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We are on a slippery slope that just seems impossible to jump from...

But have perspective...

Everyone felt that way in the 60s too.
(04-23-2021, 08:05 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Police officer shoots black man.  Therefore, police routinely shoot black men.  Therefore, police are bad.  Therefore, defund the police.  

BLM activist says something really stupid.  Therefore, BLM activists are really stupid.  Therefore, the BLM movement is illegitimate.  Therefore, BLM ought to go away and there is nothing wrong with the way the police treat black people.  

Do you see how you are being manipulated?

Bro. You know nothing about the people who founded BLM. I can't speak to their intentionality, but I have watched them describe themselves as "trained Marxists and community organizers." So, while they might know all of the specifics of their ideology or even be aware of the history of their philosophy, it's certain they were indoctrinated in critical theory, which has specific goals. They were taught that America is bad and it's cultural and political hegemony needs to be destroyed. The tenants of BLM fall almost perfectly in line with the "Long March through the Institutions," which was inspired by the communist, Antonio Gramsci. 

Gramsci wanted to take over "mastery of human consciousness," which he believed would free people from the chains that prevented them from accepting Marxism. This would be accomplished, he believed, by taking over anything that shaped culture, which was later distilled to 5 institutions: entertainment, education, civil service , the family structure, and the church. This isn't a one-off comment, either. You can see this idea reiterated many different times in the 20th century, by many different Marxist philosophers, with many different influencers trying to enact these changes. In America, too. They knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but it's here now. 

It began with the entertainment industry, which makes sense, because many Marxists settled in Berkley in the 60's. You can see the narrative rampant in our movies, our TV shows, our late night TV, our sports, our music, and even our MSM. You see it in our education system. Our public education has been moving this direction since the 80's, and now it's running rampant in our universities, which is absolutely affecting the "science." So what role does BLM fill? Well you can see in their mission statement they want to abolish the police, completely reimagine the justice system, and dismantle the nuclear family. So, BLM creates the legitimacy to put CRT (and therefor critical theory), into the civil sector. It's literally being taught at every level in the federal government. That's 4 of the 5 institutions right there. The church is on the ropes. Won't be long. 

So, that said, that activist's comments fall perfectly inline with the anti-American founding principles of the BLM Organization. You can believe that activist is the exception, but you're wrong. The goal is to destroy the American system and what follows from that is a narrative that supersedes facts. She only cares that the police be abolished. The fact that he saved a black woman's life is irrelevant, because The Facts... Don't... Matter. If you would open your eyes, you could see it. It's like you operate on this assumption that people from the past can't influence modern thought or that US citizens and/or institutions are impervious to this type of manipulation, which is weird since this has not been true anywhere or any time since humans started documenting [BLEEP]. Turns out, we're pretty [BLEEP] stupid. 

The fact that there are activists that are spinning this incident (not just activists, but politicians and journalists) should show you that the narrative is supreme, and nothing short of systemic destruction will suffice. The people who perpetuate these lies need to be shunned by American society, but that doesn't happen because well meaning people like you and Mike won't make public examples of them. You blindly follow the narrative and the result will be an America that is no longer recognizable. All by design. There are plenty of well-meaning people involved with BLM, but you have to stop burying your head in the sand. This is a cancer.
(04-23-2021, 11:18 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]https://youtu.be/i9_e0rRvyz8
Bringing back some memories!

When I used to work construction with my dad, he would play Doobie Brothers, James Taylor and Skynyrd on the way to the job sites. Pretty sweet summers.
(04-23-2021, 11:10 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 11:04 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]I don't care about the streets, I care about my own property and dwelling.. That's where the action is  Ninja

Until the mob comes for you.

Let them  Smile
(04-23-2021, 11:21 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 08:05 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Police officer shoots black man.  Therefore, police routinely shoot black men.  Therefore, police are bad.  Therefore, defund the police.  

BLM activist says something really stupid.  Therefore, BLM activists are really stupid.  Therefore, the BLM movement is illegitimate.  Therefore, BLM ought to go away and there is nothing wrong with the way the police treat black people.  

Do you see how you are being manipulated?

Bro. You know nothing about the people who founded BLM. I can't speak to their intentionality, but I have watched them describe themselves as "trained Marxists and community organizers." So, while they might know all of the specifics of their ideology or even be aware of the history of their philosophy, it's certain they were indoctrinated in critical theory, which has specific goals. They were taught that America is bad and it's cultural and political hegemony needs to be destroyed. The tenants of BLM fall almost perfectly in line with the "Long March through the Institutions," which was inspired by the communist, Antonio Gramsci. 

Gramsci wanted to take over "mastery of human consciousness," which he believed would free people from the chains that prevented them from accepting Marxism. This would be accomplished, he believed, by taking over anything that shaped culture, which was later distilled to 5 institutions: entertainment, education, civil service , the family structure, and the church. This isn't a one-off comment, either. You can see this idea reiterated many different times in the 20th century, by many different Marxist philosophers, with many different influencers trying to enact these changes. In America, too. They knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but it's here now. 

It began with the entertainment industry, which makes sense, because many Marxists settled in Berkley in the 60's. You can see the narrative rampant in our movies, our TV shows, our late night TV, our sports, our music, and even our MSM. You see it in our education system. Our public education has been moving this direction since the 80's, and now it's running rampant in our universities, which is absolutely affecting the "science." So what role does BLM fill? Well you can see in their mission statement they want to abolish the police, completely reimagine the justice system, and dismantle the nuclear family. So, BLM creates the legitimacy to put CRT (and therefor critical theory), into the civil sector. It's literally being taught at every level in the federal government. That's 4 of the 5 institutions right there. The church is on the ropes. Won't be long. 

So, that said, that activist's comments fall perfectly inline with the anti-American founding principles of the BLM Organization. You can believe that activist is the exception, but you're wrong. The goal is to destroy the American system and what follows from that is a narrative that supersedes facts. She only cares that the police be abolished. The fact that he saved a black woman's life is irrelevant, because The Facts... Don't... Matter. If you would open your eyes, you could see it. It's like you operate on this assumption that people from the past can't influence modern thought or that US citizens and/or institutions are impervious to this type of manipulation, which is weird since this has not been true anywhere or any time since humans started documenting [BLEEP]. Turns out, we're pretty [BLEEP] stupid. 

The fact that there are activists that are spinning this incident (not just activists, but politicians and journalists) should show you that the narrative is supreme, and nothing short of systemic destruction will suffice. The people who perpetuate these lies need to be shunned by American society, but that doesn't happen because well meaning people like you and Mike won't make public examples of them. You blindly follow the narrative and the result will be an America that is no longer recognizable. All by design. There are plenty of well-meaning people involved with BLM, but you have to stop burying your head in the sand. This is a cancer.

You left out half my post and missed my point.  Let me give you another example:

Trump says we have to get control of our border.  Liberals say, Trump is evil.  Therefore, we have to throw out everything Trump says, without considering the merits of what he is saying.   

BLM says the police mistreat black people.  Conservatives say, BLM is a bunch of marxists.  Therefore, we have to throw out everything BLM says without considering the merits.  

It's the same thing.   One of the preferred ways partisans deal with issues is to attack the people who are pushing the issue.  In this case, some idiot who is supposed to be a BLM person said something very idiotic, and some right wing rag publishes it in order to make the point that all BLM people are idiots and therefore, we should not listen to them.  

It's manipulation.
(04-23-2021, 09:08 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]I am sick of the mob, I want to fight the mob, I want to destroy this leftist mob. People in their right minds better take a stand. WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS GARBAGE TO CONTINUE!! This is not hyperbole, its fact. The time is NOW...
As much as I would like that to happen, you can't do that and keep this country whole. The dems want that to happen, they want a civil war brewing so the can divide and control.

Now if they come for guns then all bets are off.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk
(04-23-2021, 12:45 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 09:08 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]I am sick of the mob, I want to fight the mob, I want to destroy this leftist mob. People in their right minds better take a stand. WE CANNOT ALLOW THIS GARBAGE TO CONTINUE!! This is not hyperbole, its fact. The time is NOW...
As much as I would like that to happen, you can't do that and keep this country whole. The dems want that to happen, they want a civil war brewing so the can divide and control.

Now if they come for guns then all bets are off.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk

(04-23-2021, 12:52 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 12:45 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]As much as I would like that to happen, you can't do that and keep this country whole. The dems want that to happen, they want a civil war brewing so the can divide and control.

Now if they come for guns then all bets are off.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk


In this case, what Biden wants and what he'll get are two different things..
(04-23-2021, 12:43 PM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 11:21 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Bro. You know nothing about the people who founded BLM. I can't speak to their intentionality, but I have watched them describe themselves as "trained Marxists and community organizers." So, while they might know all of the specifics of their ideology or even be aware of the history of their philosophy, it's certain they were indoctrinated in critical theory, which has specific goals. They were taught that America is bad and it's cultural and political hegemony needs to be destroyed. The tenants of BLM fall almost perfectly in line with the "Long March through the Institutions," which was inspired by the communist, Antonio Gramsci. 

Gramsci wanted to take over "mastery of human consciousness," which he believed would free people from the chains that prevented them from accepting Marxism. This would be accomplished, he believed, by taking over anything that shaped culture, which was later distilled to 5 institutions: entertainment, education, civil service , the family structure, and the church. This isn't a one-off comment, either. You can see this idea reiterated many different times in the 20th century, by many different Marxist philosophers, with many different influencers trying to enact these changes. In America, too. They knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but it's here now. 

It began with the entertainment industry, which makes sense, because many Marxists settled in Berkley in the 60's. You can see the narrative rampant in our movies, our TV shows, our late night TV, our sports, our music, and even our MSM. You see it in our education system. Our public education has been moving this direction since the 80's, and now it's running rampant in our universities, which is absolutely affecting the "science." So what role does BLM fill? Well you can see in their mission statement they want to abolish the police, completely reimagine the justice system, and dismantle the nuclear family. So, BLM creates the legitimacy to put CRT (and therefor critical theory), into the civil sector. It's literally being taught at every level in the federal government. That's 4 of the 5 institutions right there. The church is on the ropes. Won't be long. 

So, that said, that activist's comments fall perfectly inline with the anti-American founding principles of the BLM Organization. You can believe that activist is the exception, but you're wrong. The goal is to destroy the American system and what follows from that is a narrative that supersedes facts. She only cares that the police be abolished. The fact that he saved a black woman's life is irrelevant, because The Facts... Don't... Matter. If you would open your eyes, you could see it. It's like you operate on this assumption that people from the past can't influence modern thought or that US citizens and/or institutions are impervious to this type of manipulation, which is weird since this has not been true anywhere or any time since humans started documenting [BLEEP]. Turns out, we're pretty [BLEEP] stupid. 

The fact that there are activists that are spinning this incident (not just activists, but politicians and journalists) should show you that the narrative is supreme, and nothing short of systemic destruction will suffice. The people who perpetuate these lies need to be shunned by American society, but that doesn't happen because well meaning people like you and Mike won't make public examples of them. You blindly follow the narrative and the result will be an America that is no longer recognizable. All by design. There are plenty of well-meaning people involved with BLM, but you have to stop burying your head in the sand. This is a cancer.

You left out half my post and missed my point.  Let me give you another example:

Trump says we have to get control of our border.  Liberals say, Trump is evil.  Therefore, we have to throw out everything Trump says, without considering the merits of what he is saying.   

BLM says the police mistreat black people.  Conservatives say, BLM is a bunch of marxists.  Therefore, we have to throw out everything BLM says without considering the merits.  

It's the same thing.   One of the preferred ways partisans deal with issues is to attack the people who are pushing the issue.  In this case, some idiot who is supposed to be a BLM person said something very idiotic, and some right wing rag publishes it in order to make the point that all BLM people are idiots and therefore, we should not listen to them.  

It's manipulation.

I didn't miss your point. I am redirecting your wrong thinking. 

BLM, the organization, has Marxist goals. Period. They are being used as the catalyst for the introduction of critical theory into the federal and local system by using race as the means to "correct" wrong think. Whiteness is tied to capitalism. The system must be destroyed. This doesn't mean that all people who support black lives are Marxists. It does mean, however, that you can and should differentiate between those who want reform from those who want to see the destruction of American culture (a BLM goal). You can tell who those people are by just paying attention to how they spin the facts. Anyone who would try to explain the attempt to stab another person with a knife as a childhood experience in order to perpetuate the goal of abolishing the police is either an indoctrinated leftist or a moron, but I repeat myself. That activist is repeating Black Lives Matter (the organization) talking points.

So, again, I attack your point. That activist is not far away from the organization in her beliefs. No one is being manipulated for seeing that. Don't be stupid, Marty.
(04-23-2021, 12:52 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-23-2021, 12:45 PM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]As much as I would like that to happen, you can't do that and keep this country whole. The dems want that to happen, they want a civil war brewing so the can divide and control.

Now if they come for guns then all bets are off.

Sent from my SM-T970 using Tapatalk


They want tension but they have yet to act on it. I don't think they will act because they don't have control in place. Coivd failed and they have lost ground in most states that they need control over to take guns.
[Image: 177517500_10225325019369515_105162871960...e=60A712DF]

Time to get my kids prepared for their childhood.
That's a knife fight in a Seattle schoolyard after one called the other a "white cis-gendered hetero". I'm thinking it was the blond one who took umbrage.
BLM and merits don't belong in the same breath. Even if the words they say sound good, the intent behind it is pure evil and has no place here.
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