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Full Version: YES! The Debates are rigged! SO WHAT!
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Quote:Looks like someone missed their nap time. Grow up.

Weak. Just go ahead and delete your account.
Quote:Weak. Just go ahead and delete your account.
Yeah, I'm sure your candidate knows a little something about deleting.
Quote:Yeah, I'm sure your candidate knows a little something about deleting.

My candidate is watching and waiting for 2020.
Quote:I am not the dope smoking fool, who can't answer simple questions about foreign policy, with my tongue hanging out.

Lol, which question was that again?
Quote:My candidate is watching and waiting for 2020.
I must admit I don't frankly care who you support or am willing to do research, but on first instinct I'd say you're a Cruz supporter.
So can any trumpette explain what he meant when he was saying his kid was good with computers like Isis? Is Trump's son in Isis? Is he going to get a chance to lead Cyber security? I guess we should expect a bit of nepotism with Trump.
"The debates are rigged."   That's ridiculous.   All Lester Holt did was throw out a question and give the candidates 2 minutes to talk.  They could basically say anything they wanted.   The fact was, Trump was so unprepared for that debate, he didn't know how to take a question, give a brief answer,  and then PIVOT into his favorite talking points.  


Cyber Security:  "Cyber Security from a woman who says she used a private email server because she didn't know any better!"  << Like that.


Or the question about judgment:  Take the question of judgment and make it all about the judgment of a Secretary of State who allows her husband to solicit donations and take speaking fees from people with business at the State Department.   How's that for judgment?   << Like that. 


He had every chance to talk about anything he wanted to talk about, but he allowed her to bait him into spending his time defending himself.  


The debate wasn't rigged.   He got a beat down mainly because of a complete lack of preparation. 


And what does it say about a person's judgment who doesn't prepare for the biggest moment of their life?   << see how I did that?  

Quote:He was not in FULL DONKEY mode.

Right...  Full jack wagon mode.  Better?


The guy sucked.  He was un-prepared.  He lied multiple times.  And he clearly has no idea what he's doing.


But yeah, it's rigged.


Sore loser.  
Quote:Lol, which question was that again?

Hmmm..  Just off the top of my head...Did you hear his answer about a first strike nuclear option????


He said he was against first strike but that we need to keep all options on the table.  Hey dummy!  First strike is one of the options that would be on the table!!  
Quote:Lol, which question was that again?



Did you hear about his plans with Japan?  You know Japan right?  That one country that we have military bases...  You know?  That country that's really close to China and North Korea?  That Japan?


He said...  And I'm not even joking...  He said Japan needs to pay us for our protection!!!  LOL!


He said that.


He wants one of our really strong allies, that also has a very significant role geo-politically just based on thier proximity to China and North Korea, to pay us for our protection.  Because we get no gain from ensuring peace in that region.  We should look at the world like 1 giant shakedown.  We'll give security to a region only if the price is right.  That's a real good idea donnie.  That's real good.  


Clearly donnie has spent too much time working with the mafia, he's now wanting to employ that type of strategy to US foreign policy. 


He literally has no idea what he's doing or saying.
Quote:"The debates are rigged."   That's ridiculous.   All Lester Holt did was throw out a question and give the candidates 2 minutes to talk.  They could basically say anything they wanted.   The fact was, Trump was so unprepared for that debate, he didn't know how to take a question, give a brief answer,  and then PIVOT into his favorite talking points.  


Cyber Security:  "Cyber Security from a woman who says she used a private email server because she didn't know any better!"  << Like that.


Or the question about judgment:  Take the question of judgment and make it all about the judgment of a Secretary of State who allows her husband to solicit donations and take speaking fees from people with business at the State Department.   How's that for judgment?   << Like that. 


He had every chance to talk about anything he wanted to talk about, but he allowed her to bait him into spending his time defending himself.  


The debate wasn't rigged.   He got a beat down mainly because of a complete lack of preparation. 


And what does it say about a person's judgment who doesn't prepare for the biggest moment of their life?   << see how I did that?  

Actually I disagree with the COMPLETE LACK OF PREPARATION.  This is the first time that he has had to debate a Democrat.  In all the other debates When the moderator was hostile they were generally hostile to all the GOP candidates. 


When the biggest criticism of the candidate is that he spent too much time answering the questions he was asked then I don't look at that as a lack of preparation, I look at that as a general lack of experience. 


Not to mention the fact that this is the first time that anyone has debated a female candidate for president one on one.  Trump's opening line he literally asked Secretary Clinton how she would like to be addressed. 


I This that Trump was actually prepared to answer the questions asked of him, he wasn't prepared to essentially be the moderator.  Not to mention, this was the first time I had seen this particular debate format. 


Did you hear about his plans with Japan?  You know Japan right?  That one country that we have military bases...  You know?  That country that's really close to China and North Korea?  That Japan?


He said...  And I'm not even joking...  He said Japan needs to pay us for our protection!!!  LOL!


He said that.


He wants one of our really strong allies, that also has a very significant role geo-politically just based on thier proximity to China and North Korea, to pay us for our protection.  Because we get no gain from ensuring peace in that region.  We should look at the world like 1 giant shakedown.  We'll give security to a region only if the price is right.  That's a real good idea donnie.  That's real good.  


Clearly donnie has spent too much time working with the mafia, he's now wanting to employ that type of strategy to US foreign policy. 


He literally has no idea what he's doing or saying.

It's kind of hard to project strength from Bankruptcy court!  this is actually one of the ideas that gained him a lot of support and something that I agree with.  The western world as a whole benefits from the shield of protection that America provides.  That being said, every nation should honor their commitment to share the burden.  Japan is the third largest economy in the history of the world, the idea that asking for a better contribution to the common defense is somehow an undo burden is asinine.  Not to mention the fact, that you and your ilk have no problem accosting the American people for more of their own money for the same ends.  Unbelievable. 
How would you bring jobs back to America?

Well first I wouldn't let them go...

um.. how the [BLEEP] is that an acceptable answer? He's gonna drone on and on about China and Mexico taking our jobs (surely none of HIS companies do that) and say his lure to bring jobs back is to not let them go.

You spill an entire pot of pasta sauce on the kitchen floor. How do you clean it up?

Well, I don't spill it.

Are you sure that is your answer? Not a mop? Not a pack of hungry puppies? You build a [BLEEP] time machine and prevent something that happened from happening?

Yes. Only I can fix it. Believe me.
Donald there is this thing called Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan. Might want to familiarize yourself.
Quote:It's kind of hard to project strength from Bankruptcy court! this is actually one of the ideas that gained him a lot of support and something that I agree with. The western world as a whole benefits from the shield of protection that America provides. That being said, every nation should honor their commitment to share the burden. Japan is the third largest economy in the history of the world, the idea that asking for a better contribution to the common defense is somehow an undo burden is asinine. Not to mention the fact, that you and your ilk have no problem accosting the American people for more of their own money for the same ends. Unbelievable.

If you don't think that U.S. corporations benefit from the security provided by our military influence you are being naive. The fact that these billion dollar multinational corporations are now skirting even paying their fair share of taxes is beyond disgusting. Even letting that go, it's just an ignorant idea that we're providing peace and security within a region and are not benefiting. Think about it.

Second, welcome to the new world. If you think we should stop our current foreign policy of protecting our allies, turn in your cable modem and wireless router.

International trade and global interconnectivity is not going anywhere. The idea that we should isolate ourselves from the world is a bad idea.

You may think it's a good idea. But yourI the vast minority.

Finally, you don't shake down your allies. The fact that trump doesn't understand that proves how unfit he is to be president.

Also if you're worried about U.S. bankruptcy, I'm sure you're not voting for trump, since his tax policy would drastically increase our debt.
Quote:Donald there is this thing called Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan. Might want to familiarize yourself.

He won't. He's clearly more dimwitted than Rick Perry. And that's saying something!

But seriously, the fact that Hillary had to be the adult in the room during the debate and assure our allies that we would not be backing out of our treaties and agreed upon alliances just solidified the difference in temperament and preparation between these two candidates.
Quote:Right...  Full jack wagon mode.  Better?


The guy sucked.  He was un-prepared.  He lied multiple times.  And he clearly has no idea what he's doing.


But yeah, it's rigged.


Sore loser.  
Your dreamboat princess in a pantsuit didn't lie during the debate, snowflake?


Good thing she was prepared.
Quote:Your dreamboat princess in a pantsuit didn't lie during the debate, snowflake?


Good thing she was prepared.



Back on topic:   The fact that Hillary had to be the adult in the room during the debate and assure our allies that we would not be backing out of our treaties and agreed upon alliances just solidified the difference in temperament and preparation between these two candidates. 


Back on topic: The fact that Hillary had to be the adult in the room during the debate and assure our allies that we would not be backing out of our treaties and agreed upon alliances just solidified the difference in temperament and preparation between these two candidates.
Lol. Full Trump mode. Three insults/name calling in one short sentence.

Can't answer? Divert. Pass the buck.

Next up. All newspapers are rigged. Five, considered very conservative ( Texas 3, Arizona...strong red states)who have for decades endorsed Republican , conservative candidates have refused to endorse Trump. Maybe they see the true Liberal running on the GOP ticket.
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