.

1.) "Propaganda campaign you fools have fallen for"... Your entire post is regurgitating media puff pieces (propaganda) with no substance, only meant to divide political parties. Who's the fool fallen for the "talk"?
2.) You and the media are mad because Trump didn't smack Russia publicly...again? They've been under sanctions for the election media blitz already. Was Trump supposed to treat Russia like the old USSR? You may be surprised how cooperative the two nations are on intelligence, anti-terrorism, and our militaries. No reason to demean each other like this is the Cold War all over again. What does that achieve besides stroking some poor smucks ego at CNN or Fox?
3.) Russia allegedly conducted an information campaign well before the election and under Obama's watch (and that American Intelligence you are fond of). This is well known. Nothing outside of information was accessed or pushed in an effort to divide people. If you are so weak minded that some twitter post or Facebook post will make you switch your vote, there are bigger issues. As far as Mueller and the investigation, it has produced nothing related to collusion. In fact, the indictments appear to be just grandstanding. When pushed for "facts" so the Russians indicted could defend themselves in a court of law (the American way), no supportive documents were provided. Putin has even gone as far as to state cooperation in the investigation but nobody wants to consider the big scary Ruskie!
4.) Where is the outrage for countries that have actually "attacked" our infrastructure, not accessed some unprotected systems that exposed a corrupt DNC? China, Iran, North Korea?
5.) So, we are now cool with our intelligence agencies and corruption? Last week's news?

The fact that so many are outraged over two Super Powers attempting to cooperate is sad. This isn't your parents or grandparents USSR. Nobody knows what was said behind closed doors. Nobody should expect a public scolding either. Heck, even if that occurred, Trump would be lambasted for being unpresidential. See the EU thread.

Of all the things in the world to worry about, this summit should not even register on the radar, but hey, Trump. Amiright?

(07-17-2018, 03:17 PM)Cleatwood Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 01:58 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]Exactly. Another example of why you can't take these people serious.

I love how you just change the topic to Obama anytime someone calls you out. 

Boudreau wrote a perfect post and yet you post an Obama clip. Classic.

Some of you are more worried about players kneeling than you are with how Trump is interacting with foreign leaders.
On the flip, you aren't worried about lack of patriotism and kneeling during the anthem or flag desecration, but now Trump doesn't publicly smack down Russia and all the sudden it's UN-AMERICAN. The United States needs to flex!! Please.
(07-17-2018, 01:50 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Where is the server?

The server was imaged.
Was that the DNC server, Hillary's email server, the Awan servers stolen from congressional Dems, Podesta's compromised phone/tablet, Huma's laptop, or...?

Note that Peter Smirk Strzok demanded all copies of Hillary's email from all intel agencieies.  I wonder what happened to those?
Complete blunder by Trump, there's not getting around it, he completely caved to Putin on the international stage. At the very best he comes away looking intimidated by Putin and the very worse looking intertwined with Putin, both are bad. It's become undeniable that Russia was up to something, what exactly or how much of an effect it had is debatable. But for Trump to come out after a summit and say he see's no reason why Russia would attempt to undermine our elections and believe Putin's strong denial over our own intelligence, is as bad as Obama saying I'll have more flexibility after the election, and Bush saying I looked into his eyes and saw an honest man.
Another perspective. Could it be that Trump is forcing Mueller’s and our shady intelligence agencies hands on the global stage? They either start providing evidence, cooperating with Russian legal and intel teams or shut it down. No more country dividing gibberish. The offer and ball has been thrown into Mueller’s court forcefully.
(07-17-2018, 07:49 PM)EricC85 Wrote: [ -> ]Complete blunder by Trump, there's not getting around it, he completely caved to Putin on the international stage. At the very best he comes away looking intimidated by Putin and the very worse looking intertwined with Putin, both are bad. It's become undeniable that Russia was up to something, what exactly  or how much of an effect it had is debatable.  But for Trump to come out after a summit and say he see's no reason why Russia would attempt to undermine our elections and believe Putin's strong denial over our own intelligence, is as bad as Obama saying I'll have more flexibility after the election, and Bush saying I looked into his eyes and saw an honest man.

I wouldn't say he completely caved. We don't know how their meeting went. The crux of Trump's poor optics out of this came from his refusal to openly challenge Putin on Russian interference. An opinion piece I read somewhere  sized it up well, he put himself first before America. He utterly outworked Hillary Clinton to get elected and bristles at the assertion that it was attributable to any means otherwise (which it isn't). In his eyes, rebuking Putin on an international stage, especially when there are so many other important issues to address, lends credence to the opposition's mantra. Instead of countering Putin's claims of innocence with irrefutable American intelligence reports, he chose to attack Hillary and the deep state and came out looking weak in the end. It was a faux pas which the left is feasting upon, but in the grand scheme of things is meaningless. The noise will soon die down.
Putin understands the US is in the midst of a Civil War.
(07-17-2018, 11:03 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Putin understands the US is in the midst of a Civil War.

Oh, stop.
This guy is an absolute disgrace, but some of you will defend him no matter what he says or does. That makes you cult members.
(07-18-2018, 07:00 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]This guy is an absolute disgrace, but some of you will defend him no matter what he says or does. That makes you cult members.

You hate him (and at a visceral, personal level I might add) no matter what he says or does. Pot meet Kettle.

(07-18-2018, 06:05 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-17-2018, 11:03 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Putin understands the US is in the midst of a Civil War.

Oh, stop.

You know, I do believe we have a very unusual circumstance here. I've never seen a President under such outright attack from all sides, including from within his own Administration, from the moment he won the election, with the sole purpose being to overturn his win the way Trump has been. It may not be outright civil war, but it's certainly an attempt to thwart the voice of the American people and stop Trump from governing in any meaningful way.
So now that a few days have passed, is it time for the left to give their "wheel of complaints" another spin? What will it land on? My bet is illegal immigration.
(07-18-2018, 07:06 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-18-2018, 07:00 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]This guy is an absolute disgrace, but some of you will defend him no matter what he says or does. That makes you cult members.

You hate him (and at a visceral, personal level I might add) no matter what he says or does. Pot meet Kettle.

(07-18-2018, 06:05 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, stop.

You know, I do believe we have a very unusual circumstance here. I've never seen a President under such outright attack from all sides, including from within his own Administration, from the moment he won the election, with the sole purpose being to overturn his win the way Trump has been. It may not be outright civil war, but it's certainly an attempt to thwart the voice of the American people and stop Trump from governing in any meaningful way.

I look at it as a righting of the ship. Hollywood, the MSM, demo apparatchiks in government agencies, and squishy Republicans who kept the national narrative at a port list for so long are going to make complaining noises. It’s merely a phase as they’re weeded out or marginalized.
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