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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Buccaneers Preseason Game Night Thread***
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So can you just trip a guy if you get beat and it's not a flag?
Lee showed up to make the team.
Come on Lazard
Lee throws a beautiful pass. He's making the team.
Dude - I want Tanner Lee on the PS. He's got potential. I was panned for saying this during the combine BTW. LOL.
Ah Lazard
Tanner Lee would be 8 of 10 right now w/o the drop and bobble call
Pass to Orndoff was actually in a really good spot.
Darn still losing
(08-30-2018, 09:17 PM)ColoJag Wrote: [ -> ]Darn still losing

Lots of "football" left to play, Kemosabe
I'm very pleasantly surprised by Lee tonight
(08-30-2018, 09:18 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]I'm very pleasantly surprised by Lee tonight

Composure - check
Mobility   -   check
Accuracy   - check
Velocity    -  check, check, check, check

Hey even our third stringers get scoop and scores.
Feel like Blair Brown really needed that

Myrick is so demoralized
There's the defense we love
(08-30-2018, 09:22 PM)Inziladun Wrote: [ -> ]Hey even our third stringers get scoop and scores.

I was afraid Boger was going to call him down by contact.
Ayyyy Myrick made a play
Bucs Allen is Brandon Allen's brother.
Dude. Tanner Lee has made the turn. Dude looks good.
Surprised how much Spence has struggled
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