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(02-10-2021, 07:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Can I trade some of my “white privilege” for the privileges other races are and have been getting?  Asking for a white friend of mine.

I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.
(02-10-2021, 07:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Can I trade some of my “white privilege” for the privileges other races are and have been getting?  Asking for a white friend of mine.

If you find out, let me know as well..
(02-10-2021, 07:16 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Can I trade some of my “white privilege” for the privileges other races are and have been getting?  Asking for a white friend of mine.

I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.

I He will gladly offer up my his privilege for authentic home made tacos and enchiladas! His tacos are “generic” and his wife keeps forgetting to buy all the ingredients.  He will also mow your lawn to show his gratitude.  Wait... which race are we supposed to be again?  Big Grin   (I mean ZERO offense by that)

(02-10-2021, 07:17 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Can I trade some of my “white privilege” for the privileges other races are and have been getting?  Asking for a white friend of mine.

If you find out, let me know as well..

Stay tuned, we may have an answer and a bad [BLEEP] dinner.  We’re figuring it out as we speak.
(02-10-2021, 07:26 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:16 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.

I He will gladly offer up my his privilege for authentic home made tacos and enchiladas! His tacos are “generic” and his wife keeps forgetting to buy all the ingredients.  He will also mow your lawn to show his gratitude.  Wait... which race are we supposed to be again?  Big Grin   (I mean ZERO offense by that)

(02-10-2021, 07:17 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]If you find out, let me know as well..

Stay tuned, we may have an answer and a bad [BLEEP] dinner.  We’re figuring it out as we speak.

LOL.  True story.  I have a friend who immigrated here as an infant from Mexico.  He has come out to my property to help us out some and in exchange I let him shoot on my shooting range.  Another friend needed some help on his property and I asked him "do you want me to bring my wetback?".  I told both friends what I said and both laughed because they knew that I was joking.  A joke like that in today's world is a "no-no".

As far as tacos, enchiladas, REAL burritos etc., I can do it all.  My Caucasian wife learned how to make tortillas from my grandmother, and that's all that we use (none of the store bought crap).  When our "McMansion" is done being built (scheduled for around April or May) I'll probably have a big party and slaughter a pig to bury.  Where I'm from it's called a "matanza".

Mine and my wife's lack of "white privilege" doesn't enable us to do something like that.  We both worked hard, saved and invested money to earn our new place.

Anyone that thinks that there is such a thing as "white privilege" can just kiss my [BLEEP].  Not on the cheek, but right in the center.
(02-10-2021, 07:56 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:26 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]I He will gladly offer up my his privilege for authentic home made tacos and enchiladas! His tacos are “generic” and his wife keeps forgetting to buy all the ingredients.  He will also mow your lawn to show his gratitude.  Wait... which race are we supposed to be again?  Big Grin   (I mean ZERO offense by that)

Stay tuned, we may have an answer and a bad [BLEEP] dinner.  We’re figuring it out as we speak.

LOL.  True story.  I have a friend who immigrated here as an infant from Mexico.  He has come out to my property to help us out some and in exchange I let him shoot on my shooting range.  Another friend needed some help on his property and I asked him "do you want me to bring my wetback?".  I told both friends what I said and both laughed because they knew that I was joking.  A joke like that in today's world is a "no-no".

As far as tacos, enchiladas, REAL burritos etc., I can do it all.  My Caucasian wife learned how to make tortillas from my grandmother, and that's all that we use (none of the store bought crap).  When our "McMansion" is done being built (scheduled for around April or May) I'll probably have a big party and slaughter a pig to bury.  Where I'm from it's called a "matanza".

Mine and my wife's lack of "white privilege" doesn't enable us to do something like that.  We both worked hard, saved and invested money to earn our new place.

Anyone that thinks that there is such a thing as "white privilege" can just kiss my [BLEEP].  Not on the cheek, but right in the center.

I’m not sure which part of this post to reply to because I can think of so much for each paragraph.  I agree jokes like that are off limits.  It reminds me of a joke I was told a while back and I had the courage to tell to a black employee.  One in which I had to make 110% sure I knew who he was and about.  Low and behold, I told the joke and he also laughed his bit off. He even asked to use it.  But generally, yes ethnic jokes are long gone.  That’s great that your wife not only embraced your heritage but also lives and cooks with it. Good for both of you on that.  As far as kissing cheeks, the “joke” we use was similar to what you said, although we added that they can “get right up in there with their tongue  and lick my.....”.
(02-10-2021, 07:16 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:12 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Can I trade some of my “white privilege” for the privileges other races are and have been getting?  Asking for a white friend of mine.

I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.

Ohhhh can I get in on this? I'd give a larger percent for  real Chimichangas
(02-09-2021, 04:40 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2021, 02:32 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]There’s plenty of racists under the left wing tent also. But rather than marginalize minorities, they leverage them for political gain.

That's a stretch, bro.
You concede that a racism that marginalizes minorities is bad. Thank you.
But if a racial minority is mostly unified in their policy goals, and chooses to join a political party in pursuit of those policy goals, does it make that party racist for accepting them and aligning their goals?

Lol. You say that as if aligning political goals with a minority group is the same as exploiting that same group for political gain. It is not. At all.
(02-09-2021, 01:43 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]There is a version of right wing politics that is race neutral and benevolent to all races.
You can focus on that version, but you also have to admit that not everyone under the right wing tent is there for those reasons.  
You have to cope with what Lee Atwater said about campaign strategy before he died.  
You have to either admit that you're OK sharing a tent with those racists as long as you both get to "own the libs" or whatever, or you have to devote your life to outing and muting those people, to cleaning your own house.

Bro....  I can't even with u.  

This is part of the problem.  We get saddled with "racism" because of some perception about Nixonian campaign strategy while the left gets a pass for slavery, segregation and defacto extermination.  Biggest political scam of all time.

(02-09-2021, 04:40 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2021, 02:32 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]There’s plenty of racists under the left wing tent also. But rather than marginalize minorities, they leverage them for political gain.

That's a stretch, bro.
You concede that a racism that marginalizes minorities is bad. Thank you.
But if a racial minority is mostly unified in their policy goals, and chooses to join a political party in pursuit of those policy goals, does it make that party racist for accepting them and aligning their goals?

What % of the black vote did George Wallace get in his last election?

(02-10-2021, 12:33 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2021, 08:09 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]It's a stretch to say that racism is part of the conservative platform, yet you throw it out there like it's a fact. Show me one mainstream political figure that is courting racists.

I'm not going to post the quote due to the repeated racial slur in it, but, pull up Wikipedia's article on Lee Atwater and do a word search on 1954.

Go listen to malcom x the ballot or the bullet.
(02-08-2021, 01:09 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Tell me about my white privilege and how I oppress you ONE. MORE. TIME. 

I swear to God..... Less than one month into this administration and I am sick and tired of the racial BS that has gone into overdrive. I have a lot less privilege than these people think. The people with true white privilege are those with money and status, neither of which I have. I just happen to be a girl born white. No privilege. Don't blame me for the color of my skin that I had NO say in and don't assume I think I'm somehow superior to you. I can assure you I don't.

If you want to blame someone for black oppression in twenty freaking twenty-one look at your own people. They're the ones killing each other, dealing drugs, hustling the streets, spreading the hate. 

You want to blame the grocery store managers for the food deserts in black neighborhoods? It's your own who are the ones who make it impossible for grocery stores (or any stores) to stay open in high crime neighborhoods when they vandalize them, steal from them, create unsafe working environments for employees, etc. 

You want to blame the city for not bringing new businesses into these same areas? Same problem. How about the parks that get locked up and kids have nowhere to play? Blame the criminals in your own neighborhood for bringing the drugs and thuggery. The tax money doesn't come to your neighborhood because its destroyed by your own people over and over again. 

When I worked for Habitat for Humanity in Jacksonville we built houses in black neighborhoods. We had many, many occasions where vandalism was an issue. The thugs didn't want black people owning their own homes because it might make them think they could rise up from the victim mindset and God forbid black people feel empowered. It got to the point we couldn't install appliances until the day before the homebuyers were to take ownership of the house because they would be stolen. Doors were stolen off their hinges. Water heaters, blinds, even whole cabinets were stolen. We had to secure air conditioning units on concrete pads with rebar bent around them to prevent theft, but they could still be made inoperable. Once we showed up to a house with feces from the on-site porta john smeared around the house. We started locking the johns and the next day they'd be tipped over. There would be people lingering a block or so away from the jobsite trying to intimidate us, the homebuyers and volunteers. People would dump their trash in the yards of new homes being built. 

Who did all of this? Not the white guy. The neighbors would tell us in confidence who the vandals were and we couldn't do anything about it for fear of putting their livelihood at risk. 

I remember going to a clothing store in the Landing and they made it a point to check receipts and general contents of bags before you walked out the door. I handed my receipt to the lady and she said I was okay to go without looking at it. She said it wasn't my color she had to worry about. And she was black. She said they had issues all the time with black girls (her words) coming in and trying to shop lift. Last Friday there was a black girl at my local Food Lion trying to shop lift some make-up. She was on her cellphone telling someone the store manager was eyeballing her and accusing her, all the while she was trying to keep the stuff from falling out of her jacket. 

The reason you get the side eye for doing nothing wrong is because others who look like you already did it. Repeatedly. It's not racism. It's criminal activity. It's guilt by association. You're own people are screwing you over. They're the ones saying you're a victim. They're the ones saying you're not good enough. They're the ones who perpetuate the mentality. 

I guarantee you 1000% not a single white baby comes out of the womb as a racist with an agenda. I remember a bible devotion I read once that said Eve never knew she lacked anything until the serpent told her so. It was a lie, of course, but the damage was done. We are taught things by people who may or may not have our best interests in mind. Those who don't have an agenda. Sadly many kids don't understand this and are for all intents and purposes brainwashed to believe things that aren't true, or may have just enough truth coming from just the right person to be "true." 

My first personal encounter with racism wasn't until around the 7th grade. I knew there were kids that didn't like each other but I didn't know it was specific to race. I didn't know I was "against black people" until a black kid told me I was. What? Imagine that. I had no idea what they were talking about, I said. People are people. I quoted Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson's song Ebony and Ivory. That didn't go over well with the kid. It was the first time I ever saw someone of color as different and it was not a good kind of different, but I've never judged a whole race of people by that kid and his attitude. 

I won't even go into how you let white progressives push this narrative. That's a whole other can of whoop [BLEEP]. It's too early in the day for any of this crap but I had to get it out.

Shout out to Americus.  It's not poetic, it's not PC but its where you're coming from.  Mad respect for putting it out there.  

This sentiment is the natural extension "white privilege" and "collective Justice"  Just because you're white doesn't mean that you inherited all your money from a plantation, doesn't mean you owned a segregated restaurant and It doesn't mean that you were put on the short list of some fortune 500 company just because of your skin tone.  This is a destructive ideology that leads a lot of whites who worked their tails off for what they have and were never handed anything to be resentful of constantly being put on the defensive.  

And someone said that this is some fringe ideology @ the huffington post.  PLEASE.  This ideology was being taught to federal employees, is permeating corporate America through HR departments and "racial sensitivity training"  Whites are being put in separate rooms and being made to write apologies for their inherent racism.   the 1619 project is being taught in schools.  If you think this is just some looney toons fringe ideology, you just haven't been paying attention.
(02-11-2021, 12:50 PM)wrong_box Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:16 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.

Ohhhh can I get in on this? I'd give a larger percent for  real Chimichangas

You can have it.  I wasn’t actually going to haul my stuff out there for a meal.  Although, tempting.  I can provide adult beverages and America’s Finest...hot dog.  Eh? Eh????   Who doesn’t want one of them?   

I’m not sure where the “steak” originated but I’d offer up a medium rare ribeye seasoned to perfection for authentic foods elsewhere.  Damn it.  We need a more diverse board.  We have fish ‘n’ chips (always good) from our U.K. peeps, toaster strudels (I assume from DF’s homeland), tacos, enchiladas and quesadillas from JIB, kangaroo meat I’m guessing from the aussies that give us crap.  We need some ‘Talians, Greeks and Asians and we could have one bad [BLEEP] pot luck!
(02-11-2021, 12:50 PM)wrong_box Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-10-2021, 07:16 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]I'll trade you some "white privilege" for some home made tacos and enchiladas.

Ohhhh can I get in on this? I'd give a larger percent for  real Chimichangas

The chimichanga was invented by a white lady in the Mexican border region of the United States. You're safe!
(02-11-2021, 07:29 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-11-2021, 12:50 PM)wrong_box Wrote: [ -> ]Ohhhh can I get in on this? I'd give a larger percent for  real Chimichangas

The chimichanga was invented by a white lady in the Mexican border region of the United States. You're safe!

This is part in why people give you crap.  Don’t take things so serious.  Relax, bud.  Have some fun. I really want to return the favor on the plus’. I’ll plus one 5 posts if you relax and have fun, stop taking things serious and an extra one for making a good funny we all (or most) can laugh at.  You’ve got this!
(02-11-2021, 04:41 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2021, 04:40 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]That's a stretch, bro.
You concede that a racism that marginalizes minorities is bad. Thank you.
But if a racial minority is mostly unified in their policy goals, and chooses to join a political party in pursuit of those policy goals, does it make that party racist for accepting them and aligning their goals?

Lol. You say that as if aligning political goals with a minority group is the same as exploiting that same group for political gain. It is not. At all.

Of course they're not the same!
Exploitation of people is always bad.
But why are you so sure that they're being exploited?
(02-11-2021, 07:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-11-2021, 04:41 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol. You say that as if aligning political goals with a minority group is the same as exploiting that same group for political gain. It is not. At all.

Of course they're not the same!
Exploitation of people is always bad.
But why are you so sure that they're being exploited?

Talk about being out of touch.  I present exhibit A.
(02-11-2021, 07:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-11-2021, 04:41 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol. You say that as if aligning political goals with a minority group is the same as exploiting that same group for political gain. It is not. At all.

Of course they're not the same!
Exploitation of people is always bad.
But why are you so sure that they're being exploited?


22 million dead, destruction of the black family, drugs, crime, mass migration competing for jobs and educational resources...  I mean...  yeh...
(02-11-2021, 08:07 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-11-2021, 07:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Of course they're not the same!
Exploitation of people is always bad.
But why are you so sure that they're being exploited?


22 million dead, destruction of the black family, drugs, crime, mass migration competing for jobs and educational resources...  I mean...  yeh...

But why do you lay that at the modern day Democrats' feet?
Abortion is declining every day.
Divorce and fatherlessness are now more strongly correlated to the parent's economic status than their race.
Both parties voted for tough on crime legislation in the 90s.  At the state level, Republicans led the charge, and about 9 out every 10 imprisoned black people are in state, not federal, prisons.
The immigration thing, until about 2006 both parties were strongly pro-immigration.

(02-11-2021, 07:46 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-11-2021, 07:33 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Of course they're not the same!
Exploitation of people is always bad.
But why are you so sure that they're being exploited?

Talk about being out of touch.  I present exhibit A.

Hey Vulcan boy.
This is the last message I will ever send to you.
From here on out, if you think I'm sending you a message, I'm not.
I'm leaving you alone, now do me the same courtesy.
22 million but declining. He wrote that.

The great society was the forerunner of the community based society and the abolition of the nuclear family. That lead to the desolation of the community through crime and drugs.

U can spew a lot about Lee Atwater, but you don't understand basic causal relationships or the legacy of modern progressivism.
I've told Mikey about it before. Seems he has forgotten.
(02-11-2021, 07:15 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]Shout out to Americus.  It's not poetic, it's not PC but its where you're coming from.  Mad respect for putting it out there.  

Thanks man. I don't do poetic or PC, I just say what's on my mind. That other stuff gets in the way of what people really think IMO.

You hit the nail on the head as well. Thanks for your input. I'm sick and tired of this crap but the left is pushing it hard so it's not going away any time soon.
(02-11-2021, 10:31 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]22 million but declining.  He wrote that.  

The great society was the forerunner of the community based society and the abolition of the nuclear family.  That lead to the desolation of the community through crime and drugs.  

U can spew a lot about Lee Atwater, but you don't understand basic causal relationships or the legacy of modern progressivism.

What are Republicans doing to reduce abortion in the US today?
What are Republicans doing to strengthen nuclear families, particularly black nuclear families, today?
You can tell a simplified version of our history where Democrats of the past are the only villains, but even if you believe it, you forget that both parties have changed since then, and neither party is really working on those issues.  You're like Kramer who is finally ending his one-man strike at the bagel shop. You're focused on old news.
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