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Full Version: Jacksonville Jaguars’ Tyler Eifert To Honor Fallen Cop David Dorn On His Helmet
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(09-02-2020, 09:25 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-01-2020, 11:49 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]You’re apparently easily confused.

Really? Was he wrong?

No, he was confused...didn’t you read his post?

What is confusing about a player honoring a murder victim on his helmet? What state he was from or who runs it has nothing to do with anything.
(09-02-2020, 09:33 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-02-2020, 09:27 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]How can he fix it? Liberal cities and states elect liberal leaders who put politics over public safety. The way Trump could "fix" this would outrage you and your people.

If it violated the Constitution, it should outrage you.

Was clearing Lafayette Park of peaceful protestors for a photo op in front of a church putting public safety over politics?

How can he fix it? You tell me, he's the one who said he's the only one who could fix it.

#1 - As I said before, there are ways he can legally intervene. He doesn't want to or he already would've since the conditions are ripe for it. But you can't stand the fact that he's so hands off in his approach and you're dying inside wishing he would take action so you could bellyache about it.

#2 - The Chief of the US Park Service has repeatedly denied your claim that the clearing of that park had anything to do with Trump. And so you hold on to that falsehood to give you something to bellyache about.

#3 - Trump was referring to the System when he said that in the last election cycle, and he was doing a bang up job at it until the Scamdemic and Burn, Loot, and Murder took off. But fortunately those two things aren't holding back the economy which is roaring back to life as Trump and his local allies force the world to reopen. So yeah, between him and Shrillary he WAS the only one who could fix it and he did. But of course, you bellyache on about that as well.

In sum, you really need to take some antacids for your upset tummy.
So he's shown so far he won't intervene?

But if you vote for him again it will all be different next time eh?

Reminds me of that famous George W Bush quote about being fooled...
(09-02-2020, 10:00 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]So he's shown so far he won't intervene?

But if you vote for him again it will all be different next time eh?

Reminds me of that famous George W Bush quote about being fooled...

He shouldn't intervene IMO, but legally there is a way for him to do so, and he is implying that he will if the locals don't get it together. As for whether or not he has already, do you see federals in the streets dispersing the riots? I don't know why you are struggling with this concept. Well, yeah, then again I do.

I didn't vote for him last time, so I can't vote for him "again."
You always claim that but you are clearly very pro Trump.

I'll give you credit for having the self awareness that being on record as a Trump voter is very dicey for any credibility you are hoping to achieve.

Hey he wasn't my guy!
(09-02-2020, 10:08 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]You always claim that but you are clearly very pro Trump.

I'll give you credit for having the self awareness that being on record as a Trump voter is very dicey for any credibility you are hoping to achieve.

Hey he wasn't my guy!

As I've said, I don't like the Republicans but I absolutely despise the Democrat Party, so a guy like Trump who pisses both of them off is alright in my book. Not enough that I'll vote for him, but enough that I'll cheer him on when he's doing things with which I agree.

As for credibility, I have no concerns about such a thing for I have no need of it. What do I care what you folks think of me? I don't pretend to take this stuff a seriously as some because I know I can't change it.
The comments are no longer germane to the original post. Stay on topic, if you remember what it is, or leave it alone. Geez.
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