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If Khan is smart, he'll fire Gus tonight and have Marrone coach the team for the London game. 


You're giving your new coach a game to prepare for, and then have the bye week to look at film and prepare even more. That's two solid weeks of film and setting up your system for the next 12 games.

I give up. I was an ARDENT Bradley supporter until the SD game. How do you lose a game like this??
Fire Gus.

Quote:I give up. I was an ARDENT Bradley supporter until the SD game. How do you lose a game like this??

I was too, I wanted him to be successful so badly. I loved his personality and how he composed himself. But, dude is just not analytical enough to be a HC
I think it's more of a when not if question at this point.
Quote:I think it's more of a when not if question at this point.
It should be now man. No reason not to
Quote:It should be now man. No reason not to

I wouldn't complain.
Quote:I think it's more of a when not if question at this point.
Yep. Do so now, you run the risk of coaches checking out for the rest of the year. Keep him and you have a team that looks like the coaches checked out for the year.

Sadly it is lose lose (for this season) for us fans.
the only way he saves his job at this point is if he wins in London, then we magically go on some sort of streak to where we end up 9-7 10-6. But, after these 3 weeks its inconceivable for that to happen. 

I wanted to believe there was a chance that magic could happen and the coaching staff could somehow pull off a miracle and turn this thing around.  Then we could become the Cinderella story of the year and carry the momentum into next season.  


Instead our situation just makes me sad.  Count me among the number who thinks he appears to be a really nice guy and wished that he would have improved with experience and all the patience that Khan has shown him.  I want to believe that folks can improve through effort and he strikes me as the type that would be interested in improving. I don't think the answer is on the staff.  I don't see this thing turning around until next year at the earliest.  It took me long enough to come around but count me in.

No more passengers on the Gus bus.

It's deadheading to nowhere and the driver is asleep at the wheel.
Quote:I just want to make sure we a consensus on this.


Is this one of those once in a century moments when the Jags MB is all in agreement? Have we all officially taken our stops off the Gus bus? Are there any stragglers left behind? 

There is no reason to think for one second a consensus opinion is possible on any message board with thousands of members.
Quote:Yep. Do so now, you run the risk of coaches checking out for the rest of the year. Keep him and you have a team that looks like the coaches checked out for the year.

Sadly it is lose lose (for this season) for us fans.
It's not lose lose. Gus is fired and then every other coach is coaching for their job or potentially the HC job here.

Keep Gus and everyone knows he's a lame duck coach just waiting to be fired.
Quote:There is no reason to think for one second a consensus opinion is possible on any message board with thousands of members.

you somehow brighten my day. thank you
Quote:There is no reason to think for one second a consensus opinion is possible on any message board with thousands of members.

Well, someone had to get all technical after overlooking the emotion and sarcasm. Lol.
Quote:There is no reason to think for one second a consensus opinion is possible on any message board with thousands of members.
Go away. Can't deal with your garbage today.
Some of the paid (?) mod trolls will be on the Gus bus until he's fired.


Quote:the only way he saves his job at this point is if he wins in London, then we magically go on some sort of streak to where we end up 9-7 10-6. But, after these 3 weeks its inconceivable for that to happen.

. Magic Mushrooms is what I want for the rest of the season.
Quote:No more passengers on the Gus bus.

It's deadheading to nowhere and the driver is asleep at the wheel.
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