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AFC South takes a dump. 


Vikings over Texans

Bears over Colts

Dolphins over Titans


Jags sit on the couch and gain a half game against the Division.


Last week 0/0

Season 0/0

11-3 Overall



Vikings - The Texans just don't look good right now, and their record does not represent what kind of team they actually are. They're 3-1 after playing against struggling weak teams, and got smashed against a real top tier team. The Vikings are a top tier team as well, so this will be a huge test for the Texans. Can they compete and go toe to toe with the best teams in the NFL? I just don't see it, especially after losing JJ Watt.


Bears - After losing to the Jags in London last week, the Colts will have to quickly look ahead and prepare for the Bears... With no bye week. I don't see this ending well for the Colts, I think they lose another close game.


Dolphins - Mularkey is a bad football coach, and his offensive scheme does not work in 2016. I haven't looked at the Dolphins defensive stats, but I'm confident they'll defend the run with ease. Something just tells me that you can't run well against any line that has Suh. Pair that up with a struggling Mariota, and you have yourself an ugly game. If the Titans are to win, their defense will need to create a lot of turnovers and Mariota has to play better than he has all year. 

1-1 last week

7-7 overall

Vikings over Texans

Colts over Bears

Titans over Dolphins
Jacksonville on a Bye

No blotter activity, no freak accidents, and let's all survive the storm. The Defense is starting to come around now but there are some "moving parts" that need to be integrated in terms of Colvin, the Jack and Skuta Show, getting Odrick back up to speed, etc. I normally don't like early bye weeks but you take advantage where you can.

Houston @ Minnesota

Brock going up against that Defense?! That Scary Clown Kisser Thunderkyss is probably wearing his brown trousers in anticipation of this one. Houston has only given up seven sacks on the season, but I think that number goes up this week. They have a small advantage in that they get Minnesota coming off of a short week, but I don't think it matters. The Purple Mike Zimmers for the win.

Chicago @ Indianapolis

For the life of me I don't know why Indianapolis didn't take a bye week after their London game. They were already pretty banged up and this ain't helping none. They just dumped dead weight in the form of Cromartie and Moore as well. Haven't paid much attention to Chicago, but I think highly of Fox as a coach. I think he pencil whips Pagano in this one. Da Bears walk away victorious.

Tennessee @ Miami
I can't imagine how much money ColtsWarriors would have to pay me to watch this game. I've seen Miami play a few times this year and they look bad. That being said, The Big Bags of Mularkey ain't looking all that great either. Is Mariota broken? Was that just a blip?Miami is getting three and a half at home on this one so who knows. Maybe Miami takes this one.



Last week: 2 - 0

Overall: 10 - 4 Good buddy! (71.4%)

8-2 overall.








Im going Vikings and Phins, which I feel like should be easy W's but I have that bad feeling. but then have the colts beating the bears.


Currently 8-6(crazy if I didnt pick the Jags every week id be much better off....)




0-2 last week. 7-7 overall.

Vikings over Texans

Fins over Tacks

Colts over Chicago
1-1 last week 9-4 overall. I like the bears, vikings, and phins, oh my.
Last week 2-0


Overall 6-8



Colts over Bears


Vikings over Texans


Dolphins over Titans

Week # 4 Results: 2-0

Overall Results: 11-3



Week # 5 Selections:




Last week: 1-1

Overall: 9-5


Vikings over Texans

Bears over Colts

Dolphins over Titans

Quote:8-2 overall.









2-1 this week. now  10-3 overall.
1-2 this week. 10-6 overall.
Quote:I'm changing the language of the title of this thread because a certain poster keeps posting in the weekly pick'em thread without making any picks. If I see them attempting their thread jacking without making any picks they will be reported. Now without any further ado....

Jags vs. Bye

We win against the bye as long as no one ends up on a police blotter or gets injured in practice. Fingers crossed....

Texans @ Vikings

Texans go on the road and face maybe the 2nd best defense in the league behind the Broncos. I'm not very confident that Oz will be able to pull off the win in a tough environment so I'm taking the Vikings.

Bears @ Colts

Fun fact: every team that the Jags have played this season has lost their game the following week. Packers lost to the Vikings, the Chargers lost to the Colts and the Ravens lost to the Raiders. Call me crazy but I think that trend continues with the Colts coming back from England without a bye week to rest, so give me the Bears.

Titans @ Dolphins

Stinker of a game here as far as the teams playing and having to pick who sucks the least. I guess I'll hold my nose and pick the Dolphins who have home field advantage and better defense.

1-2 on the week

9-8 on the season
Quote:Vikings colts titans. Last week 1-1 overall 1-1

3-0 this week 4-1 on the year
2-1 this week.


8-9 overall.

2-1 this week for me, too. I haven't been keeping track of my overall score. I was surprised at how the dolphins defense played. They held up the seahawks earlier in the season pretty well.


Of course the more tennessee wins in the short term the better. Want them to hold onto Mularky.

Finally had a good week...3-0.

10-7 overall.
Posted mine in the games thread because I was/am drunk.

9-7 on the season now
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