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Full Version: Who do you want to win?
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Titans of course. And go Jags!
Knowing the jags luck we will beat the Texans, lower our draft position out of the top 10, the pats will get second seed in the afc playoffs, and the titans make the wild card.
(12-29-2018, 12:26 AM)Psychop1 Wrote: [ -> ]Titans of course. And go Jags!

Thats just repulsive. I reject your 'go jags' out of principle.
Anything that keeps the tacks out of the playoffs is good with me.
Go Jags...
... Go Jets...
......Go Browns...
.........GO TITANS!
Not sure who I want to win. I think Titans will win if Hilton isn't healthy though. Hes the difference maker on the colts.

You know Mariota won't light it up. Luck tends to play poorly in big games so probably on which D plays best.
Oh it's Gabbert. What a slice of luck for the colts.
Unbelievably, I'm going for the Tacks and Blaine Gabbert. I always thought that he was thrown to the wolves early, and I like redemption stories. Nick Foles has made a lot of folks eat their words, and it would be kind of fun to see Blaine do the same.

And now that Lord Mullet is in retirement, hating the Tacks doesn't give me the cheap thrill it used to.
Gabbert on offence and no Casey on D leaves the Titans looking worse than us.
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