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Full Version: Anybody catch Lageman this morning?
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Quote:Boselli and Prisco kind of talked about how its hard to just fire him because he is such a nice guy on Jaguars Monday.

I don't see Shad or Dave holding off on firing him because Gus is a nice guy. It might make it a little tougher but this is is the NFL. It's a business and Gus isn't getting the job done.
So the bar now is set at 7-9?

Quote:Boselli and Prisco kind of talked about how its hard to just fire him because he is such a nice guy on Jaguars Monday.  

Kind of funny because they players "think" they want Bradley to stay, but from a professional level they would be much better off with a coach who emphasizes attention to detail and is much more disciplined and knowledgeable.  It makes you grow as a person and maximize ones potential.
Quote:So the bar now is set at 7-9?

In preseason, that was my expectation... but now? I don't think we even get to 7.
Quote:Boselli and Prisco kind of talked about how its hard to just fire him because he is such a nice guy on Jaguars Monday.  
That's not really what they said at all. 


They said that it was difficult for THEM to TALK about firing him because they're both friends with Gus and want to see him succeed. 
Quote:I don't see Shad or Dave holding off on firing him because Gus is a nice guy. It might make it a little tougher but this is is the NFL. It's a business and Gus isn't getting the job done.
Exactly.  If the team continues to flounder and is 0-4 leaving London, the decisions is going to be made to go in a different direction.  I think that's pretty much the consensus, and even Boselli and Prisco agreed with that on the show last night.

The bottom line is the bottom line




I've been right about ol boy since day one....glad to see you boys coming around

Quote:So the bar now is set at 7-9?

Didn't Dave just reiterate that Khan feels that playoffs are the expectation?
Quote:Right now the problem is Shad Khan, not Lageman. Khan is as soft as they come. 
You get a great owner that not only has been constantly promoting Jacksonville but sending lots of money to improve the stadium and fan experience  and you bash him. If there is to be a change in coaching staff it would be during the bye.  This is no time to fire the coach and if we lose the next two games I believe Gus will be gone. If we win the next two games we will have to ride out the season bur one thing for sure Khan will not accept another loosing season.
Quote:Didn't Dave just reiterate that Khan feels that playoffs are the expectation?

Yes. That hasn't changed. There won't be any buddy-buddying if Gus fails to meet the expectations that were laid out at the start of the off season.
One thing I truly believe Gus will be gone after this year.  I just can't see him turn this thing around mainly because he has not change his style of get better every day.  Game after game the same results, penalties that just continue game after game, terrible game planing every week, absolutely no half time adjustment that change the game.  Nice guy bad coach.

Quote:That's not really what they said at all. 


They said that it was difficult for THEM to TALK about firing him because they're both friends with Gus and want to see him succeed. 

I kind of read between the lines a bit with my explanation but it also seemed like if he was a jerk they would have already fired him but since he talks to them about their health and stuff they don't mind waiting till the end of the season.
Quote:The bottom line is the bottom line




I've been right about ol boy since day one....glad to see you boys coming around

I'll never really get the fan who just is adamant about being Mr. Right in every instance, cannot ever be wrong, and can't wait to go, "See how smart I am!!" as if they had something to prove to all of us.


I mean.....coaches get fired.  Eventually, all of them.  Players get cut.  Nearly all of them.  You aren't proving your genius the majority of the time by producing the inevitable.


It's like some people would certainly rather be right then the team succeed.


One big way I got away from that craziness, to the extent anyone can, is the "Put in Jerrard" days.  Those folks couldn't wait for Byron to fail.  But they were right, ultimately.   was wrong.  David ended up being the better QB, and we were better off for it.  My guess is they turned on David the first chance they got too.


Gus wan't my first choice.  He wasn't the last one either.  He was a solid candidate at the time.  I'm pretty convinced he is toast.  I'd love to be wrong again.  
Quote:So the bar now is set at 7-9?

Until we lose the next one and it drops again.
Quote:Yes. That hasn't changed. There won't be any buddy-buddying if Gus fails to meet the expectations that were laid out at the start of the off season.

The may as well let him go then because no way in hell he meets those expectations.
Quote:The may as well let him go then because no way in hell he meets those expectations.

That's kinda what I was getting at.


We haven't seen that kind of feat from one of Gus' teams, and very few in our franchise history.  Not from teams that start 0-2.


And again, Gus doesn't have the history to make you believe it's likely,


We went 1-4 I believe in the first five of 1996 with an outstanding finish at 9-7, but I just don't see that happening.
Quote:I kind of read between the lines a bit with my explanation but it also seemed like if he was a jerk they would have already fired him but since he talks to them about their health and stuff they don't mind waiting till the end of the season.
You do understand that neither Boselli nor Prisco actually have the power to fire anyone, right?

Quote:Lageman is one of few who have a good grasp of the facts and makes informed judgments, and is certainly doesn't hold back when criticism is due.


He was also on the show with Dempsey and was quite frank.


Basically, he said one or two guys played decent and had nothing else good to say.


But for those who missed it, don't let that get in the way of a good bashing.  Caveman smash.
Hear, hear!  Lags is the most informed and knowledgeable person in our local media.  If you didn't actually hear what he said today, you should probably refrain from posting until you do.
Quote:I'll never really get the fan who just is adamant about being Mr. Right in every instance, cannot ever be wrong, and can't wait to go, "See how smart I am!!" as if they had something to prove to all of us.

I mean.....coaches get fired. Eventually, all of them. Players get cut. Nearly all of them. You aren't proving your genius the majority of the time by producing the inevitable.

It's like some people would certainly rather be right then the team succeed.

One big way I got away from that craziness, to the extent anyone can, is the "Put in Jerrard" days. Those folks couldn't wait for Byron to fail. But they were right, ultimately. was wrong. David ended up being the better QB, and we were better off for it. My guess is they turned on David the first chance they got too.

Gus wan't my first choice. He wasn't the last one either. He was a solid candidate at the time. I'm pretty convinced he is toast. I'd love to be wrong again.

I'm gonna die one day, haha told ya so!
Quote:Exactly.  If the team continues to flounder and is 0-4 leaving London, the decisions is going to be made to go in a different direction.  I think that's pretty much the consensus, and even Boselli and Prisco agreed with that on the show last night.
I'd have to agree.


If this team is 0-4 going into the bye week and Gus isn't let go at that point. That will throw up some serious red flags.


I think his only shot at staying past the bye week, is if he can win these next two in impressive fashion. Putting us at 2-2 going into the bye week.


1-3 should be some very serious discussions, 0-4 and it's absolutely no question.
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