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Fallon knows what's up That woman is sickly.


[Image: 1474377772796.jpg?ve=1&tl=1]

That's funny.
Quote:That's funny.
Yeah, right after that high five he quickly applied hand sanitizer.
Apparently the show took all of her might, as she is off the campaign trail today.

Neither comment was offensive, just a bit insensitive and stupid given the scrutiny given to both candidates.
Quote:Nobody disagrees, people just get offended because "muh women and children are not candies" (despite the migration being 75-90% adult males).

Are you talking about all refugees fleeing Syria, the region in general, or those immigrating to the U.S.?
Quote:Are you talking about all refugees fleeing Syria, the region in general, or those immigrating to the U.S.?

Fleeing the region/Syria, not necessarily coming to the U.S.

Quote:So you agree that of the bowl of 784,000 skittles, three were found to be poisoned? DJTJr. didn't say how many skittles were in the bowl, so he's factually correct.


No, he's not factually correct.  First, any idiot can tell there's maybe 100 - 200 skittles in the bowl.  Even in the pantheon of Donald exaggerations, that's a doozy.


And Little Donald didn't say 3 were poisoned - he said 3 would kill you. That's not being factually correct, and that's not a good analogy for the Syrian situation.


Maybe America really is like Donald - greedy, isolationist, xenophobic and ignorant of facts, but I don't think so.  We're good people, and we'll eventually do the right thing by the Syrian refugees.  And we'll be rewarded for it with people like Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie, and Shahid Khan.  Who knows, maybe one will marry a land baron and be the mom of the next Donald Trump. 


It's happened before.
Quote:No, he's not factually correct.  First, any idiot can tell there's maybe 100 - 200 skittles in the bowl.  Even in the pantheon of Donald exaggerations, that's a doozy.


And Little Donald didn't say 3 were poisoned - he said 3 would kill you. That's not being factually correct, and that's not a good analogy for the Syrian situation.


Maybe America really is like Donald - greedy, isolationist, xenophobic and ignorant of facts, but I don't think so.  We're good people, and we'll eventually do the right thing by the Syrian refugees.  And we'll be rewarded for it with people like Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie, and Shahid Khan.  Who knows, maybe one will marry a land baron and be the mom of the next Donald Trump. 


It's happened before.

Apparently you failed to understand the analogy. It is analogous to the fact that we cannot vet a large portion of the refugees that many are so welcoming to accept. So, because you cannot vet them, why should you risk letting them enter the country when many could be radicalized jihadist? It only takes one.


FYI, Steve Jobs' birth parents were not refugees. They were immigrants. They immigrated legally and were vetted normally, not through a refugee program.
Quote:No, he's not factually correct.  First, any idiot can tell there's maybe 100 - 200 skittles in the bowl.  Even in the pantheon of Donald exaggerations, that's a doozy.


And Little Donald didn't say 3 were poisoned - he said 3 would kill you. That's not being factually correct, and that's not a good analogy for the Syrian situation.


Maybe America really is like Donald - greedy, isolationist, xenophobic and ignorant of facts, but I don't think so.  We're good people, and we'll eventually do the right thing by the Syrian refugees.  And we'll be rewarded for it with people like Steve Jobs, Andrew Carnegie, and Shahid Khan.  Who knows, maybe one will marry a land baron and be the mom of the next Donald Trump. 


It's happened before.

Do right by Syrian refugees?  Doing right by them would have been stopping the violence, not facilitating it by allying with radical mercenaries.


But now that we are where we are it is a difficult situation. You have American citizens, who had no hand in a war in Syria (and would be horrified if they knew what our government is doing) being told by said government that we need to be accepting of these refugees. Refugees who would likely still have a home had our country not intervened.  That would be like the government dropping a bomb on my house and then making me pay for it.  You can see why that is aggravating to many people like myself.  With that said, I do sympathize with the innocent Syrian refugees. I'm in support of accepting women and children. Military aged men should be strongly vetted.

Quote:Apparently you failed to understand the analogy. It is analogous to the fact that we cannot vet a large portion of the refugees that many are so welcoming to accept. So, because you cannot vet them, why should you risk letting them enter the country when many could be radicalized jihadist? It only takes one.


FYI, Steve Jobs' birth parents were not refugees. They were immigrants. They immigrated legally and were vetted normally, not through a refugee program.

Andrew Carnegie and Shahid Khan weren't refugees.  Shahid Khan IS Muslim, though, and as we all know Donald has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US until we can figure out what is going on.  Thus, under Donald's system, no Khan in the USA. 


Andrew Carnegie was EXCEEDINGLY poor when he came to the US from Scotland, and I include him as a immigrant-boy-does-good story, and to twist the knife on Donald's "extreme vetting" idiocy, as Donald's own mum is a fisherman's daughter from the Hebrides in Scotland.


Steve Jobs biological father was not fleeing a war, but this article does a good job of explaining that he was, in fact, fleeing political persecution. BTW, whether you agree with me or not, the article's a very interesting and non-partisan backstory on the particulars of how Steve Jobs wound up adopted into a California household.


Every time we let someone into the country, we take a risk.  There are procedures already in place to minimize that risk, and with 0 terrorist attacks per 784,000 refugees in 15 years, I think we're doing pretty good.


Stopping immigration won't stop the hateful ideology.  It does not infect by human contact, it is earbourne.
Quote:Andrew Carnegie and Shahid Khan weren't refugees.  Shahid Khan IS Muslim, though, and as we all know Donald has called for a ban on all Muslims entering the US until we can figure out what is going on.  Thus, under Donald's system, no Khan in the USA. 


Andrew Carnegie was EXCEEDINGLY poor when he came to the US from Scotland, and I include him as a immigrant-boy-does-good story, and to twist the knife on Donald's "extreme vetting" idiocy, as Donald's own mum is a fisherman's daughter from the Hebrides in Scotland.


Steve Jobs biological father was not fleeing a war, but this article does a good job of explaining that he was, in fact, fleeing political persecution. BTW, whether you agree with me or not, the article's a very interesting and non-partisan backstory on the particulars of how Steve Jobs wound up adopted into a California household.


Every time we let someone into the country, we take a risk.  There are procedures already in place to minimize that risk, and with 0 terrorist attacks per 784,000 refugees in 15 years, I think we're doing pretty good.


Stopping immigration won't stop the hateful ideology.  It does not infect by human contact, it is earbourne.

So because Khan would hypothetically be denied immigration into the US, I should put aside the notion of blocking immigration from terror-prone nations? Sorry, I like Shad, but I favor national security over having a good football owner. Muslim immigration can be a crap shoot. Generally speaking, Muslim communities have a terrible track record of reporting radical behavior and don't assimilate. Even the "moderate" Muslims are radical compared to western standards. It doesn't matter if they are refugees or immigrants. So, if they are from terror-prone nations and can't be heavily vetted and proven to not hold anti-Western values, they should be denied. Unfortunately, this makes up a large portion of the Syrian refugees.


[Image: Z11Yk18.jpg]
My wife volunteers teaching refugees here in Jax. None have even offered her a Skittle, much less a poisoned one yet. She says they are usually more worried about getting their kids in schools and finding jobs.
Quote:My wife volunteers teaching refugees here in Jax. None have even offered her a Skittle, much less a poisoned one yet. She says they are usually more worried about getting their kids in schools and finding jobs.

Nice anecdote my main man. They wouldn't be worried about getting their kids in schools and finding jobs in the US if the west didn't blow up their homeland and funnel weapons to fuel rebellions. Though I guess since all they want is their kids in schools and a job (I mean, who doesn't want that?) we should just open up our borders, invite the entire third-world over, give them welfare, and provide them a comfy ditch-digging government job. After all, who doesn't want their kids in school and a job?


Here is a better idea. How about instead of importing millions of refugees and immigrants from the war-torn middle-east who we cant vet, sticking them in our cities, and giving them government housing/welfare, we setup safe zones over where they can stay in safety until the "strife" is over?
Quote:So because Khan would hypothetically be denied immigration into the US, I should put aside the notion of blocking immigration from terror-prone nations? Sorry, I like Shad, but I favor national security over having a good football owner. Muslim immigration can be a crap shoot. Generally speaking, Muslim communities have a terrible track record of reporting radical behavior and don't assimilate. Even the "moderate" Muslims are radical compared to western standards. It doesn't matter if they are refugees or immigrants. So, if they are from terror-prone nations and can't be heavily vetted and proven to not hold anti-Western values, they should be denied. Unfortunately, this makes up a large portion of the Syrian refugees.

[Image: Z11Yk18.jpg]

I think the 1.1 billion supporting Sharia Law is what is most concerning.
Quote:My wife volunteers teaching refugees here in Jax. None have even offered her a Skittle, much less a poisoned one yet. She says they are usually more worried about getting their kids in schools and finding jobs.

Don't destroy the narrative. Your wife is petrified for her life every day.
Quote:Don't destroy the narrative. Your wife is petrified for her life every day.
Ha ha. I don't know why everyone is so afraid all the time. Everyone seems positive they are going to die in a terrorist attack. I think it's sad that people live a life where they are in such fear of things that are A) rare to begin with and B] less likely to occur than any number of other things.

It's funny because whenever I travel around the world people always tell me I should be worried something bad is going to happen. If I lived my life in fear, I wouldn't travel anywhere or experience anything. I certainly wouldn't be willing to help the less fortunate. I think people's fear gets in their way.
Quote:Ha ha. I don't know why everyone is so afraid all the time. Everyone seems positive they are going to die in a terrorist attack. I think it's sad that people live a life where they are in such fear of things that are A) rare to begin with and B] less likely to occur than any number of other things.

It's funny because whenever I travel around the world people always tell me I should be worried something bad is going to happen. If I lived my life in fear, I wouldn't travel anywhere or experience anything. I certainly wouldn't be willing to help the less fortunate. I think people's fear gets in their way.

And again you leftists miss the bulk of the problem. The killing they might do in the name of religion is a real concern; just because people are killed in other ways and by others doesn't mean we should add more murderers. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.

The real problem is that the refugees are not coming here because they want to be American citizens, they are coming here because they believe we owe them. They want to keep their own culture, their own laws, their misogyny, their homophobia. These are beliefs the left strongly opposes, but apparently only if they can claim that white Republicans are that. Well here's a secret you won't read on your left wing radical websites, even the most misogynistic and homophobic white Republicans are pro-gay and pro-women compared to the beliefs of mainstream Islam.


Quote:And again you leftists miss the bulk of the problem. The killing they might do in the name of religion is a real concern; just because people are killed in other ways and by others doesn't mean we should add more murderers. But that's only the tip of the iceberg.

The real problem is that the refugees are not coming here because they want to be American citizens, they are coming here because they believe we owe them. They want to keep their own culture, their own laws, their misogyny, their homophobia. These are beliefs the left strongly opposes, but apparently only if they can claim that white Republicans are that. Well here's a secret you won't read on your left wing radical websites, even the most misogynistic and homophobic white Republicans are pro-gay and pro-women compared to the beliefs of mainstream Islam.


You might as well bang your head against a brick wall.  It ain't getting through.
Quote:The real problem is that the refugees are not coming here because they want to be American citizens, they are coming here because they believe we owe them.



I don't know, man.  The pictures I've seen - I think they just want to be anywhere but Syria. 
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