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Full Version: President Donald Trump Nominated Nobel Peace Prize
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(09-09-2020, 10:48 AM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]One day he is gloating about the result of capitalism on his stock portfolio, the next day he is praising the likes of politicians who want to destroy capitalism. 

HURRICANE is a confused individual, but probably still a fun guy to have a drink with.

LOL .... I just saw this.  Actually, I'm not confused.  I'm simply a person that openly views each topic of discussion, evaluates the subject matter, then makes an educated opinion accordingly.

Personally, I think it's much worse to go though life narrow-minded and unable/unwilling to form an open opinion.
The average person can't dedicate themselves to the proper amount of resources to keep up with today's news cycle, so it's practically impossible to find objectivity. Even if one could find objective news sources (which they can't), they are still beholden to their own, preexisting world view, which is how one interprets all new data. Our value system, which has been largely shaped through our life experiences, is the primary mechanism by which we make political decision. If you aren't aware of the biases in your news sources, this value system becomes easily manipulated by the powers that be. Even if you think you are entirely objective, that is undermined by everything out there that you DON'T know, which cycles me back to the opening line of this paragraph. The mistake most people make is that they are objective, when this is certainly not the case.
Crazy Nancy calls the new peace deal between Bahrain, UAE and Israel a "distraction".  Of course it is to the far left.
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