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Full Version: Democrats paying professional agitators at Trump events - CONFIRMED
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Where does this rule not exist?
Quote:Where does this rule not exist?

I'm in New Mexico, and that's exactly how it works here.


In 2012 I went to a precinct that was closer to my work...  And they did not let me vote, they said I had to go to my designated precinct.


Also, I had to not only give my name, but also my address that I registered with.  Not that getting my address from the phone book would be so hard to do.


But, I couldn't just go and vote in every precinct I wanted to...


I'm pretty sure that's how it works everywhere.
So where are they bussing people from precinct to precinct to vote numerous times?
Quote:So where are they bussing people from precinct to precinct to vote numerous times?

Well, according to trump, it's in Pennsylvania and other places where alot of blacks loiter about.  You gotta keep an eye on those people...
I mean, seriously, do people just not see the obvious racism and bigotry in everything trump says and insinuates?  It's right there for all to see...

Yes, yes...it's Trump's fault your team is full of scum and cheaters for decades now. Pathetic leftists.
Quote:Yes, yes...it's Trump's fault your team is full of scum and cheaters for decades now. Pathetic leftists.
Just my team, huh?

This is the problem copycat is talking about...

And by the way, its trump that made the insinuations. Not me, or whatever team I've been assigned to by you.

Take it up with him. I'm just pointing out the danger of this guy and his words.
Yes, your team. Hillary and Obama and the rest of the merry Leftist crew. Anti-American, corrupt, and just plain evil.
Quote:Yes, your team. Hillary and Obama and the rest of the merry Leftist crew. Anti-American, corrupt, and just plain evil.

Nobody put those racist and bigoted words in his mouth. Everyone knows what he's saying about the "rigging" of elections in urban areas of Pennsylvania and Chicago.

Nobody - not Obama, Hillary, or anyone in the democratic party - put those words in his mouth. He's been implying that inner city black voters are going to try and cheat him out of this election for months now. And he's ramping up that talk the last couple weeks to deflect from his sexual assault October surprise.

You can't blame this on anyone other than trump and his own words.
Quote:Nobody put those racist and bigoted words in his mouth. Everyone knows what he's saying about the "rigging" of elections in urban areas of Pennsylvania and Chicago.

Nobody - not Obama, Hillary, or anyone in the democratic party - put those words in his mouth. He's been implying that inner city black voters are going to try and cheat him out of this election for months now. And he's ramping up that talk the last couple weeks to deflect from his sexual assault October surprise.

You can't blame this on anyone other than trump and his own words.

Those words are true. Have been for decades.
Quote:Those words are true. Have been for decades.

There is no evidence of it. The bush admin even did a research study and found nothing.

Sorry. But this idea that inner city blacks are committing voter fraud is a total lie... Not to mention racist.
Quote:There is no evidence of it. The bush admin even did a research study and found nothing.

Sorry. But this idea that inner city blacks are committing voter fraud is a total lie... Not to mention racist.

At this point people are just throwing stuff up against a wall to see if it sticks.
Complaining about things like this might be more widely accepted and listened to if the same people crying foul were speaking about obvious things like gerrymandering. But they don't. I wonder why?

Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/18/expose...z4NZGdO12O
Quote:Complaining about things like this might be more widely accepted and listened to if the same people crying foul were speaking about obvious things like gerrymandering. But they don't. I wonder why?

I'm opposed to that too.
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