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Full Version: Peaceful BLM protest trolled by overt racist
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Quote:Kudos to the people there that didn't beat this guy up.  He was asking for it.  It's just that his whole getup is so ridiculous that it seems like a stunt.
Someone in the article said if he had come at them with violence there would have been a different outcome and they'd all be in trouble. I'm glad they saw him for the idiot he is and just let it go and let authorities handle it. 
Quote:Well it's a big movement
Sometimes it is. Speaking of......
Quote:But these BLM protesters didn't loot, riot, or murder... So... Maybe you are painting with too broad a brush? Perhaps the fools that loot and riot are not really BLM protesters, just opportunistic jerks?

Just maybe?
You'll have to ask other members on here about that kind of thing. They seem to think just because some low life jerks claim to be part of a group, they speak for the whole group.
Quote:But these BLM protesters didn't loot, riot, or murder... So... Maybe you are painting with too broad a brush? Perhaps the fools that loot and riot are not really BLM protesters, just opportunistic jerks?

Just maybe?

Nope. BM is nothing more than a domesticated terrorist cell. I think they provided the brush to be painted with that label.
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