Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: Are the Cardiac Cats back?
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Pages: 1 2 3
Quote:Not miserable. Just disappointed.

I... umm... what?! Is that even English? Seriously... just stop.

<Insert Golf Clap here>

The team playing at a level that a reasonable, objective observer could call competitive. Even middle of the road. We're not there, yet.

You are barely qualified to breathe oxygen, let alone tell anyone what they are a fan of. You're nobody. Stop acting like your opinion of who is a fan of what actually matters.

Awwww thanks for the golf clap buddy. Put a smile on my face!
Quote:Awwww thanks for the golf clap buddy. Put a smile on my face!

I aim to please...


Unfortunately, I was too lazy to go find a decent GIF for ya Sad
Pages: 1 2 3