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Full Version: The Case for A Vote of Protest
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Quote:The response to Trump's [BAD WORD REMOVED] grabbing?

Probably, they can't resist the "Big Don", as Marco Rubio says.
Bit rich from a Trumpette. Still no coherent policy.

I better not put you in touch with a Nigerian prince. You will be off to Lagos with a suitcase full of cash.
Quote:Bit rich from a Trumpette. Still no coherent policy.

I better not put you in touch with a Nigerian prince. You will be off to Lagos with a suitcase full of cash.

For an Brit your banter sure is weak. I can see why they shipped you to the penal colony.
Sorry obviously heard too many Trump jokes and dodgy US remakes of British comedy.
Quote:Sorry obviously heard too many Trump jokes and dodgy US remakes of British comedy.

Wow, those make it all the way down under.
Quote:1.) the guy self funded campaign. What special interest are you saying he belongs to? In 100% honesty with no pretense I see it very differently. I think that he's the closest you are going to get to the citizen candidate. Aside from Sean hannoty, he doesn't owe anyone. He has the freedom to make reforms objectively.

2.) admit it! You just watched Brewsters Millions one too many times didn't u?

He's not self funding anymore.
Quote:He's not self funding anymore.

He pretty much still is.


[Image: Wt0Sh9K.png]
Quote:1.) the guy self funded campaign. What special interest are you saying he belongs to? In 100% honesty with no pretense I see it very differently. I think that he's the closest you are going to get to the citizen candidate. Aside from Sean hannoty, he doesn't owe anyone. He has the freedom to make reforms objectively.

The problem is Trump is at the core a horrible person, a sideshow buffoon who has now become the front man for Breitbart. I say this with all sincerity jj, I don't see anything from your boy that makes me think he's anything but what we see, a bunch of posturing, anger and pettiness - a showman, for sure - but not a real firm grasp of facts.


Plus, he's a thin skinned [BAD WORD REMOVED].


Of the top three candidates, only Gary Johnson will be making decisions without self-interest entering into his thought process. Unless legalizing marijuana counts.

Quote:The problem is Trump is at the core a horrible person, a sideshow buffoon who has now become the front man for Breitbart. I say this with all sincerity jj, I don't see anything from your boy that makes me think he's anything but what we see, a bunch of posturing, anger and pettiness - a showman, for sure - but not a real firm grasp of facts.

Plus, he's a thin skinned [BAD WORD REMOVED].

Did you just call the person HILLARY CLINTON is running against a horrible person at the core??????????????? She is the epitome of horrible.
Quote:I know some will support their party, my goal is to advocate as many away from both parties as I can. It has been for a while now.


A small victory story I have an Uncle through marriage that was a staunch republican. When I walked away from the party he thought I had gone "liberal". We've gone back and forth a dozen times why I no longer support the republican party. He called me today and said "holy crap, I get it" he's now committed to writing in a name, he likes Huckabee, who cares it's another protest vote. I have a good friend that has been a generational democrat, he was born into it. He was the biggest Obama supporter you'd ever come across. Over the last 8 years I've continued to point out ever George Bushes stance Obama has backed, pointed out the hypocrisy of the democratic party, the authoritarian nature of the democratic party. I'm happy to say he's abandoned Hillary at least, he said he's voting for Jill Stein, whatever it's another protest vote.


Take the system down one vote at a time, it's all anyone can try and do. 
The ideal situation would be for a mass protest vote for a single candidate.  I am not delusional enough to believe that they could garner enough support to get the 270 necessary electoral votes to win. If however they prevented either of the other two candidates from getting the 270 votes that would be enough to maybe make 2020 a more palatable election with legitimate 3rd party candidates.
Hillary is more than qualified to lead our great nation. Stop listening to the buffoons who have been regurgitating this email junk for 2 years...
I would, but according to isidewith, Hillary is actually the candidate I agree with most.  (Trump is least with just 17%).  I was actually surprised, because I figured Jill Stein might be.  And I'd still consider voting for her if she stood a real shot at winning.  I don't think that anyone I'd actually want to run for President would actually run. 


I do admire those willing to vote 3rd party though.  I have in the past.  I voted for Michael Badnarik, I voted for Bob Barr, and I voted for Gary Jonson.  I don't quite agree with the libertarian party on a lot of things (I'm a major proponent of public education) but  I'd love to see us expand the political system to more political parties.  If only because it's become LEFT vs RIGHT on everything, and you almost never see either side move one way or the other in any meaningful sense.  Instead they run on the same ideas every time, hoping that turnout favors them.  

People are fed up with politics as usual. Those who have no affiliation are perhaps happy Trump upset the apple cart. He certainly has brought attention to the insiders in DC that there is a huge amount of people sick of the D.C. Bull piss.

But I can't imagine republicans happy with this...this is assuming he loses.

The party is on its heels and certainly fragmented. How many sub groups will there be? Tea Party. Trump Cons...well not conservatives,since he isn't, Trump Party, RINOs, etc etc.

Those wanting to wake DC up and stir it up should be somewhat happy with a possible future change up there. A wake up call if you will.

Dems are loving it.

GOP has to be worried.

America loses. Ugly splits like this isn't good. A do nothing congress would turn into a useless entity with the divisiveness Trump has caused.

He could have made a big difference. Too bad he himself piss where he slept.
I'm at the point now where I can understand people want to vote for their party, but to actually defend the actions, character and history of both Clinton and Trump takes the cake for me. There is no defense for these folks. There just isn't.

I wish Liz Warren had run (though I doubt conservatives would consider voting for her over Drumpf even with his wackiness), but alas I don't think she wants to be President.  Would've made a good first female President.  I think she'd have beaten Hillary in the primaries too.  I'm sure Republicans would attack her over Pocahontas Warren, but that'd be a pretty weak attack.  


If the Republicans had put up John Kasich, I might have been able to vote third party.  (The idea of the first female president, and with policies I mostly support, is fairly appealing to me.  Especially with 5 daughters who are looking at this election with eyes watching closely to get an idea of what's possible for them).  But they put up Donald Trump.  I've been against him since long before he declared he was a Republican.  I'm not particularly fond of his policies either.


Should a third party want to get serious about rising up, they need to run for local office, and get elected there before they start thinking seriously about going national.  Sucks that it has to happen that way, but there's no instant fix here.
Quote:I wish Liz Warren had run (though I doubt conservatives would consider voting for her over Drumpf even with his wackiness), but alas I don't think she wants to be President.  Would've made a good first female President.  I think she'd have beaten Hillary in the primaries too.  I'm sure Republicans would attack her over Pocahontas Warren, but that'd be a pretty weak attack.  


If the Republicans had put up John Kasich, I might have been able to vote third party.  (The idea of the first female president, and with policies I mostly support, is fairly appealing to me.  Especially with 5 daughters who are looking at this election with eyes watching closely to get an idea of what's possible for them).  But they put up Donald Trump.  I've been against him since long before he declared he was a Republican.  I'm not particularly fond of his policies either.


Should a third party want to get serious about rising up, they need to run for local office, and get elected there before they start thinking seriously about going national.  Sucks that it has to happen that way, but there's no instant fix here.

Quote:I wish Liz Warren had run (though I doubt conservatives would consider voting for her over Drumpf even with his wackiness), but alas I don't think she wants to be President.  Would've made a good first female President.  I think she'd have beaten Hillary in the primaries too.  I'm sure Republicans would attack her over Pocahontas Warren, but that'd be a pretty weak attack.  


If the Republicans had put up John Kasich, I might have been able to vote third party.  (The idea of the first female president, and with policies I mostly support, is fairly appealing to me.  Especially with 5 daughters who are looking at this election with eyes watching closely to get an idea of what's possible for them).  But they put up Donald Trump.  I've been against him since long before he declared he was a Republican.  I'm not particularly fond of his policies either.


Should a third party want to get serious about rising up, they need to run for local office, and get elected there before they start thinking seriously about going national.  Sucks that it has to happen that way, but there's no instant fix here.

Elizabeth Warren is almost as bad as Hillary as far as I'm concerned.  Her fake Indian heritage aside, she's almost as far out of her mind as Bernie Sanders.
I'd have voted for Kasich, Paul, or Jeb over Hillary.  In fact, I'd have considered about 10 of the GOP's candidates.  Instead, Republicans somehow put America's Putin on the ticket.


I'm voting for Hillary.  Sorry JW and Stroud, YOU made me do it.

Quote:Gary Johnson is not a protest vote, it's the best vote.

Dude is as dumb as a rock.
Quote:Gary Johnson is not a protest vote, it's the best vote.
[Image: 200w.gif#33]
Awwww, someone don't agree with me. [BLEEP]...
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