Jacksonville Jaguars Fan Forums

Full Version: My absentee ballot has arrived
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Well, I see JDub's newest game is to try and ruin this forum too. Pretty soon every thread here will be how Real Jaguars Fans don't believe or vote X.
Quote:Well, I see JDub's newest game is to try and ruin this forum too. Pretty soon every thread here will be how Real Jaguars Fans don't believe or vote X.

QFT.. Spreads like a virus..
Quote:Well, I see JDub's newest game is to try and ruin this forum too. Pretty soon every thread here will be how Real Jaguars Fans don't believe or vote X.

Playing politics in the political forum?
Quote:Absentee ballots are counted the same as regular ballots.


Dead people and zombies can't vote absentee.
Hurricane Matthews latest track has it heading right for the MB. Perhaps an evacuation is in order.

Can someone please post the radar image of it heading towards the MB so more people can be made aware? Thanks in advance.
Quote:Wikileaks needs to go ahead and drop their bombshell now that ballots are going out.

Figured it out yet? WikiLeaks doesn't have any bombshell on Clinton. He's already moved on to his next target the evil Google.
Quote:What is your point?
Quote:QFT.. Spreads like a virus..

A name going on my ignore list as soon as I'm on my laptop. The Kindle is a bit restrictive with what I can do on here.
Quote:A name going on my ignore list as soon as I'm on my laptop. The Kindle is a bit restrictive with what I can do on here.

You mean, you don't feel like reading garbage?
As "they" say...


Vote early and often.

Quote:You mean, you don't feel like reading garbage?
My patience has reached it's limit.
Quote:My patience has reached it's limit.

Only the pure insane can handle her drivel and laugh it off.. So I can't blame ya a bit..
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