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They did so because they're so concerned about the poor.


Said no one ever.

Quote:Follow the money. It's as simple as that. If Hillary wins the US is completely for sale like it has been during the Obama regime. Wikileaks hinted at this and I can only assume more information will be made available on paid for play politics the dems have now become and fully embraced.

Nailed it.
Quote:His tax returns once released will show he is not worth nearly as much as he claims he is. He places an inflated value on the "Trump" brand name. We'll see soon enough how far off the actual math is from what his mouth claims.
It's funny how you proggies are obsessed with Trump's tax returns, but you don't care about:
  • Benghazi
  • Email Scandal
  • Clinton Foundation Corruption and Pay for Play
  • Being a sexual predator's enabler
  • Laureate International University "University Problem" (the hypocrisy in this one is off the charts)
The list goes on and on.




Of course, you're not asking about Hillary's tax returns, or the fact that her family slush fund had to go back and file amended tax returns for 6 years for "errors" in how they reported foreign donations. 


You're not questioning how someone who was "dead broke" when they left the White House (stealing furniture and other historical items in the process) managed to parlay their position into a net worth that's around a quarter billion dollars.  That income was derived from giving speeches, and running a not-for-profit foundation. 


You're not questioning why Hillary won't release the transcripts of the speeches she gave for hundreds of thousands of dollars to Wall Street banks that she pretends to paint as villains since that's what Bernie was doing.




[Image: 7c9753534661b5149395e517a444edcc.gif]


Billionaires are buying, er, supporting Clinton because she's pliable, and willing to offer favor in return for an investment.  They know that all the talk about punishing the rich is empty rhetoric, and that they'll be taken care of if she's elected. 

Quote:It's funny how you proggies are obsessed with Trump's tax returns, but you don't care about:
  • Benghazi
  • Email Scandal
  • Clinton Foundation Corruption and Pay for Play
  • Being a sexual predator's enabler
  • Laureate International University "University Problem" (the hypocrisy in this one is off the charts)
The list goes on and on.




Of course, you're not asking about Hillary's tax returns, or the fact that her family slush fund had to go back and file amended tax returns for 6 years for "errors" in how they reported foreign donations. 


You're not questioning how someone who was "dead broke" when they left the White House (stealing furniture and other historical items in the process) managed to parlay their position into a net worth that's around a quarter billion dollars.  That income was derived from giving speeches, and running a not-for-profit foundation. 


You're not questioning why Hillary won't release the transcripts of the speeches she gave for hundreds of thousands of dollars to Wall Street banks that she pretends to paint as villains since that's what Bernie was doing.




[Image: 7c9753534661b5149395e517a444edcc.gif]


Billionaires are buying, er, supporting Clinton because she's pliable, and willing to offer favor in return for an investment.  They know that all the talk about punishing the rich is empty rhetoric, and that they'll be taken care of if she's elected. 

When you have to deny more truth than what you accept, it's a sure sign you follow an extremely flawed worldview.
Quote:I have a question. Do YOUR tax returns show how much you are worth? Please answer this question.

Some of your comments make me question if you are employed or have ever earned a paycheck.

Hah! I work my tail off. My tax returns show income, gains on investments, etc. Don't yours? His campaign claims he worth in excess of $10B. Forbes estimates $3.7B. That's a pretty sizable gap. When and if his taxes show that $10B number is either inflated or shows evidence he isn't reporting everything he should I will be the least shocked person in America.
What the hell is with this notion that the mans tax returns are going to somehow show his over all worth. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, ANYONE WHO HAS EVER FILED A TAX RETURN KNOWS THIS.

NOPE, tax returns do not show net worth.

Quote:Hah! I work my tail off. My tax returns show income, gains on investments, etc. Don't yours? His campaign claims he worth in excess of $10B. Forbes estimates $3.7B. That's a pretty sizable gap. When and if his taxes show that $10B number is either inflated or shows evidence he isn't reporting everything he should I will be the least shocked person in America.

"His tax returns once released will show he is not worth nearly as much as he claims he is."


You are implying tax returns show worth. They DON'T!


Can't you ever admit wrongness?

Oh, and the financial statement Trump released is a better indication of his overall worth, but I'm sure that is all lies, right?

Quote:What the hell is with this notion that the mans tax returns are going to somehow show his over all worth. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY, ANYONE WHO HAS EVER FILED A TAX RETURN KNOWS THIS.
Hillary said so, so the drones believe it.
Quote:Hah! I work my tail off. My tax returns show income, gains on investments, etc. Don't yours? His campaign claims he worth in excess of $10B. Forbes estimates $3.7B. That's a pretty sizable gap. When and if his taxes show that $10B number is either inflated or shows evidence he isn't reporting everything he should I will be the least shocked person in America.
Does your tax return show your net worth?  Mine doesn't.  I know you NEED to obsess over his tax returns since Hillary told you to, but if you had a lick of common sense, you'd understand that tax returns are nothing more than a snapshot.  They don't tell a story beyond one year.


Like I said, your lack of curiosity about your pantsuited princess is embarrassing.
Kotite, I noticed you left the forum. Are you going to come back after your recent posts get pushed a couple pages back so you can pretend they never happened?


While you are at it, dig up your tax returns and let me know if they include the current value of your home. Let me know what it says.

Quote:It's funny how you proggies are obsessed with Trump's tax returns, but you don't care about:
  • Benghazi
  • Email Scandal
  • Clinton Foundation Corruption and Pay for Play
  • Being a sexual predator's enabler
  • Laureate International University "University Problem" (the hypocrisy in this one is off the charts)
The list goes on and on.


Of course, you're not asking about Hillary's tax returns, or the fact that her family slush fund had to go back and file amended tax returns for 6 years for "errors" in how they reported foreign donations.

You're not questioning how someone who was "dead broke" when they left the White House (stealing furniture and other historical items in the process) managed to parlay their position into a net worth that's around a quarter billion dollars. That income was derived from giving speeches, and running a not-for-profit foundation.

You're not questioning why Hillary won't release the transcripts of the speeches she gave for hundreds of thousands of dollars to Wall Street banks that she pretends to paint as villains since that's what Bernie was doing.


[Image: 7c9753534661b5149395e517a444edcc.gif]

Billionaires are buying, er, supporting Clinton because she's pliable, and willing to offer favor in return for an investment. They know that all the talk about punishing the rich is empty rhetoric, and that they'll be taken care of if she's elected.
You're right. I don't care about Benghazi which was a witch hunt from day one. Republicans repeatedly cut funding for sufficient defense of our consulates and embassies, didn't give two [BLEEP] about similar attacks on consulates and embassies in Kolkata, Karachi, Tashkent, Islamabad, Yemen, Istanbul, Syria or Saudi Arabia which killed dozens of Americans. Plus the waste of time and tax dollars so we can see the many hairstyles of Trey Gowdy all the way up to the time he said there was insufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.

I don't care about the email scandal because even though she was at fault in her actions, Colin Powell did the same thing and the same people outraged at Hillary couldn't give two [BLEEP] about Karl Rove deleting 22 million incriminating emails he was asked for. Do I like it? No. But if you overlook it when your side does it, you can't cry foul when the other side does it.

Her Pay for Play and covering for Bill's wandering phallus are black marks for sure. As I have said repeatedly, Hillary isn't my first or second choice for president. But she is what's left. And I will take her over an unqualified jerkwad who proves daily he is out of his element. The bulk of his campaign is not what he will do, but how terrible everything is and how only he can fix it. How about you look at his qualifications. Or just look at what type of human being he is. He is rude. He is mean. He is an egomaniac. He is thin skinned. He knows less about government than most seniors in high school who are required to learn about it. Our allies hate him. Our enemies are licking their chops at the chance to bait him into conflict.

He has no presidential qualities whatsoever. She is not trustworthy at all and I trust her ten times more than I trust Trump.
Quote:You're right. I don't care about Benghazi which was a witch hunt from day one. Republicans repeatedly cut funding for sufficient defense of our consulates and embassies, didn't give two [BAD WORD REMOVED] about similar attacks on consulates and embassies in Kolkata, Karachi, Tashkent, Islamabad, Yemen, Istanbul, Syria or Saudi Arabia which killed dozens of Americans. Plus the waste of time and tax dollars so we can see the many hairstyles of Trey Gowdy all the way up to the time he said there was insufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.

I don't care about the email scandal because even though she was at fault in her actions, Colin Powell did the same thing and the same people outraged at Hillary couldn't give two [BAD WORD REMOVED] about Karl Rove deleting 22 million incriminating emails he was asked for. Do I like it? No. But if you overlook it when your side does it, you can't cry foul when the other side does it.

Her Pay for Play and covering for Bill's wandering phallus are black marks for sure. As I have said repeatedly, Hillary isn't my first or second choice for president. But she is what's left. And I will take her over an unqualified jerkwad who proves daily he is out of his element. The bulk of his campaign is not what he will do, but how terrible everything is and how only he can fix it. How about you look at his qualifications. Or just look at what type of human being he is. He is rude. He is mean. He is an egomaniac. He is thin skinned. He knows less about government than most seniors in high school who are required to learn about it. Our allies hate him. Our enemies are licking their chops at the chance to bait him into conflict.

He has no presidential qualities whatsoever. She is not trustworthy at all and I trust her ten times more than I trust Trump.
So, you're right there with her with the "what difference does it make" mindset where 4 dead Americans are concerned.  Got it.


Colin Powell did not set up a private email server in a bathroom in his house in an effort to hide the interaction between the State Department and her family slush fund, er, the Clinton Foundation.  So, no, Colin Powell didn't do the same thing.  Not even remotely close.  22 emails vs. 33,000 and counting?  Yeah, that's really; leveling the playing field.   When you have to rationalize that much to make your case, it's okay to just say your gal is a completely corrupt scum bag but you love her anyway.


Hillary marrying well, and being an unaccomplished senator & failed Secretary of State don't make her any more qualified than Trump. 


Trump's not trustworthy?  Check polling data on who is actually more trustworthy.  You're throwing your love and affection by someone who is even lest trustworthy.

Quote:You're right. I don't care about Benghazi which was a witch hunt from day one. Republicans repeatedly cut funding for sufficient defense of our consulates and embassies, didn't give two [BAD WORD REMOVED] about similar attacks on consulates and embassies in Kolkata, Karachi, Tashkent, Islamabad, Yemen, Istanbul, Syria or Saudi Arabia which killed dozens of Americans. Plus the waste of time and tax dollars so we can see the many hairstyles of Trey Gowdy all the way up to the time he said there was insufficient evidence to pursue the matter further.

I don't care about the email scandal because even though she was at fault in her actions, Colin Powell did the same thing and the same people outraged at Hillary couldn't give two [BAD WORD REMOVED] about Karl Rove deleting 22 million incriminating emails he was asked for. Do I like it? No. But if you overlook it when your side does it, you can't cry foul when the other side does it.

Her Pay for Play and covering for Bill's wandering phallus are black marks for sure. As I have said repeatedly, Hillary isn't my first or second choice for president. But she is what's left. And I will take her over an unqualified jerkwad who proves daily he is out of his element. The bulk of his campaign is not what he will do, but how terrible everything is and how only he can fix it. How about you look at his qualifications. Or just look at what type of human being he is. He is rude. He is mean. He is an egomaniac. He is thin skinned. He knows less about government than most seniors in high school who are required to learn about it. Our allies hate him. Our enemies are licking their chops at the chance to bait him into conflict.

He has no presidential qualities whatsoever. She is not trustworthy at all and I trust her ten times more than I trust Trump.

So what are saying? You're stuck between two less than desirable candidates, but are basing your choice not on party affiliation, hatred towards another candidate but rather substance, on who has experience and in most cases more respect from other world leaders? That knowledge of foreign affairs means something and although you'll hold your nose, you'll vote for what you think is best for the country? That going with the " devil you know" philosophy vs an unknown, risky commodity?

All valid points. But I think the next debates do mean something and how both handle it and show their vision vs attacks. Both have baggage, so to keep harping on that gets old. Maybe even ask a question like what world leaders do they respect, admire,etc and why? Wonder if Putins name comes up.
Quote:So, you're right there with her with the "what difference does it make" mindset where 4 dead Americans are concerned. Got it.

Not what I said at all. Do you not care about the 60 Americans killed in the examples I provided? Where was the outrage there?
Quote:Not what I said at all. Do you not care about the 60 Americans killed in the examples I provided? Where was the outrage there?

Still waiting how tax returns show net worth.... I'll wait right here.
Quote:Not what I said at all. Do you not care about the 60 Americans killed in the examples I provided? Where was the outrage there?
No, I won't shed a tear for American citizens if they were killed because they decided to join the enemy in the fight for a Caliphate in the Middle East.  Sorry, you may want to mourn traitors.  I can't.  If they were simply collateral damage in the wrong place at the wrong time when a drone strike occurred, that's a tragedy, but how often is that actually the case?   Apparently, some of you proggies love to manufacture outrage, even if you have to snuggle up to the enemy to do so. 
Quote:Still waiting how tax returns show net worth.... I'll wait right here.
Don't hold your breath.  The deflection is strong with this cankle loving proggie.
I'm a little late to the party, but when exactly did Trump order a drone strike?

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