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Full Version: Why didn't the Jags sign Mack?
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Quote:Ramsey and Amukamara certainly count as legitimate competition for Gratz though, not to mention he's gonna be the one cut when they have to officially reinstate Colvin in a couple of days.
competition for Gratz? Lol
Quote:Because this board called Mack "done", "old", injuried" and "expensive".


Matt Ryan looks very happy to have such an old injuried expensive center...

All of my FA list had us getting Mack, and we should have got him, our running game would be so much better
Perhaps he did not want to come here?

They did it for no other reason than to annoy the bibbers.

Quote:competition for Gratz? Lol

I'm sure he means competition in the rotation at cornerback, which was Gratz was in last season.
Quote:Perhaps he did not want to come here?
No way! Every FA has to come here and if they don't, it's Daves fault you idiot!
Quote:I'm sure he means competition in the rotation at cornerback, which was Gratz was in last season.
Smith wasnt?
He would have been a nice signing. Linder is a stud at G or C so it would have made the line better as a whole. Oh well, can't win them all.

Quote:No way! Every FA has to come here and if they don't, it's Daves fault you idiot!
Well you may have a point, though with that logic they should all come here for $.50 on the dollar. No?
Quote:Smith wasnt?

Not at cornerback. They needed to keep an additional corner because of Colvin's suspension. They weren't going to boot Gratz in favor of Holmes and go light at a position with two rookies, one being undrafted, and another who is considered injury prone.
Quote:No way! Every FA has to come here and if they don't, it's Daves fault you idiot!

To be fair, it sounded like Mack was going to the highest bidder on the open market.
People lost their minds because we didn't sign Olivier Vernon. Now that our 3rd Round pick has 3 sacks and Vernon has one, they need someone else to complain about, so enter Alex Mack.
I was a Mack supporter, but hasn't Linder been a top 3 center or close to it? I'd rather had a good center for the next 10 years than 2 or so years with Mack. For people saying Linder could have stayed at guard, aren't you glad we found out he's a fixture at center as well?
Quote:I was a Mack supporter, but hasn't Linder been a top 3 center or close to it? I'd rather had a good center for the next 10 years than 2 or so years with Mack. For people saying Linder could have stayed at guard, aren't you glad we found out he's a fixture at center as well?

The point is would could have had a good Center in Mack and a great G in Linder, Linder could have been moved to center at any point down the line, our running game has been bad 
We dodged a bullet vernon stinks bad.  1 sack and 11 tackles.  I mean great against run but horrible so far as pass rusher. 

Vernon has been very good so far...he is 6th in the league in pressures, grading positive against the run, and has been playing WAY too much (JPP and he lead all DL in snaps this year). He will wear down big time if he continues playing 94% of the snaps. Jesus that's a lot. 
Very good at what?  One of the highest paid de with 1 sack in four games. 

Quote:Vernon has been very good so far...he is 6th in the league in pressures, grading positive against the run, and has been playing WAY too much (JPP and he lead all DL in snaps this year). He will wear down big time if he continues playing 94% of the snaps. Jesus that's a lot.

Vernon has not been very good thus far. I'm guessing you're just basing that on your PFF stats and that you don't watch every giants game. I do watch every giants game. My best friend that I watch football with every Sunday is a die hard giants fan. He's been okay, but nowhere near very good, or worth the money they are paying him.
Quote:Vernon has not been very good thus far. I'm guessing you're just basing that on your PFF stats and that you don't watch every giants game. I do watch every giants game. My best friend that I watch football with every Sunday is a die hard giants fan. He's been okay, but nowhere near very good, or worth the money they are paying him.
I have watched most of every Giants game too...I have OBJ in almost all of my MFL10s (sigh). Vernon has been as good as Malik has been...both are overpaid because that's what the definition of high level FA is, but both have been very good too.


Quote:I have watched most of every Giants game too...I have OBJ in almost all of my MFL10s (sigh). Vernon has been as good as Malik has been...both are overpaid because that's what the definition of high level FA is, but both have been very good too.

The difference being, Vernon never was a "sack" guy. You paid too much if this guy is going to lead the team in pressures. Malik on the other hand plays a position where you expect pressure over sacks. He may not earn $90 million but so far he's been worth the investment.
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