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Full Version: Could Kiffen take over as DC?
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Khan understands that this is a business, and when your product is being rejected that changes are necessary, usually immediately.  Fan apathy has to be a part of his decision making process, butts in the seats is critical. A new coach would create curiosity and excitement from the fan base, not to mention a different look on the field.  


Khan himself has said the fans of Jacksonville have suffered enough.....I could see him pulling the plug on Gus mid season.....

Quote:Khan understands that this is a business, and when your product is being rejected that changes are necessary, usually immediately.  Fan apathy has to be a part of his decision making process, butts in the seats is critical. A new coach would create curiosity and excitement from the fan base, not to mention a different look on the field.  


Khan himself has said the fans of Jacksonville have suffered enough.....I could see him pulling the plug on Gus mid season.....
He also understands that changing the coach will have little to no influence on the rest of the season and making a change just to make change with nothing to gain is pointless...All things everyone is saying were all said last year too...Khan will fire him by the bye week, khan will fire him as soon as they get back from London, Khan will fire him before the end of the season, Khan has to fire Gus soon, Khan understands this is a business and he needs to make a change NOW...and guess what? Khan held his ground and now Gus will have this whole season just like last year when everyone was calling for his head and said Khan would fire him...


I'm not defending Gus or advocating that he stays, I'm just saying he will be here until the day after the Jags last game of the season... 
Quote:Do you guys not understand? Our coaching staff isn't going anywhere this season. We are going to win 1 of these next two, just enough for all of those losers to stick around. Even if we lose the next two I'd bet no one goes because Khan is just that kind of man, sticking to his word that bradley will be given a full season, or else he would have been gone last year. As much as everyone including myself wants this inept high school coaching staff gone, we are stuck with them for the season. Live with it

What about when the Jags reach their inevitable 9 losses under Gus and there is no longer a chance for an 8-8 record?


Does that change anything?
Quote:Firing him just to be rid of him serves no purpose...when the Jags still suck after he gets fired then what?

I already stated the purpose, to show the fanbase that the owner actually pays attention to the Jags, and not just Fulham. And who knows, maybe Marrone could get this team playing up to its talent level. You can't know until you try.


Marrone would be the interim head coach. If the Jags still suck then you look for a new coach in January. That's what we'd be doing in any case. How difficult a concept is this for you?
Quote:I hope you're right, but has anyone made a switch mid season and then turned it around? I am asking for real, I can't think of anyone.
Accountability, culture change are enough. In addition, ticket sale may also be a good motivation.
Quote:I already stated the purpose, to show the fanbase that the owner actually pays attention to the Jags, and not just Fulham. And who knows, maybe Marrone could get this team playing up to its talent level. You can't know until you try.


Marrone would be the interim head coach. If the Jags still suck then you look for a new coach in January. That's what we'd be doing in any case. How difficult a concept is this for you?
Khan isnt going to make a move to appease the fan base...if there is nothing to be gained by firing Gus, other than to appease the fan base he's not going to do it...He will wait until after the season
Quote:Accountability, culture change are enough. In addition, ticket sale may also be a good motivation.
if the season is already a failure, ticket sales are not a concern at that point in time, accountability will be proven at the end of the season when he is fired...all these things have already been said last year and I still believe that Gus won't make a move until after the season...Not to mention it may not be Gus that makes the decision...Caldwell might be the man to fire him...He hired him he will probably be the one to fire him
Quote:What about when the Jags reach their inevitable 9 losses under Gus and there is no longer a chance for an 8-8 record?


Does that change anything?

Quote:Al Davis fired Mike Shanahan after a 1-3 start, Art Shell took over as interim coach and went 8-8. Went 12-4 the next year.

I think this example undermines your point.


He got rid of a HOF coach for someone that just brought short term results.
Quote:I hope you're right, but has anyone made a switch mid season and then turned it around? I am asking for real, I can't think of anyone.

I remember Del Rio took over calling the defense and we improved a little. Can't remember the year.
Quote:I think this example undermines your point.

He got rid of a HOF coach for someone that just brought short term results.

I had no point to make other than giving an example of an interim coach who was hired mid season and had success that year.
Quote:I don't think so, I think he's here for the season...I recall reading somewhere after last season, or maybe it was a video, IDK for sure which, Khan made a comment that was something like, he never considered firing Gus during the (last) season, and he did not believe that firing a coach during the season would make a big enough difference for the season to do so... or something along those lines...Firing a coach just to be rid of him doesn't solve the problem as no new scheme can be put in place during the season, so more than likely it would be the same coaching staff minus Gus, using the exact same scheme for the remainder of the season, plus he would still be paying Gus...Basically no change other than we wouldn't see Gus anymore
You can think what you want to think, but I will tell you that he said that last season. 


Khan basically gave Gus his ultimatum for this season - and so far being 0-2 (with a hideous loss last week) only makes Khan's decision easier to can him. 


Like someone mentioned earlier, look what happened at Fullham with his other team. He has provided Gus AMPLE time and now it's time to get results.
Quote:Apparently that guy isn't sweeping the corners.

Hahaha, just had to acknowledge how funny that was.


I don't think that firing your head coach just to appease your fans makes much sense for Khan/Jaguars.  I do think that firing him 3/4 to the season does make sense if Gus remains terrible.  Similar to Bob McNair firing Kubiak late in the season, in order to get to the top of the "Need a new head coach" list to bring in O'Brien (whether that was a good move/coach or not.)  While not legal it's amazing how agents can magically communicate discretely.

Quote:I had no point to make other than giving an example of an interim coach who was hired mid season and had success that year.
There are some interim coaches that have gone on to have success, however that list is much shorter than interim coaches who have made little to no difference 
Quote:The dude Is like 106 years old lol
I would still take him over a 25 year old Gus Bradley
Quote:There are some interim coaches that have gone on to have success, however that list is much shorter than interim coaches who have made little to no difference

Yep. Art shell is the only major one I can think of.
I think we might win against Baltimore and then get blown out by the colts.  I do want him to be let go during the bye week but I don't Khan will pull the trigger.  IF by some miracle we enter the bye 2-2 this could be real interesting. 

Quote:You can think what you want to think, but I will tell you that he said that last season. 


Khan basically gave Gus his ultimatum for this season - and so far being 0-2 (with a hideous loss last week) only makes Khan's decision easier to can him. 


Like someone mentioned earlier, look what happened at Fullham with his other team. He has provided Gus AMPLE time and now it's time to get results.
There was no ultimatum given...He said, "a winning season is a reasonable expectation" that isn't an ultimatum...He also said that firing someone when it would not have made a big difference would serve no purpose...( or something along those lines...Don't ask where I read or saw that because I don't remember) The point is Khan won't make a change just to appease the fan base, nor will he make a change if it's not going to make a difference...Now I'm not saying that I'm certain he won't get canned before the end of the season but if he does, it will be late in the season, but my money is on him being here til the day after the last game the jags play this year...

I briefly misread thread title as "Coukd a kitten take over...."

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