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Well even with the offensive injuries, I don't think we have developed the younger guys enough. That Oline yesterday was sad. Scrap heap after scrap heap player. Not their fault but we have the backups backups out there. Honestly we didn't do enough with the QB but I'm not sure the solution was easy for us. We've kinda of blown it over the years and the offensive build up is way behind schedule. The defense confirmed they are high caliber and lead by a heck of a natural talent in Ramsey.
(12-02-2018, 03:39 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Injuries on offense and an obsolete scheme on defense.

I think injuries absolutely contributed.  As far as the scheme is concerned, I don't think it's obsolete.  I think it's perfectly fine, as we saw last year, and as we witnessed yesterday.  I think the biggest issue on defense is that with Poz retiring, whether you thought he was good or not, the one area where he excelled was in getting the calls in and making adjustments when they lined up.  You didn't see the kind of communication breakdowns last year that we've seen consistently this year, and the only significant change that would impact that is his retirement.
Ramsey was absolutely balling yesterday. He still has a little bit of a diva, look-at-me attitude, but at least he goes 110%.

O-line collapsed and got depleted way too early into the season.
(12-03-2018, 02:36 PM)jaglyn Wrote: [ -> ]Ramsey was absolutely balling yesterday. He still has a little bit of a diva, look-at-me attitude, but at least he goes 110%.

O-line collapsed and got depleted way too early into the season.

Watching him between plays, it makes what he did after the snap even more impressive.  There were several times during the game where he looked like he could barely walk once the play ended.  He was slow to get up off the turf, and slow to get back to his spot for the next play.  As soon as they'd snap, he was on.  Gutsy play all day for him.
(12-03-2018, 02:36 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-02-2018, 03:39 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Injuries on offense and an obsolete scheme on defense.

I think injuries absolutely contributed.  As far as the scheme is concerned, I don't think it's obsolete.  I think it's perfectly fine, as we saw last year, and as we witnessed yesterday.  I think the biggest issue on defense is that with Poz retiring, whether you thought he was good or not, the one area where he excelled was in getting the calls in and making adjustments when they lined up.  You didn't see the kind of communication breakdowns last year that we've seen consistently this year, and the only significant change that would impact that is his retirement.

That is where I was going with the Poz statement earlier in the year, and Telvin's comments about Poz was telling.
(12-03-2018, 02:42 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-03-2018, 02:36 PM)jaglyn Wrote: [ -> ]Ramsey was absolutely balling yesterday. He still has a little bit of a diva, look-at-me attitude, but at least he goes 110%.

O-line collapsed and got depleted way too early into the season.

Watching him between plays, it makes what he did after the snap even more impressive.  There were several times during the game where he looked like he could barely walk once the play ended.  He was slow to get up off the turf, and slow to get back to his spot for the next play.  As soon as they'd snap, he was on.  Gutsy play all day for him.

Going to be interesting to see if he can suck it up/soak it up and play on short rest this week.

(12-03-2018, 02:36 PM)jaglyn Wrote: [ -> ]Ramsey was absolutely balling yesterday. He still has a little bit of a diva, look-at-me attitude, but at least he goes 110%.

O-line collapsed and got depleted way too early into the season.

Omameh is a QUALITY depth guy though.  Glad they brought him back.  He moved from LG back to RT when Parnell went down.  It's a friggen train wreck when you the only opening day starter in week 14 is your RG.
noun: hubris

excessive pride or self-confidence.
synonyms: arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, hauteur, pride, self-importance, egotism, pomposity, superciliousness, superiority;
I think there is a multitude of problems that nobody saw.

1.  Injuries, particularly on the offensive side of the ball.  While a lot of people focus on the OL, the injury bug also got the WR, TE and RB positions.

2.  Regarding #1 above, the offense is way more productive when Fournette is in the game.  Him being out several games hurt the offense.

3.  Far too many players on the defensive side of the ball were either too undisciplined or were "trying too hard".  I believe that many of the defensive players were perhaps trying to "compensate" for the lack of offensive production.  Too much "miscommunication" and blown assignments.

4.  DISCIPLINE - especially in the last few games.  The team gave up way too many yards/possession changes due to unnecessary penalties.  This past game after the third foul I turned to my son and said "this is why they are 3-8".

5.  Discipline part 2 - off the field.  The "incident" that happened in London should never have happened and should not be allowed.  Players should certainly be treated like the men/adults that they are, but they also should be held accountable for actions that take place off the field or away from work.

6.  PENALTIES - this is pretty much a repeat of point #4.  WAY too many unnecessary personal fouls, holding, etc.

7.  MEDIA - I think that even though players won't admit it, they pay attention to what is in the media too much whether it's social media or traditional broadcast television.  They got it in their heads that they were "all of that".  See point #4 again.  They "expected" to win games rather than putting in the work necessary to make it happen.

I know that it's the "in thing" to blame the QB, but quite frankly, I think that Blake Bortles still gives the team the best chance to win.  I also think that the decision to fire Hackett and bench Bortles was probably not the best idea.  Given the few bullet points that I listed above, the problem doesn't point to any particular player or coach with the exception of one... the Head Coach.

I personally like Doug Marrone and generally like the job that he's done here, but the majority of the team's problems are squarely on him and are his responsibility.  I would not be surprised to see him dismissed at the end of the season.  While it's not his fault for the injuries, the lack of discipline both on and off the field is a reflection of his leadership.  Points 4, 5 and 6 above are directly his responsibility.
(12-03-2018, 07:26 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]I think there is a multitude of problems that nobody saw.

1.  Injuries, particularly on the offensive side of the ball.  While a lot of people focus on the OL, the injury bug also got the WR, TE and RB positions.

2.  Regarding #1 above, the offense is way more productive when Fournette is in the game.  Him being out several games hurt the offense.

3.  Far too many players on the defensive side of the ball were either too undisciplined or were "trying too hard".  I believe that many of the defensive players were perhaps trying to "compensate" for the lack of offensive production.  Too much "miscommunication" and blown assignments.

4.  DISCIPLINE - especially in the last few games.  The team gave up way too many yards/possession changes due to unnecessary penalties.  This past game after the third foul I turned to my son and said "this is why they are 3-8".

5.  Discipline part 2 - off the field.  The "incident" that happened in London should never have happened and should not be allowed.  Players should certainly be treated like the men/adults that they are, but they also should be held accountable for actions that take place off the field or away from work.

6.  PENALTIES - this is pretty much a repeat of point #4.  WAY too many unnecessary personal fouls, holding, etc.

7.  MEDIA - I think that even though players won't admit it, they pay attention to what is in the media too much whether it's social media or traditional broadcast television.  They got it in their heads that they were "all of that".  See point #4 again.  They "expected" to win games rather than putting in the work necessary to make it happen.

I know that it's the "in thing" to blame the QB, but quite frankly, I think that Blake Bortles still gives the team the best chance to win.  I also think that the decision to fire Hackett and bench Bortles was probably not the best idea.  Given the few bullet points that I listed above, the problem doesn't point to any particular player or coach with the exception of one... the Head Coach.

I personally like Doug Marrone and generally like the job that he's done here, but the majority of the team's problems are squarely on him and are his responsibility.  I would not be surprised to see him dismissed at the end of the season.  While it's not his fault for the injuries, the lack of discipline both on and off the field is a reflection of his leadership.  Points 4, 5 and 6 above are directly his responsibility.

1.  Offense has been riddled with injuries that definitely contributed to the struggles we've seen this year.  There's really no way to dispute that.  Sam Kouvaris posted an article on the TU yesterday that was an interview with Poz.  It was interesting to get his perspective, particularly with regard to the injuries they have sustained.  His point was that while injuries can't be to blame for all the woes the team has dealt with, that when you have so many injuries on one side of the ball, the other side tends to try to do too much, and when you've got a bunch of undisciplined guys on the field doing their own thing, it causes problems for the other side of the ball as well.  

2. Completely agree.  Fournette's injuries and idiotic suspension have proven costly to this team.  While he may not be running a 4.5 YPC average, when he's on the field, it's readily apparent that the offense is better.  He needs to mature and understand his importance to this franchise.  I'd almost like to see Freddie T take him under his wing this off season and basically deal with him the way he did MJD early on.  I think having someone mentor the guy might be the best option.

3. When you've got a bunch of alphas out there who don't have someone leadning them who is more disciplined, this is what happens.  That's why, despite his diminished abilities late in his career, Poz was still a critical piece for the mental game, and I think that's a huge loss for the team this year.

4.  This one has me a little perplexed.  I think Marrone has allowed the coordinators a little too much latitude on discipline (or the lack thereof), and it's time for him to assert some old school heavy handedness until the young guys get the message.  He needs to rely on the leaders on the team to handle these breakdowns, and hold the players accountable when they screw up.  I'm a little surprised TC hasn't brought the hammer down on this himself.

7.  The guys clearly bought into the hype, and skated on that for a few weeks.  Reality hit, and now they're scrambling.  

I agre with you on Bortles.  He's not as bad as it looks out there, and he does give this team the best chance to win.  That's not saying much.  It just means we are so lacking for quality QB play that he's the best we've got.  Unfortunately, I think he's so rattled at this point that the only way he'll ever be able to prove that is to go somewhere else, work with a sports psychologist to get his head right, and get back to enjoying the game.  He's too in his own head at this point with all of the issues, and he's been trying to do too much, moreso as the criticism has escalated and the team has struggled.

I don't think you'll see Marrone fired.  I do think there's going to be additional changes coming to the coaching staff, but I don't anticipate him being sent packing.  You're right that all of this falls squarely on him, and he has agreed with this sentiment that it starts with him.  I think he started to address that with the Hackett firing, and I think the additional staffing changes will be on his watch.  He'll have a very short leash next year to get this thing back on track, but I think Coughlin will see keeping him as more of necessity for now than moving on with another coaching change.
Marrone fired? After you gave Gus 4 years? Not gonna happen

I'm not the biggest Marrone fan, but I think he at least earned another year
It's my ex wife's fault. We separated the week of the KC game.... and she's a Dallas fan. So you can all blame her, its cool.
Injuries to the offensive line and a defense who bought into their own hype so much they just assumed they could show up and dominate.
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