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Guarantee this dude was terrified by these peaceful BLM folks.


<a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/LibertarianQn/status/778845840496594944' title="External link">https://twitter.com/...845840496594944</a>
Quote:Wrong. Law enforcement doesn't have to release footage until a full investigation is done, the same with any other case.

So Charlotte Mecklenberg police chief Kerr Putney saying they are not going to release video footage (see link below) is wrong?


BREAKING: Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney says video from the shooting scene will be released 'when there is a compelling reason

Even the Charlotte Observer is recommending police release the video.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html'>http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html</a>
Quote:I didn't realize governors could just pass bills. Seems to me most states have some sort of state house that actually does that.

Thanks for the clarification. NC governor McCrory signed House Bill 972 into law which restricts the public media and civilians from accessing body or dash cam video.
Quote:You mean niqqers?

Look at you.. You're pathetic. All you do is race bait. Get over it.. All because someone called them animals. Did they act like animals? YUUUUUUUP
Quote:Look at you.. You're pathetic. All you do is race bait. Get over it.. All because someone called them animals. Did they act like animals? YUUUUUUUP

i didn't know asking a question is considered race baiting.

If it wasn't a veiled shot at black people he can clarify himself, you don't need to speak for him.

I'm still waiting on your proof that I'm a racist.
Quote:i didn't know asking a question is considered race baiting.

If it wasn't a veiled shot at black people he can clarify himself, you don't need to speak for him.

I'm still waiting on your proof that I'm a racist.

You also like to use your race as advantage. This whole "black privilege" crap needs to go as well.. What were to happen if a known white poster would use the word you used on this board that I quoted? They'd prolly be banned.. Quit being ignorant.
You shouldn't get any extra privilege simply because the color of your skin. Does it happen? Yes it does. Should it happen? Hell no.. What's good for me needs to be good for you
Quote:You also like to use your race as advantage. This whole "black privilege" crap needs to go as well.. What were to happen if a known white poster would use the word you used on this board that I quoted? They'd prolly be banned.. Quit being ignorant.

What the hell are you talking about? Wanting equal and fair treatment does not equate to "Black Privilege".

Man you seriously need to open your brain up.
Quote:What the hell are you talking about? Wanting equal and fair treatment does not equate to "Black Privilege".

Man you seriously need to open your brain up.

Was I lying?
Quote:You mean niqqers?

Did i say that moron? There is more than just black people rioting.
Quote:Guarantee this dude was terrified by these peaceful BLM folks.

<a class="bbc_url" href='https://twitter.com/LibertarianQn/status/778845840496594944'>https://twitter.com/...845840496594944</a>

Funny, you dont see this on the news.

Wanna be tough guys.
Quote:So Charlotte Mecklenberg police chief Kerr Putney saying they are not going to release video footage (see link below) is wrong?


BREAKING: Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney says video from the shooting scene will be released 'when there is a compelling reason

Even the Charlotte Observer is recommending police release the video.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html'>http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html</a>
Look back at your own post that I replied to and see where what you're saying is incorrect. You're talking about something else entirely in this post.


Originally you said the governer passed a bill that no camera footage can be released. That is incorrect and that is what I responded to. Here you are saying the Chief is saying it will be released when a there is a compelling reason to do so.


The most recent news is that releasing it at this point may cause more riots because it isn't clear whether the man had a weapon or not but with all the other evidence they have it's clear the right decision was made by the officer to defend himself. No one rioting is going to see the "but" of this whole thing- they won't hear that there is more evidence than just the video. They'll just see a video that doesn't have clear proof the man had a weapon and will go bat turd crazy and burn the city. 


I don't care what a newspaper says. They are not responsible for the fallout of the release of the video or any other evidence. Until the investigation is at a point where the PD feels it can do so without mass chaos, they have every right to keep it in hand. I used to be married to a military police officer which, other than being deployed to war zones, isn't as different from civilian police as a lot of folks think, so I happen to have some knowledge as to the how and why of this sort of thing. There can be posturing on the side of the PD and it's not always right. Their job is to investigate, analyze the evidence and make determinations from there. It is not to appease the the media or the people.


To give you perspective:


We recently had a very sad hit and run accident locally and the victim was a young black man walking to his job at McDonald's at 430am. There was footage from a nearby gas station camera that showed a truck pull into the area and someone exiting the vehicle to look at the front of it then got back in and drove away. The local PD eventually positively ID'd him as the one who hit the kid but they took their time making sure everything was as it should be so when the case goes to trial there is nothing that can be questioned. As you can imagine the family and other folks in the black community thought the PD was dragging tail or just not doing anything because the kid was black. They couldn't understand that there were very specific things that had to be done to be sure the case against the driver was solid. A lot of people don't understand you can't have a fast and thorough investigation if you want the right outcome. Too many people base their ideas of how things like this should go based on TV shows and movies which is ridiculous. 
Quote:Did i say that moron? There is more than just black people rioting.

Do you not see the question mark at the end?

You can relax with the name calling.
Quote:Was I lying?

If that's what you believe then you are misguided.
Anybody following the "He had priors for child endangerment with a weapon and possibly shot at police while in Texas" story? Hasn't made the mainstream yet? Hmmmmmm
Quote:So Charlotte Mecklenberg police chief Kerr Putney saying they are not going to release video footage (see link below) is wrong?


BREAKING: Charlotte Police Chief Kerr Putney says video from the shooting scene will be released 'when there is a compelling reason

Even the Charlotte Observer is recommending police release the video.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html'>http://www.charlotteobserver.com/opinion/editorials/article103283912.html</a>

They are not releasing their videos yet SOLELY because if can taint the eyewitness' stories. The police chief has basically hinted they are building what appears to be an open-and-shut case against this clown.

The police don't ever have to release their videos. Their property, their choice.
Quote:They are not releasing their videos yet SOLELY because if can taint the eyewitness' stories. The police chief has basically hinted they are building what appears to be an open-and-shut case against this clown.

The police don't ever have to release their videos. Their property, their choice.
Dashcam and bodycam footage released.  There is no audio so you can't tell what is being said and the bodycam footage is so unsteady you can't really tell what the heck is going on. The officer who shot him wasn't wearing a bodycam because not all tactical officers wear one, which doesn't make any sense. You certainly can't say definitively that Scott had a gun, but you can't tell that he didn't either. According to police he absolutely did and was recovered at the scene whereas no book was. The dashcam isn't really helpful at all either. 


The video his wife shared which is shown (and I had not seen yet) has the cops yelling at him to put down his gun and whatever else they're saying which I couldn't make out. The wife keeps telling them not to shoot him. There's nothing on her recording that shows whether he had a gun or not but she does keep telling him "don't do it" whatever "it" is. She doesn't clarify.


The FBI is investigating this though the article doesn't say why.

Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37464614'>Dashcam and bodycam footage released. </a> There is no audio so you can't tell what is being said and the bodycam footage is so unsteady you can't really tell what the heck is going on. The officer who shot him wasn't wearing a bodycam because not all tactical officers wear one, which doesn't make any sense. You certainly can't say definitively that Scott had a gun, but you can't tell that he didn't either. According to police he absolutely did and was recovered at the scene whereas no book was. The dashcam isn't really helpful at all either.

The video his wife shared which is shown (and I had not seen yet) has the cops yelling at him to put down his gun and whatever else they're saying which I couldn't make out. The wife keeps telling them not to shoot him. There's nothing on her recording that shows whether he had a gun or not but she does keep telling him "don't do it" whatever "it" is. She doesn't clarify.

The FBI is investigating this though the article doesn't say why.

I'm sure she was telling him "don't do it" because he had a book in his hand.
Quote:I'm sure she was telling him "don't do it" because he had a book in his hand.

Sorry I laughed - but in this idiot's case did she mean, "Don't read it?" LOL.

Seriously, a great question some reporter should ask the wife is "What book was it?" Would she name one of her romance novels? The waffling before a response would make Internet gold.

The day it happened somebody said it was a bible. Of course that was the best answer ever.
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