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Quote:If people dislike Trump and his supporters, they should beat them with their words and at the polls. That's not acceptable behavior.

Obviously, but that is not the world we live in. It is becoming increasingly more acceptable to react violently to your political opposites, and it's been getting extreme.




Acceptable? Really? You say that as if it's cops killing unarmed black people or school shootings.
Quote:I'm sure his rallies which conditioned his supporters to act out in violent ways had nothing to do with this type of reaction. Trump could never even be partially to blame.

perhaps he is. i think most reasonable people can agree its never the right thing to do
Quote:I'm sure his rallies which conditioned his supporters to act out in violent ways had nothing to do with this type of reaction. Trump could never even be partially to blame.

I don't condone Trump supporters assaulting protestors, but in their defense these people came to a private event to listen to a man speak about politics, not hear some random nobody interrupt every few minutes yelling profanities. I can see this leading to frustration and irrational behavior.


There is absolutely no defense for assaulting a Trump supporter minding their own business in public walking down the sidewalk. None.


Also, by this point, the number of assaults on Trump supporters in public greatly outweigh the number of assaults on protestors at private events.

Quote:I don't condone Trump supporters assaulting protestors, but in their defense these people came to a private event to listen to a man speak about politics, not hear some random nobody interrupt every few minutes yelling profanities. I can see this leading to frustration and irrational behavior.

There is absolutely no defense for assaulting a Trump supporter minding their own business in public walking down the sidewalk. None.

Also, by this point, the number of assaults on Trump supporters in public greatly outweigh the number of assaults on protestors at private events.

Not sure that's true, but we can agree, people need to keep their hands to themselves. Also a note: there have been plenty of instances of violence outside venues as well. That 69 year old lady who was sucker punched was not inside an event trying to create a distraction.
The Art of the Sale is a must read for those who believe Trump is a conservative.

That goes to those who think Russia is our ally.
Quote:So its your position that Obama and bush opposed eminent domain?

What? You asked me for a specific example of trump not being a conservative, I give it to you clear as day and you pivot to Bush and Obama?
That's pretty standard.
i wish eminent domain would come to my house

Hey figured I'd give you a few more JJ


Donald Trump supported the bank bailouts of 2008 http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/09/26/...-plan.html

"it's something that has to be done" no conservative worth his salt support Bush doing it and certainly shouldn't support Obama doing it, guess we can look forward to Trump doing it.


Donald Trump supported the auto-bailout http://dailycaller.com/2011/04/20/conser...s-in-2008/

“I think the government should stand behind them 100 percent,” Trump told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto nearly three years ago. “You cannot lose the auto companies. They’re great. They make wonderful products.”


Donald Trump is calling for infrastructure spending, sound familiar? http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articl...astructure


Now I've given you multiple links from multiple sites with all kinds of various political leanings, each detailing Trumps non-conservative stances, history and support for big government policies.


Your turn tell me how he is a conservative, not in campaign speeches in practice, when has Donald freaking trump EVER supported conservatism prior to the campaign? 


I dare you............


Quote:Hey figured I'd give you a few more JJ


Donald Trump supported the bank bailouts of 2008 http://www.foxnews.com/story/2008/09/26/...-plan.html

"it's something that has to be done" no conservative worth his salt support Bush doing it and certainly shouldn't support Obama doing it, guess we can look forward to Trump doing it.


Donald Trump supported the auto-bailout http://dailycaller.com/2011/04/20/conser...s-in-2008/

“I think the government should stand behind them 100 percent,” Trump told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto nearly three years ago. “You cannot lose the auto companies. They’re great. They make wonderful products.”


Donald Trump is calling for infrastructure spending, sound familiar? http://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articl...astructure


Now I've given you multiple links from multiple sites with all kinds of various political leanings, each detailing Trumps non-conservative stances, history and support for big government policies.


Your turn tell me how he is a conservative, not in campaign speeches in practice, when has Donald freaking trump EVER supported conservatism prior to the campaign? 


I dare you............


The examples listed, eminent domain.  I don't know of any serious candidate for the presidency on the Republican side that was making a legitimate push to abolish the practice.  I may not like it, you may not like it, but I don't think that is a disqualifier. 


As for TARP, Donald Trump didn't support the implementation of CRA, he didn't support, to my knowledge, the repeal of Glass Stegal and he didn't over leverage his private companies selling derivatives and expecting UNCLE SAM to pick up the tab.  So in this instance, this isn't a policy proposal for advancing a nationalist agenda (such as german state theory: nationalist socialism) this was simply a reaction to a financial crisis that occurred beyond his control.  And when you look at the comments that he made he specifically talked about loans to companies and expecting to be paid back.  That's not wholly different than the proposal that Newt Gingrich made during the meltdown. 


As for the Auto Bailout, it's not clear in the link you gave that he was directly in favor of a bailout as structured as opposed to what Romney outlined as a strategy for bankruptcy for the companies in question.  The structure of the bailout and the fundamental rewriting of the law to allow the bond holders to be almost wholly annexed was a direct repayment by the Obama administration to the special interest groups that helped get him elected.  I doubt very seriously that a President Trump would have structured the solution the way it went down. 


As for infrastructure spending...  I mean...  If a bridge is going to fall down. 


In reality, I think this is an important discussion.  Traditional conservatism believes that you should lower taxes and cut government spending because of a detailed reading of federalist 53 and a detailed recounting of John Locke's pamphlet on common sense.  Donald Trump believes that we should cut taxes because in his experience dealing with international business he has seen capital go where it is treated well.  He believes that we should cut government spending because he can find a hammer for 25 dollars instead of 250 dollars.  Thomas Jefferson would reduce the regulatory scope of the government because of an ideological predisposition, Donald Trump would cut regulations because he knows that business people know how to run their companies better than bureaucrats who have never done anything. 


In reality, the proposals of a prospective Trump administration would be among the most conservative in the modern age.  Tax reduction and reform, Regulatory reduction and reform, border security, immigration enforcement, strong reciprocal trade. 


The most conservative president bar none in the last century was a former Hollywood Democrat governor of California that raised payroll taxes, closed income tax deductions, previously signed pro choice legislation as governor and granted amnesty to 3 million people. 


We can agree to disagree on the definitions of TRUE conservatism.  I get that.  I will only say that a.) your 75% friend is not your 25% enemy, b.) If you don't have a coalition that includes people of Trump and Ivankas ilk in it then you will never be able to raise a coalition of 70 million people to hold the office of the executive anyway, c.) If you can't see at this point that he is far more conservative in his approach than the next cradle to the grave entitlement saul alinsky disciple good time rock and roller then... 
So you can't give me one example of any point and time that Donald trump has supported a single conservative policy?

You listed a bunch of stuff you'll hope he will do and reasons you think he will do it that's cool. We could play that game with anyone.
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