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Full Version: Are we jumping the gun on Fowler and Ngakoue?
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Quote:Four weeks, not four hours.

How's long does a football game last? Go away JW. Like seriously
Double post

4 hours was purposely used too, by the way, woman!

To show just have little we have ACTUALLY seen of em. Avert thee mon amie
Or I can trim it down to about 2.25 hours after subtracting Jags O's time on the field since opening day.
Quote:My opinion.. (we know about those things) the coaches need to build on success and not be stubborn to a fault.  The coaches have to eliminate the planning mistakes and learn how to play call for these guys.  I don't want to see more bang our heads into the wall behavior.  Honestly if they learn from the player execution errors and structure play calling to cut down on plays that the players struggle with?  Yeah that.

In other words, figure out what the players do well and adjust accordingly...like realising it's a waste to run Gerhart wide and toss those runs out of the playbòk.
Quote:So historic, so contextual. Bullseye is Mayor of Jungle.

In sports, jumping the gun is second nature these days. Recency bias is the most prevalent phenomenon in pro sports, which is why I enjoyed the well composed historic infusion in the OP. In short, yes, we are jumping the gun, of course we are, it's been only 4 hours of ball to go by. But, we won't be sued, fined, or convicted for jumping the gun. Sports jail understands it's no longer a crime.

I got a chuckle outta the mayor line. I suspect many would circulate recall petitions upon hearing that! But I'm glad you liked the post. I too am lingering in the recency bias, as you eloquently stated. I like watching our DEs wreak havoc just like anybody here. Just don't wanna lose perspective.
Prime recency bias example...


Peyton Manning is the greatest of all time at the QB position.  Nevermind that he has lost the most in the post season.  Having 2 superbowl rings helps but I don't consider him above Joe Montanna.  Brady's shine is tarnished by ridiculous and petty cheating scandals.


Honestly..  I'd love to be wrong on coaching and have it be a 4 year bias distracting me but the eyeballs have seen alot.

Quote:In other words, figure out what the players do well and adjust accordingly...like realising it's a waste to run Gerhart wide and toss those runs out of the playbòk.

Gerhart was a four-year vet. We are talking about rookies and a second-year player who missed his entire rookie season. Don't compare apples and oranges.
Quote:Gerhart was a four-year vet. We are talking about rookies and a second-year player who missed his entire rookie season. Don't compare apples and oranges.

No that point is a direct response to what I said about coaching issues.  Do you read the responses?
Quote:No that point is a direct response to what I said about coaching issues.  Do you read the responses?

I know it is about coaching. I also know coaches have to look at the big picture and consider a player's experience.
Quote:I know it is about coaching. I also know coaches have to look at the big picture and consider a player's experience.

Bingo!  That is what we are talking about.  The coaching staff hasn't looked big picture and kept running Toby in running plays that didn't fit his style.  I was saying that they (the coaches) need to learn and stop putting players in failing plays.


So are you suggesting that we aren't looking big picture?
Quote:Bingo!  That is what we are talking about.  The coaching staff hasn't looked big picture and kept running Toby in running plays that didn't fit his style.  I was saying that they (the coaches) need to learn and stop putting players in failing plays.


So are you suggesting that we aren't looking big picture?

You still don't get it. I said the "big picture" includes considering how much experience players have. That obviously is a reference to youth on defense, not free agents on offense.

Quote:Fowler and Ngakoue are greatly helped by an interior line that includes Marks an Jackson. Hopefully Day will continue to shine as well.

Your point is valid, but Von Miller had Jackson's help too. 


This sort of production from rookies is pretty good no matter who is playing next to you. Hopefully it continues. 
Quote:Your point is valid, but Von Miller had Jackson's help too. 


This sort of production from rookies is pretty good no matter who is playing next to you. Hopefully it continues. 

It went both ways in Denver Malik Jackson had Von Miller's help.


All signs point up for our young guys.

I do so love when a meme has multiple, relevant applications.


I mean, yeah of course any question is jumping the gun after 4 career games...but it's obviously extremely promising.


Yannick looks like he could be a double digit sack guy sooner than anyone thought, and they are using Fowler exactly like they should. He is being schemed into great situations to rush free and he is making it happen when they do that, and he is being the high motor garbage guy cleaning up when a play breaks down. Add to that Malik Jackson leading all interior pass rushers in PFFs pass rush productivity stat and things are looking up for sure. 

I think we know what we've got in these two.


Yannick is a natural pass rusher.


Fowler is still really raw but lots of upside.


It certainly is going to be fun watching these two develop beside a strong middle.

Definitely been a big bright spot to this season.  Also our Corners have been great and Colvin is coming back to add more depth.  On defense the linebackers are the position that might need an upgrade as well as SS. 

Glad we didn't pay all that money for Vernon now

Did I read that correctly? Did you say bracken had 7 sacks, 5ff, 3fr, and an int in one game vs seattle?
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