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Quote:Yesterday wasn't the first bad loss of his career dude. He doesn't win. He went 5-11 with the most cake schedule of all time.
Dude. I'm well aware of past blowouts.

I've literally watched every jaguars game ever played.

Shoot, I've even been on this message board for years longer than you.

I get it. My point is that following the plan just makes sense at this point.

And you know what? We allow him to finish the season, he had a terrible record, we fire him, hire someone new and guess what?

We have even better draft picks in which to arm the new head coach with.

It's win-win.
Quote:Eh, even successful people can be irrational.

You responded to a long and obviously thought out post that contained an unpopular opinion with the words "DID NOT READ", then called me out for a response in which I didn't thoroughly investigate all the facts of the situation before responding.

Hello pot. Meet kettle.

Most successful people like Donald Trump, etc, don't put up with losers after 4 years. Just like sales and business, the NFL is a results based industry. You either win or you find someone who will win. That's what good leaders do.


Khan is great at building infrastructure but he's proven to be a weak leader when it comes to football.

Ok, I'll bite, Molter.


If you believe Gus is a generally competent coach who is learning as he goes and developing with the players and you see the past three years as Gus and staff producing about what was expected, then you are absolutely correct in saying "Hey, it's only one bad loss and we looked pretty good last week!"


But if you believe that Gus is in way over his head and consistently gets out-schemed and that this loss is indicative of a longer trend, then I think this defeat is a funeral gong you can't dismiss. 


If you're of the first group, you are in a rapidly declining minority to say the least. 

Will not read that crap load of text

Quote:Hey man, I hope for that too happen. Im just saying , the fans have every right to be upset after another awful start to the season.
To that point, you are absolutely correct.
As my brother put it. Can this team win a super bowl with his Bradley. Hell no they can't. I'm still waiting for a .500 record.
Quote:Dude. I'm well aware of past blowouts.

I've literally watched every jaguars game ever played.

Shoot, I've even been on this message board for years longer than you.

I get it. My point is that following the plan just makes sense at this point.

And you know what? We allow him to finish the season, he had a terrible record, we fire him, hire someone new and guess what?

We have even better draft picks in which to arm the new head coach with.

It's win-win.
Hahaha you are speaking like such a loser. Follow the plan? Why? Because it's working? And if we lose then we get a better draft pick? Do you know how dumb you sound?

Following the plan makes no sense. None at all. You're doing the same thing expecting different results. It's called insanity.
Quote:Most successful people like Donald Trump, etc, don't put up with losers after 4 years. Just like sales and business, the NFL is a results based industry. You either win or you find someone who will win. That's what good leaders do.

Khan is great at building infrastructure but he's proven to be a weak leader when it comes to football.
Read my post and respond to the points I made or stop responding.

Throwing out your own beliefs about leadership as counter points to arguments that you're not even aware of isn't conversing, it's talking at someone.
Quote:Man. This is just dumb.

People still believe in Gus. It's shocking really. He clearly can't coach and we just got blown out. He's not playing Jack and is stuck in this awful scheme instead of using ha players to the best of their abilities. Playing Skuta and Pullard over Jack? How dumb can you be?

He's a bad coach. Always has been. Promote Marrone and see what he can do. If he does nothing, then fire him and find someone else.

That's not what I said at all.


Some are far too eager to expect to read whatever they want to read.


The players need to expect the coach to be gone.  Therefore, they are playing for themselves and not their coaching staff.


They owe nothing to Gus and the staff.  They owe it to themselves and each other to smash the mouth of the guy they're lined up against.


Audition for the next regime, in a way.
Quote:That's not what I said at all.

Some are far too eager to expect to read whatever they want to read.

The players need to expect the coach to be gone. Therefore, they are playing for themselves and not their coaching staff.

They owe nothing to Gus and the staff. They owe it to themselves and each other to smash the mouth of the guy they're lined up against.

Audition for the next regime, in a way.
I was speaking to the OP.
Quote:Read my post and respond to the points I made or stop responding.

Throwing out your own beliefs about leadership as counter points to arguments that you're not even aware of isn't conversing, it's talking at someone.

You're the one who brought up "MY JOB and WORK". You're just frustrated because you're a weak person and accept a 24% winning percentage.
It's tough to understand how the Vikings win with a qb they just traded for and we get blown out in San Diego with this talent.

That's what happens when your scheme calls for Poz to cover their fastest receiver. You have to understand what's wrong with that...
Stopped reading after "its not fair to Gus."

No way in hell I'm reading the rest of that crap.

If you think Gus is anything but grossly incompetent than you are an [BLEEP] hole.
Quote:Hahaha you are speaking like such a loser. Follow the plan? Why? Because it's working? And if we lose then we get a better draft pick? Do you know how dumb you sound.

Following the plan makes no sense. None at all. You're doing the same thing expecting different results. It's called insanity.
You're right.

This is the same thing.

Each season, we've had zero roster turnover.

We've paid the same 53 terrible players for 16 games each season for the past three years.

If the teams were different, and the players' talent level hadn't improved each year, and coaching changes weren't made, some if which resulted in dramatic improvement in their first year, then nevermind, it wouldn't be doing the same thing each year expecting different results.

But since nothing about the team has changed at all for for years, then I've just been dead wrong about all of this.

Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways.
Quote:If you don't read the points I used to back up my claim, then you really have no grounds to stand on when you respond with a different opinion.

Gus gets a pass his first two years. Since then he's 5-13, with last year's record against the weakest array of QBs he'd ever have the chance to face.

But if you want to forget the W-L record, although it's abysmal, then go watch the three plays from last year's first Houston game starting at 6:15 left in the 3rd quarter. That alone is enough to fire any coach, and it was just the most glaring example of a season of poor decisions.


Firing him now will probably not improve the team much. But it sends a message to the faithful fans that winning matters. Not firing him sends the opposite message.

Quote:You're right.

This is the same thing.

Each season, we've had zero roster turnover.

We've paid the same 53 terrible players for 16 games each season for the past three years.

If the teams were different, and the players' talent level hadn't improved each year, and coaching changes weren't made, some if which resulted in dramatic improvement in their first year, then nevermind, it wouldn't be doing the same thing each year expecting different results.

But since nothing about the team has changed at all for for years, then I've just been dead wrong about all of this.

Thank you for helping me see the error of my ways.
All that roster turnover and talent added but one thing remains: a bad HC. And guess what? Still no wins with all that new and improved talent.
Quote:You're the one who brought up "MY JOB and WORK". You're just frustrated because you're a weak person and accept a 24% winning percentage.

For a multimillionaire, you sure get butthurt easily.

How did you ever build an insurance book so large with such paper thin skin?

Also, I love the use of ad hominem to discredit my arguments.

MUCH easier than reading and making valid counterpoints.

What's Greg Roman up to? 

Yeah stopped reading after I saw Gus doesn't deserve to be fired. Plus wayyyyyy too long. Season looked pretty alright after the GB game, but then I feel that GB is just overrated at this point. We seriously played the worst football we've played in quite awhile against SD. No more chances, get someone else in now because at least they'd be trying something different while losing instead of continuing the same thing while losing.

The days of taking a step back and breathing are over. Grab a pitchfork? Naaa.. Give me a damn slingblade and some biscuits and mustard..
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