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(02-05-2021, 05:09 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-05-2021, 02:35 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Online anonymity or not, I’m not going to let someone think I actually put my family aside for FA.  Figured that would go without saying.  Other than that, everyone can think whatever the hell they want about me. So, yeah, it pissed me off.  Guess I’m a snowflake.

Relax snowflake.  I was using your experience as an example of how people can not stay off of their phones.  Perhaps I could have worded things differently so you wouldn't get so triggered.  I wasn't trying to imply that you would put your family aside for FA, but you are the one that said that you had "one hand on your phone and one hand on your wife's... occasionally looking away from your phone to see if a baby was there".

You missed my point trying to get across that people are so glued to their "smart" phones, technology and social media that the world is just passing them by.  It's not just you, it's damn near everyone.  When you stop at a red light look around at the cars around you.  9 times out of 10 the driver is sitting there on their phone for whatever reason.  If you go to a doctor's office and sit in the waiting room nobody is browsing the magazines or the newspapers that they put out, everyone is staring down at their phone.  Ask someone a question and if they don't know the answer they immediately get their phone out to "ask Google" for the answer.

To get back on topic I did start watching Social Dilemma and it's pretty much what I figured.  That's why I say that technology and social media has become evil.

Under, not on.  Anyways, I figured that was so outlandish it was obviously not true and meant to be humorous.  But considering the history of my weird [BLEEP] posts, I could see how someone may not be the wiser.  I don’t think they even let dad under center.  I wouldn’t know.  Wife had a c-section. Seemingly 5 minutes in and I’m cutting the cord. Then our fabulous 3 day began.  Whatever.  It’s Not worth arguing over anymore. 

But, you’re right.  People are way too tied to their phones.  It’s disgusting, tbh.  Yeas ago when my step-son was a teenager and the 3 of us went out, before the aforementioned baby I caught with my baseball glove that fateful night, wife and step-son on their phones while out to dinner.  Irritated the living heck out of me.  I may as well been alone. Since then, we’ve come to an agreement not to have them at dinner.  Had an employee that’s was with me a while, asked him to drive to the next lawn so I could handle an email. A lawn only a minute or so from the previous one.  He said “yeah, but I don’t know how to get there.”  Smh.  However, when it comes to the Dr’s office and googling things... I respectfully disagree.  Even pre-Covid I never touched those filthy magazines. Besides, nothing there in my interest.  Id be just as apt to people watch, count the ceiling or floor tiles as I would to pull out my phone.  Really doesn’t matter to me.  I can stare at a wall for 30 minutes if I had to.  And googling an answer?? He’ll yeah!  I’ll do it multiple times a day.  If you don’t know something, find out.  Nothing wrong with that.  I love to learn things.  No matter how trivial it may be.

Damn it! I forgot the emojis.
(02-05-2021, 06:01 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-05-2021, 05:09 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]Relax snowflake.  I was using your experience as an example of how people can not stay off of their phones.  Perhaps I could have worded things differently so you wouldn't get so triggered.  I wasn't trying to imply that you would put your family aside for FA, but you are the one that said that you had "one hand on your phone and one hand on your wife's... occasionally looking away from your phone to see if a baby was there".

You missed my point trying to get across that people are so glued to their "smart" phones, technology and social media that the world is just passing them by.  It's not just you, it's damn near everyone.  When you stop at a red light look around at the cars around you.  9 times out of 10 the driver is sitting there on their phone for whatever reason.  If you go to a doctor's office and sit in the waiting room nobody is browsing the magazines or the newspapers that they put out, everyone is staring down at their phone.  Ask someone a question and if they don't know the answer they immediately get their phone out to "ask Google" for the answer.

To get back on topic I did start watching Social Dilemma and it's pretty much what I figured.  That's why I say that technology and social media has become evil.

Under, not on.  Anyways, I figured that was so outlandish it was obviously not true and meant to be humorous.  But considering the history of my weird [BLEEP] posts, I could see how someone may not be the wiser.  I don’t think they even let dad under center.  I wouldn’t know.  Wife had a c-section. Seemingly 5 minutes in and I’m cutting the cord. Then our fabulous 3 day began.  Whatever.  It’s Not worth arguing over anymore. 

But, you’re right.  People are way too tied to their phones.  It’s disgusting, tbh.  Yeas ago when my step-son was a teenager and the 3 of us went out, before the aforementioned baby I caught with my baseball glove that fateful night, wife and step-son on their phones while out to dinner.  Irritated the living heck out of me.  I may as well been alone. Since then, we’ve come to an agreement not to have them at dinner.  Had an employee that’s was with me a while, asked him to drive to the next lawn so I could handle an email. A lawn only a minute or so from the previous one.  He said “yeah, but I don’t know how to get there.”  Smh.  However, when it comes to the Dr’s office and googling things... I respectfully disagree.  Even pre-Covid I never touched those filthy magazines. Besides, nothing there in my interest.  Id be just as apt to people watch, count the ceiling or floor tiles as I would to pull out my phone.  Really doesn’t matter to me.  I can stare at a wall for 30 minutes if I had to.  And googling an answer?? He’ll yeah!  I’ll do it multiple times a day.  If you don’t know something, find out.  Nothing wrong with that.  I love to learn things.  No matter how trivial it may be.

Damn it!  I forgot the emojis.

What Google directs you to is the answer that they want you to know.  Google knows what you ask and what you search for.  They watch you not only on google.com, but everywhere else that you go on the interwebs, especially if you have an Android phone.  Apple is no different and neither is Amazon with their "Alexa" devices.  Micro$soft is even in the same game.  It may seem trivial, but put small pieces together to create a "big picture".

That's basically how hacking works.

Most people see it as a "convenience" since things are "personalized" for them.  I suspect that at first it was just to target advertising since allegedly that's how some of these companies make their money, but what it has turned to is manipulation.  When you search for something on Google your result is going to be based on "you" and anything that they want you to see.

As I said before, technology and social media is evil.
(02-05-2021, 06:24 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-05-2021, 06:01 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Under, not on.  Anyways, I figured that was so outlandish it was obviously not true and meant to be humorous.  But considering the history of my weird [BLEEP] posts, I could see how someone may not be the wiser.  I don’t think they even let dad under center.  I wouldn’t know.  Wife had a c-section. Seemingly 5 minutes in and I’m cutting the cord. Then our fabulous 3 day began.  Whatever.  It’s Not worth arguing over anymore. 

But, you’re right.  People are way too tied to their phones.  It’s disgusting, tbh.  Yeas ago when my step-son was a teenager and the 3 of us went out, before the aforementioned baby I caught with my baseball glove that fateful night, wife and step-son on their phones while out to dinner.  Irritated the living heck out of me.  I may as well been alone. Since then, we’ve come to an agreement not to have them at dinner.  Had an employee that’s was with me a while, asked him to drive to the next lawn so I could handle an email. A lawn only a minute or so from the previous one.  He said “yeah, but I don’t know how to get there.”  Smh.  However, when it comes to the Dr’s office and googling things... I respectfully disagree.  Even pre-Covid I never touched those filthy magazines. Besides, nothing there in my interest.  Id be just as apt to people watch, count the ceiling or floor tiles as I would to pull out my phone.  Really doesn’t matter to me.  I can stare at a wall for 30 minutes if I had to.  And googling an answer?? He’ll yeah!  I’ll do it multiple times a day.  If you don’t know something, find out.  Nothing wrong with that.  I love to learn things.  No matter how trivial it may be.

Damn it!  I forgot the emojis.

What Google directs you to is the answer that they want you to know.  Google knows what you ask and what you search for.  They watch you not only on google.com, but everywhere else that you go on the interwebs, especially if you have an Android phone.  Apple is no different and neither is Amazon with their "Alexa" devices.  Micro$soft is even in the same game.  It may seem trivial, but put small pieces together to create a "big picture".

That's basically how hacking works.

Most people see it as a "convenience" since things are "personalized" for them.  I suspect that at first it was just to target advertising since allegedly that's how some of these companies make their money, but what it has turned to is manipulation.  When you search for something on Google your result is going to be based on "you" and anything that they want you to see.

As I said before, technology and social media is evil.

Okay.  I don’t disagree.  I’ve actually stopped using our Alexa device. But so many random thoughts and questions pop up in my head on the daily.  Often times, I’ll google it.  For instance, one of the things I was wondering was why they called them Q-Tips,  turns out the obvious guess was right.  Q for quality.  But I also found out it used to be called “Baby Gays”.  What!?!?   Now if I’m wanting to learn something “important” I will read through multiple sites and filter out the BS on my own.  Same with instructional YouTube videos.  I do agree it started with advertising and snowballed.  That being said, I ask you this:  is/are there better search engines that aren’t so “evil”.?  Honest question.  Because I’m not going to the library every time I need a “simple” answer or wonder why dogs noses are wet.   Nor do I want to contribute to the madness or “social dilemma”.
(02-05-2021, 06:38 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-05-2021, 06:24 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]What Google directs you to is the answer that they want you to know.  Google knows what you ask and what you search for.  They watch you not only on google.com, but everywhere else that you go on the interwebs, especially if you have an Android phone.  Apple is no different and neither is Amazon with their "Alexa" devices.  Micro$soft is even in the same game.  It may seem trivial, but put small pieces together to create a "big picture".

That's basically how hacking works.

Most people see it as a "convenience" since things are "personalized" for them.  I suspect that at first it was just to target advertising since allegedly that's how some of these companies make their money, but what it has turned to is manipulation.  When you search for something on Google your result is going to be based on "you" and anything that they want you to see.

As I said before, technology and social media is evil.

Okay.  I don’t disagree.  I’ve actually stopped using our Alexa device. But so many random thoughts and questions pop up in my head on the daily.  Often times, I’ll google it.  For instance, one of the things I was wondering was why they called them Q-Tips,  turns out the obvious guess was right.  Q for quality.  But I also found out it used to be called “Baby Gays”.  What!?!?   Now if I’m wanting to learn something “important” I will read through multiple sites and filter out the BS on my own.  Same with instructional YouTube videos.  I do agree it started with advertising and snowballed.  That being said, I ask you this:  is/are there better search engines that aren’t so “evil”.?  Honest question.  Because I’m not going to the library every time I need a “simple” answer or wonder why dogs noses are wet.   Nor do I want to contribute to the madness or “social dilemma”.

I personally use DuckDuckGo.  Keep in mind though, it's not just the search engine on the interwebs, your phone gives away a lot of data without you even realizing it.  If you have an Android phone then Google still sees what you are doing.  If you use Google Chrome then Google still sees what you are doing.  It's the same thing with Apple if you happen to be an "I person".
You keep separating Android and Apple. But then say it’s the same either way. Can you clarify on the difference? I don’t imagine it would be any different on the search side. But it is also my understanding that Apple was a little more secure.
(02-05-2021, 07:24 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]You keep separating Android and Apple.  But then say it’s the same either way.  Can you clarify on the difference?  I don’t imagine it would be any different on the search side.  But it is also my understanding that Apple was a little more secure.

My tldr answer is that they are the same thing.  Neither one is any more "secure" than the other.

Android is basically a Google thing.  Apple is well... an apple thing.  It's the same thing, just two different companies.  

Apple wants you to have an "Apple ID" in order to perform upgrades to their OS (at least that's my experience on a tablet).  Apple wants you to use Itunes to put songs on your device.  If you want to add a program (app) to your device you have to get it from their "app store".  The bottom line is, Apple has your "profile" or what they call "data".

Android (Google) wants you to "sign in" on Google which has your email, files, photos, etc.

Neither device or Operating System is "more secure" than the other.  They are essentially the same thing, and it doesn't have anything to do with the Operating System.

I'm going to get "geeky" here so you might not understand.  Both Operating Systems are based on Unix so they basically work the same.  It's just "how" they do things that makes them different.

An Android device wants you to "sign in" on Google.  An Apple device wants your "Apple ID".

The outlier here is Micro$oft which is not based on Unix.  They want you to have a "windows cloud" account or something like that.  They are basically trying to "catch up" to Google and Apple to mine data.  The difference is that Micro$oft is based off of their own Operating System which traditionally is inherently insecure.  That's not really the fault of Micro$oft entirely.  Their Operating System(s) are usually more vulnerable simply because they are more common and wide spread.

The bottom line is, it doesn't matter what platform you use (Apple IOS, Micro$oft Windows, etc.) either on your computer or your phone, one is not necessarily "more secure" than the other.
(02-04-2021, 08:40 AM)RicoTx Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-04-2021, 12:20 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]I watched about half of it then got bored but it is freaky how much big tech controls people without our knowledge. And sells our information. I rarely use apps which makes things more time consuming but those things are gathering information they don't need.

If you use Google, you're using an app that is gathering your information.

I don't use it. I don't use the app for this message board either.
I use Tor on my laptop when I'm serious about a search and I use a VPN on my phone, laptop and tablet. I'm looking into using proton for email, or one of the other secure email services. Anyone with a recommendation feel free to advise.
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