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Full Version: Praying for NF7 and his family...
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So sad!

I can't even process how tough it must be.
I just can’t even imagine their pain. Sending the best thoughts and sympathy possible I can Sad
(05-29-2019, 10:24 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]Her IG post for anybody who's curious..

[Image: D7xoTABWsAAijYr.jpg]

Any type of a loss of life is devastating to say the least. As I've already stated, my Condolences to the Foles family.

God bless Nick and his family at this trying time. You have my prayers for your wife's fast recovery and I am sure the rest of the Jaguar family is praying for your wife and family.
my prayers are with foles,and his family as well. here is a link to nfl story about it.

Tori is a dang champ. My wife and I have been down that road ourselves, but I'd never be able to put into words how you attempt to cope and process the way she did. To bring a private matter public so soon after the event takes a lot of fortitude.
(05-30-2019, 09:18 AM)Mikey Wrote: [ -> ]Tori is a dang champ. My wife and I have been down that road ourselves, but I'd never be able to put into words how you attempt to cope and process the way she did. To bring a private matter public so soon after the event takes a lot of fortitude.

I Concur. Nick also showed up to practice today. It's evident that both of them have made the choice to rapidly move on. I'm not sure that I could do this that quickly. I tip my hat to both.

NF7 did show up to The Better Man Conference to which he was an Better Man. He spoke of the loss of their son of which Tori encouraged. He stated that he and Tori "talked about it until they cried about it". You could literally see the pain that he was enduring simply talking of it. He spoke of the overwhelming Family and Social Media support. He spoke in depth of Tori's condition and he spoke of his love for his football family and the community. Under the circumstances, he spoke well.

Tori is a warrior and NF7 again, was A Better Man.

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