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Full Version: Judge them by their words
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(11-02-2019, 09:41 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-02-2019, 09:30 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]Investigation...  impeachment hearing....  see how the terms are different?

The hearings they're having are just a specific type of investigation.

We have a person fired from the WH for leaking false information, inappropriately coordinating with partisans in Congress, filing a factually incorrect report under a whistleblower statute he doesn't qualify for alleging a properly predicated investigation is ALARMING when he would be at minimum a fact witness and likely a target.  You're okay with that being the predicate for the most partisan one sided impeachment process in the history of the country and allow the majority to try and hide the above fact pattern while they smear the president with fake leaks.

  This is the path to tyranny.  Rules dont matter, precedent doesn't matter, historical context doesn't matter, all that matters is #ORANGEMANBAD.  

You mention some of the Benghazi hearings.  That's laughable.  A.) You were dealing with potentially classified security Intel.  B.) We still dont know who changed the talking points for Susan rice and created the protest cover story.  Why dont we know?  Because the target of the investigation illegally kept a private server and bleachbit the evidence.  If Trump had electronically deleted the transcript of his phone call pence would have been sworn in by now!!!
(11-03-2019, 03:11 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-02-2019, 09:41 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The hearings they're having are just a specific type of investigation.

We have a person fired from the WH for leaking false information, inappropriately coordinating with partisans in Congress, filing a factually incorrect report under a whistleblower statute he doesn't qualify for alleging a properly predicated investigation is ALARMING when he would be at minimum a fact witness and likely a target.  You're okay with that being the predicate for the most partisan one sided impeachment process in the history of the country and allow the majority to try and hide the above fact pattern while they smear the president with fake leaks.

  This is the path to tyranny.  Rules dont matter, precedent doesn't matter, historical context doesn't matter, all that matters is #ORANGEMANBAD.  

You mention some of the Benghazi hearings.  That's laughable.  A.) You were dealing with potentially classified security Intel.  B.) We still dont know who changed the talking points ffg or Susan rice and created the protest cover story.  Why dont we know?  Because the target of the investigation illegally kept a private server and bleachbit the evidence.  If Trump had electronically deleted the transcript of his phone call pence would have been sworn in by now!!!

+1, would read again.

Don't forget Fast And Furious, where Obama refused to turn over evidence and Holder was held in Contempt  of Congress.  Hillary was in on that, too, as she was the first one to deliver the talking point that "90% of the guns we recover from the Mexican drug cartels come from American gun shops".  Unlike Trump's Ukraine call, this was not a request for help from an ally.  These illegal operations led directly to American deaths.  But no one was ever held responsible for these murders.
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