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Full Version: Cops shoot and kill white man
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Quote:white people usually have dads that provided a nice family atmosphere guidance and beat their rear when they did wrong as a child.

Poverty has far more to do with crime, than how many parents you have--or whether they used corporal punishment or not.  Of course this will be ignored in favor of the narrative.  
Quote:Takes away your percentages. It is now comparing apples to apples.


your version was not.
So your point is that black people are wildly over represented in the prison population? Not surprising considering the fact they are also wildly over represented in low income and poverty ridden neighborhoods. 
If everyone would just clean their own backyards instead of trying to clean everyone else's first, this country might run outta problems to [BLEEP] about
Quote:white people usually have dads that provided a nice family atmosphere guidance and beat their rear when they did wrong as a child.

Nothing says nice family atmosphere quite like beating a kid...Wasn't that what got Adrian Peterson in trouble?
Quote:Nothing says nice family atmosphere quite like beating a kid...Wasn't that what got Adrian Peterson in trouble?

Are you denying the impact of the nuclear family?
Quote:Nothing says nice family atmosphere quite like beating a kid...Wasn't that what got Adrian Peterson in trouble?

I don't mean a beating like that. I'm sure you knew that though.
Quote:So your point is that black people are wildly over represented in the prison population? Not surprising considering the fact they are also wildly over represented in low income and poverty ridden neighborhoods. 
Re-read your post 34. You made an attempt at using percentages of the population to correlate the number of shootings based on percentage of race. Statistics say that per 100,000, minorities are doing many more things to be incarcerated compared to non-minorities. Those things are called crimes. It isn't an unreasonable leap to say that those crimes include violent crimes and felonies. Now, in the United States, felony arrests are affected in a completely different fashion than non-felony arrests. That includes having guns drawn and a much more aggressive approach to the arrestee.  This transcends race, gender, age, and all other factors. What does not change is the response if those commands to affect a safe arrest if they are or are not followed.


You would be much more believable if you found statistics that showed how each race fared per 1000 or 100,000 in each category. Comparing apples to oranges is just what hustlers like BLM and the like want you to believe. If you look at the actuality of the situation, you would find that things aren't as lopsided as the media and blowhards like BLM would have you believe.


If you have some solid statistical evidence to disprove me, I will gladly admit I am wrong. 

Quote:"Let's start a riot"

Who sang that?

No, I won't riot. Didn't read the article but I'm sure he deserved it.
Three Days Grace. It was one of my favorite songs when I found out my ex was cheating on me. 

Quote:Are you denying the impact of the nuclear family?

Where did I imply that? Just think the most troubled people I've met have been beaten.
Quote:So unAmerican..
So Californian
Quote:Three Days Grace. It was one of my favorite songs when I found out my ex was cheating on me.
That's who it is!

I hope you kicked him in the Netherlands.
Quote:I'm your Huckleberry.
Grab the bolt cutters.  We're going shopping. 
Quote:That's who it is!

I hope you kicked him in the Netherlands.

Let's just say he got exactly what he deserved and then some and I didn't have to do a thing. Stupid is as stupid does and he wrote the book on it back in the day.
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