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dont make up your own mind, just go google what scientists said on the subject and they do the thinking for you

Quote:^^^ Agree


I'd also add that a newly built Republican Party factor in a level of environmentally sound policies (e.g. earth friendly - reduction of fossil fuels, etc.) that will hit home with the millions of millennials out there.


Most of us older Dems are somewhat conservative by nature and agree out party is gone way too far to the Left.


.... also, let me add that I was really ready to vote for someone like Rubio or Kasich this year and/or would have loved to have Romney back in the mix as an option.  Cruz is kind of strange -- not sure what to make of him - still a better option than HRC.
What about social issues? They're really behind the times with those as well. Too much religion placed into their party platforms. Remove all of that and you'd have a good party.
Quote:What about social issues? They're really behind the times with those as well. Too much religion placed into their party platforms. Remove all of that and you'd have a good party.

From your lips...or fingertips I mean! Lol
Quote:From your lips...or fingertips I mean! Lol
They (whoever they is) needs to make some changes to both parties. They could have a very strong 3rd option that didn't have all these 'rules' that they have to follow. 
Quote:They (whoever they is) needs to make some changes to both parties. They could have a very strong 3rd option that didn't have all these 'rules' that they have to follow.

The Happy Medium Party! Banana
Quote:The Happy Medium Party! Banana
Yes! I'd join. Demoplicans
Quote:Yes! I'd join. Demoplicans

Great name! Lol
Quote:What about social issues? They're really behind the times with those as well. Too much religion placed into their party platforms. Remove all of that and you'd have a good party.

I can agree to an extent.  Though it's just my personal feeling I'll say that lack of some type of religion is also a problem.  I don't want to turn this into a (forbidden) religious discussion, but it seems that religion or religious symbols, especially those of the Christian nature are pretty much shunned by the democrat party to the point where they deem them "offensive".  Yet, there is still a vast majority of the public that still follows/practices said religion.


This could be a whole other topic in itself, but the way that some people are about religion on both sides of the aisle should be discussed out in the open.  I don't think that it has any place in the political process, but it does give a good frame of reference in to how perspective candidates would govern/vote.
Quote:I can agree to an extent.  Though it's just my personal feeling I'll say that lack of some type of religion is also a problem.  I don't want to turn this into a (forbidden) religious discussion, but it seems that religion or religious symbols, especially those of the Christian nature are pretty much shunned by the democrat party to the point where they deem them "offensive".  Yet, there is still a vast majority of the public that still follows/practices said religion.


This could be a whole other topic in itself, but the way that some people are about religion on both sides of the aisle should be discussed out in the open.  I don't think that it has any place in the political process, but it does give a good frame of reference in to how perspective candidates would govern/vote.
I shouldn't have brought the R word up. SORRY Mods


But, yes, we can't discuss that here. I have feelings on it, but unfortunately cannot discuss them. 


Donald Trump Quits (Full CNN Interview)
Quote:If the predictions are true that Trump is going to lose and the Republican Party has a civil war for its soul, I think this is not a bad thing, because...


Dang ... you posted this yesterday at 6:05 am and 4 hours later all hell broke loose !!!   Are you an insider ??
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