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Quote:Is he running for President?

No, he's not, but Hillary is, and your pantsuited Princess did the same exact thing just last year. 


However, I'm sure Zuckerberg is an icon in your world considering how much of a proggie he is, so it's absolutely valid to use him as an example of another rich (but politically correct, therefore palatable in your eyes) billionaire using legal deductions in the tax code. 


BTW, the same New York Times that broke the law in releasing this tax information lauded Trump as the "Comeback King" in a 1995 article because of the losses he had taken over the prior several years, and how he had turned things around.  Funny how the narrative changes when an "unbiased" media outlet has their head so far up Clinton's rear end that they can tell you what every meal tastes like shortly after finishes chewing. 

Quote:you already said something like this. not getting enough attention?

You could just admit he's not what you thought he was?
Quote:Which are a few of the many reasons I don't like her, either. Your point? Maybe there's a thread or two about her shortcomings I missed.


The real question here is does anyone really believe Donald Trump is going to do anything to remove a tax benefit on a scale only available to people like him? Being clever enough to milk a rigged system, thus garnering decades of benefits from poor business decisions, is not admirable.
Why should he remove a tax benefit that ultimately pumps more money back into the economy?  It's not about being clever or working in a rigged system.  As others have already pointed out previously, this system is "rigged" for everyone in the same manner.  These aren't secret deductions.  I don't have a problem with anyone looking for every possible tax break to keep more of the money they earned.  I pay someone to do that for me, and it has benefited me greatly over the years.  I'm no millionaire, but that doesn't mean I can't utilize every benefit and deduction available to me to allow me to keep as much of my money as possible. 
Quote:You could just admit he's not what you thought he was?

what did i think he was?
Quote:Business Guru loses a billion.

If you've gotten to the point where you're a billionaire, you're going to lose fortunes in order to make new ones.  Whether he's worth $3 or $10 billion, 20+ years ago, the market tanked and he was a billion in the hole.  He managed to recover from that and rebuild.  I'd be far more willing to look at his story as an example than to rely on the inspirational story of the wife of the man from Hope who took a public service career and parlayed that into hundreds of millions of dollars in wealth using political graft, corruption, and influence peddling to build her wealth.  The only thing she's a guru of is marrying well.



before we freak out, keep in mind...




"Still, that analysis confirms that, after all federal taxes are factored in, the U.S. tax system as a whole is progressive. The top 0.1% of families pay the equivalent of 39.2% and the bottom 20% have negative tax rates (that is, they get more money back from the government in the form of refundable tax credits than they pay in taxes)."


[Image: FT_15.03.23_taxesInd.png]
Quote:Why should he remove a tax benefit that ultimately pumps more money back into the economy?  It's not about being clever or working in a rigged system.  As others have already pointed out previously, this system is "rigged" for everyone in the same manner.  These aren't secret deductions.  I don't have a problem with anyone looking for every possible tax break to keep more of the money they earned.  I pay someone to do that for me, and it has benefited me greatly over the years.  I'm no millionaire, but that doesn't mean I can't utilize every benefit and deduction available to me to allow me to keep as much of my money as possible. 

Why does Trump not paying Tax pump more money back into the economy? I know you will have been brainwashed by this line of thinking, but it's not the case.


Paying taxes will put money back into the economy as it helps enable infrastructure spending projects. Trump not paying taxes doesn't benefit anyone but Trump, he will just hoard the wealth. His businesses will undertake projects if they make sense from a Net Present Value perspective, nothing to do with his individual tax rate.


A non millionaire voting to give multi millionaires tax breaks, could you please explain the line of thinking? Or have you just been brainwashed?
Quote:Why does Trump not paying Tax pump more money back into the economy? I know you will have been brainwashed by this line of thinking, but it's not the case.


Paying taxes will put money back into the economy as it helps enable infrastructure spending projects. Trump not paying taxes doesn't benefit anyone but Trump, he will just hoard the wealth. His businesses will undertake projects if they make sense from a Net Present Value perspective, nothing to do with his individual tax rate.


A non millionaire voting to give multi millionaires tax breaks, could you please explain the line of thinking? Or have you just been brainwashed?

he has paid taxes... because they can pull a few years here and there where he had huge losses does not account for an entire lifetime of wealth and spending.


the amount of resistance being shown from the usual suspects who run this country, main stream news, ect. is every reason to believe he isn't some corporate shill like MOST politicians (HILLARY PROVEN TO BE ONE)

Why are you sticking up for a guy who boasts of being a multi billionaire potentially not paying income taxes while you probably have been paying tax?

Do you like to vote to punch yourself in the face?

You may like to soak up blaming Mexicans and Muslims for why you aren't living the American dream instead of blaming yourself for voting to punch yourself in the face previously but I mean really, surely you want him to pay his tax?
Everyones in a tizzy about Trump losing almost a billion.


Who the hell lost 6 billion $ when she was Sec of State?

Quote:Why are you sticking up for a guy who boasts of being a multi billionaire potentially not paying income taxes while you probably have been paying tax?

Do you like to vote to punch yourself in the face?

You may like to soak up blaming Mexicans and Muslims for why you aren't living the American dream instead of blaming yourself for voting to punch yourself in the face previously but I mean really, surely you want him to pay his tax?

Voting to punch myself in the face? You have no idea who Hillary Clinton is, do you?


You also have no idea who Trump is either.  So much of the establishment Right has torn this guy to shreds since this election started, it makes him look good. The kinds of politicians that have been the puppets for corporate lobbyists are AGAINST Trump... I keep hearing "he's just going to help his friends..." What friends?  Wall Street doesn't like this guy! The same people who own main stream news are the Wall St big wigs, and THEY HATE TRUMP. They're pro-Hillary because she will continue to push their agenda.


I dont know what Mexicans and Muslims have to do with this discussion. I know you desperately need to race bait, but please just stop.


Illegal immigrants are a problem, but did they cause the trade agreements that shut down plant after plant in Detroit and other major cities, killing jobs, growing China and other countries?  No, that could be attributed to political policy implemented by the likes of the Clinton and Bush families. Two sides of the same coin.

You want to know why we have a crumbling infrastructure? You wanna know why our vets don't get the type of support and benefits they deserve?

Its because the wealthy and corporations have removed themselves from paying their fair share into the country that provides them all the opportunities to be successful. The NOL 20 year carryforward is just one of many ways they have removed themselves from the activity of contributing to the nation. As they pay less and less, the burden falls on us workers.
And then Trump complains that the airports are 3rd world compared to the Arab states. You couldn't make it up.


But hey lets vote to punch ourselves in the face.

Quote:And then Trump complains that the airports are 3rd world compared to the Arab states. You couldn't make it up.

But hey lets vote to punch ourselves in the face.

Bingo. Its the classic gop scam. Underfund something so it works terribly, or no longer works at all--- and then say, "See!! Government doesn't work at all, lets privatize it!"
Quote:Which are a few of the many reasons I don't like her, either. Your point? Maybe there's a thread or two about her shortcomings I missed.


The real question here is does anyone really believe Donald Trump is going to do anything to remove a tax benefit on a scale only available to people like him? Being clever enough to milk a rigged system, thus garnering decades of benefits from poor business decisions, is not admirable.

Knowing that IF he wins, he may be back to business in four years. Plus the fact his current businesses. Think he will reform something that benefits him? That would make him less smart.

Now, as per usual, Trump is sueing again. New York Times now.
Quote:Why does Trump not paying Tax pump more money back into the economy? I know you will have been brainwashed by this line of thinking, but it's not the case.


Paying taxes will put money back into the economy as it helps enable infrastructure spending projects. Trump not paying taxes doesn't benefit anyone but Trump, he will just hoard the wealth. His businesses will undertake projects if they make sense from a Net Present Value perspective, nothing to do with his individual tax rate.


A non millionaire voting to give multi millionaires tax breaks, could you please explain the line of thinking? Or have you just been brainwashed?

you're the one who has been brainwashed.  Economic growth is more directly correlated to private sector investment and more inversely correlated to public works projects.  Why?  Because private sector entities are infinitely more efficient and managing capital and producing tangible results.  Case and point, we had a nearly trillion dollar stimulus package in the first term of this president.  The roads never got built, but the money was spent. 


Income Taxes tx INCOME.  When a private business person RISKS CAPITAL for an investment and has a NEGATIVE RETURN there is nothing to tax.  that's not a LOOPHOLE, that's not a RIGGED SYSTEM, that's COMMON SENSE. 


Incidentally, one of the problems facing the real estate market of the early 90's was the tax reform in the mid 80's.  PASSIVE INVESTORS were no longer allowed to accelerate depreciation as fast as the real estate developers.  As such the passive investors started PULLING THEIR MONEY.  This precipitated a minni crash. 


Detroit was once an industrial capital of the world.  60 years of liberal policies driving headlong after an egalitarian fairytale through more taxes and regulations and you have companies moving their industry overseas where capital is more welcome and a nearly 50% unemployment rate. 
Quote:You want to know why we have a crumbling infrastructure? You wanna know why our vets don't get the type of support and benefits they deserve?

Its because the wealthy and corporations have removed themselves from paying their fair share into the country that provides them all the opportunities to be successful. The NOL 20 year carryforward is just one of many ways they have removed themselves from the activity of contributing to the nation. As they pay less and less, the burden falls on us workers.

​This is just so sad its a shame.  The Federal government, over the term of this presidency, has borrowed nearly 10 trillion dollars.  10 trillion.  Sit here look me in my face and tell me that you see 10 trillion dollars worth of improvement.  Public sector unions get their money.  Special interests and big banks get their money.  Solyndra got their money.  Where were the Shovel ready jobs, where is the utopia? 


As a share of GDP we now spend more than CANADA through the various levels of government.  Raising taxes and forcing industry overseas is the answer?  How'd that work out for the working people of Detroit and Flynt?  Just saying...


Feelgoodism doesn't run a country. 
Quote:Knowing that IF he wins, he may be back to business in four years. Plus the fact his current businesses. Think he will reform something that benefits him? That would make him less smart.

Now, as per usual, Trump is sueing again. New York Times now.

Exactly.  Also, trump is 70 years old.  His time is up pretty soon.  And it's clear, no matter what you think of him, that he's ride or die for his kids.  Do you guys honestly believe he's gonna increase the taxes on his own blood? 


On top of that...  Have we already forgotten that trump's tax policy is actually cutting the taxes on the rich!!!  He's actually proposing more tax cuts for the wealthy.  I mean, jeez you guys...  This is just to obvious.
Quote:Why are you sticking up for a guy who boasts of being a multi billionaire potentially not paying income taxes while you probably have been paying tax?

Do you like to vote to punch yourself in the face?

You may like to soak up blaming Mexicans and Muslims for why you aren't living the American dream instead of blaming yourself for voting to punch yourself in the face previously but I mean really, surely you want him to pay his tax?

Perhaps you don't know the difference between income tax and capital gains tax.
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