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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs. Patriots Game Day Thread***
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Big 3rd down
Holding much?
7 quarters with no flags.....might be some type if record
That’s a win for our defense
Offense needs 1 good, 5-7 minute drive, 3 or 6 points don't matter. Draim em and keep the 2 score lead.
(09-16-2018, 06:41 PM)ColoJag Wrote: [ -> ]7 quarters with no flags.....might be some type if record

Hey, Bill and Tawwwmy needs all the help they can get.
Alright let’s grind out a long drive
Big stand there. Maybe Bortles or someone can win it for us. Patterson was wide open too.. Hayden stinks.
Great stop D. 7 there would have been really bad.

We're stopping them. Just need the O to get something. Pats blitzing so much, someone can break one.
(09-16-2018, 03:25 PM)MikePete54 Wrote: [ -> ]Three OL inactives....better hope for no injuries.

(09-16-2018, 06:41 PM)ColoJag Wrote: [ -> ]7 quarters with no flags.....might be some type if record

This is pretty normal for the Patriots. Unless they are playing another big name/market team they usually get to play aside of the rules. Even egregious calls get "missed" most of the time. I love when people tell me these games are played with 100% integrity.
(09-16-2018, 06:42 PM)JagsFanSince95 Wrote: [ -> ]Offense  needs 1 good, 5-7 minute drive, 3 or 6 points don't matter. Draim em and keep the 2 score lead.

Cole...deep ball. Call it the Seattle Slingshot.
Good stop. We NEED points here. There is zero reason Bortles and team should fall so flat going forward. We cant do this as a team if we want to compete for the Superbowl.
Just need one milky drive or a TD. We got lucky Patterson fell down behind the line he was wide open easy first.
If you look on twitter Pats fans think refs are being unfair to them.......like honestly
I wish the cheats got more calls against them.
Mental mistakes ugh
ill never understand blocks in the back

just don't do it. its not very hard
Man, did I call this second half offense or what???
Not throwing on 1st anymore
run up the middle need to beat the coaching staff with a freaking stick
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