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Full Version: Obama vetoes 9/11 lawsuit bill
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<sup>They are already looking at ways to fix the bill.</sup>


Quote:"Nobody really had focused on the potential downside in terms of our international relationships," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said. "I think it was just a ball dropped."
Sidenote: this was touched upon at the tail end of a documentary on Netflix called Saudi Arabia Uncovered. Less than an hour and mostly stuff I already knew, but still interesting. Told from a UK perspective and shows how roughly 30 million people are held hostage by their government. Makes me appreciate how lucky I am to have been born in a free country.
Quote:<sup>They are already looking at ways to fix the bill.</sup>

... and they're blaming Obama for not telling them all the downsides.   They fought this thing for months, and now they say it's Obama's fault they passed it.    Unbelievable.
Quote:... and they're blaming Obama for not telling them all the downsides.   They fought this thing for months, and now they say it's Obama's fault they passed it.    Unbelievable.

Thanks alot, Obama!


I hate the fact that we're allies with Saudi Arabia.  I think there's a lot of reasons we should cut ties with that backwards country.  I honestly think there is something there with them that's shady...


But with that said, the idea of opening us lawsuits seems like it would cause more conflict that it would help.  It's a shame.  And it breaks my heart for the families of the 9/11 victims.  I don't know what the solution is, I'm just not sure this bill was the correct way to do it.
i dont buy for one second that the so-called "downsides" were not discussed on the Senate floor before these votes were taken.  Not to mention Obama gave a whole speech about it.  this buyers remorse crap is nonsense.  these articles are trying to convince the public that this bill is a bad idea, which means ITS GOOD.

judging by the comments in the USA Today article, the media has done a fantastic job of convincing the people that JASTA is bad bad bad. OH NO can of worms can of worms can of worms. US service men and women are not in danger.  only crooks who should actually pay for the crap they done are in trouble and they will resist this.

Quote:judging by the comments in the USA Today article, the media has done a fantastic job of convincing the people that JASTA is bad bad bad. OH NO can of worms can of worms can of worms. US service men and women are not in danger.  only crooks who should actually pay for the crap they done are in trouble and they will resist this.

So the media convinced the politicians?  


I'm confused...
Quote:So the media convinced the politicians?

I'm confused...

No, the media and the politicians expressing concern after this vote are one and the same.

Remember JASTA was already previously voted down by Senate until they included a provision allowing the SOS or AG to indefinitely put a hold on any lawsuit they want. Then suddenly it was great.

Im a little confused too. How can they only now be seeing downsides when they were clearly explained by Obama and the news covering Obama's veto, reasons why, ect? They aren't that stupid. They want to 'fix it' again? After already fixing it once? Doesn't make sense. My guess is this whole time they are planning on amending JASTA over and over until it's rendered useless, more than it already is.
Quote:I go back an forth on this.  I think Cheney and Bush should be in jail for war crimes.  They lied us into a war.

What lies did they tell? Be specific.

Quote:What lies did they tell? Be specific.

Yeah now he's holier than thou about lying but don't call that piece of [BLEEP] Hillary a liar.. Can't have that..
Quote:What lies did they tell? Be specific.

The thing about mushroom clouds was a bit dramatic at the very least
Quote:What lies did they tell? Be specific.

Yellow cake uranium. That bogus mobile weapons of mass destruction trailer that they showed at the united nations conference. The constant lie of the smoking gun being a mushroom cloud... These are just off the top of my head. The entire run up to, and sales pitch for, the Iraq invasion was a lie.
Quote:Yeah now he's holier than thou about lying but don't call that piece of [BAD WORD REMOVED] Hillary a liar.. Can't have that..

Uh... I've been pretty negative about Hillary... How soon we forget, eh?
Quote:Uh... I've been pretty negative about Hillary... How soon we forget, eh?

Lol. You really need to get your scripts adjusted.
Quote:Uh... I've been pretty negative about Hillary... How soon we forget, eh?

You realize that the rest of us actually read what you write, don't you? Lol
Quote:Uh... I've been pretty negative about Hillary... How soon we forget, eh?

First lawsuit filed after JASTA



Quote:Uh... I've been pretty negative about Hillary... How soon we forget, eh?

I've learned with the people here if you're not a conservative shill it doesn't really matter what you say.  You're just a 'liberal', and nothing more. (At least in the political forum)

Quote:I've learned with the people here if you're not a conservative shill it doesn't really matter what you say. You're just a 'liberal', and nothing more. (At least in the political forum)

I've even started anti Clinton threads! But you're right. The echo chamber is pretty much deafening for some of the trumpettes.

Oh well.
Quote:I've even started anti Clinton threads! But you're right. The echo chamber is pretty much deafening for some of the trumpettes.

Oh well.
What threads would those be? Because looking at the list of threads you started, going by the titles of those threads, I'm not seeing anything "anti" anyone but Trump on that list.
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