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Let’s not lose sight of the big picture here guys.

Corn and Blank#2 are currently in a deadlock tie and this could get really interesting down the stretch.
So far he looks like the Jaguars' Ryan Grigson. He made the no brainer pick and now I just hope he doesn't ruin Trevor before Khan realizes the mistake he made.

Hiring the next Grigson is the most jaguars thing Khan could have done this off-season, and he did it.
(06-10-2021, 06:53 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 04:26 PM)iapetus Wrote: [ -> ][Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

Dude.. our HC is Mothman.. How cool is that?!?

Lol. That's what I said.
It's interesting that so far, 59% voted either "He should do well..." or "He's the man..." while 19% voted either "...making bad decisions..." or "...going to ruin the franchise..."  

On the other hand, my strong impression is that, in general, the posts about Urban Meyer on this message board are much, much more negative than this poll.  

Perhaps negative people like to post their negativity, while positive people aren't as motivated to actually make a post on the subject.

"Hey, we're going to do great, let's argue about it" isn't as compelling as "He's going to run the franchise into the ground, let's argue about it."
He's the first coach that seems like a guy who can strategize a football gameplan. Felt like every other coach we've had has either been a hard-[BLEEP] cheerleader or a players best friend cheerleader
I'm skeptical. He's made some headscratcher decisions. Won't be surprised if he's gone in a couple years due to 'health concerns'. Hopefully it doesn't hinder Lawrence's development if it comes to that.
(06-11-2021, 04:31 PM)Bullseye Wrote: [ -> ]Urban Meyer was not my choice.

That said, I'd give him a B for now.

He has made some mistakes.  Bringing in the strength coach from Iowa and bringing in Tebow were two missteps, but both could be overcome.  I'm also not thrilled with the switch to the 3-4, but again, that is something that can work.

But I think the most underrated thing in his favor right now is his overall change of the paradigm here.

I find it striking that he would come in and push so strongly for new and improved facilities.  I remember when Khan first revamped the locker rooms, etc.  The changes were touted as making the Jaguars facilities among the league's best.  I don't know if those initial claims were overstated/exaggerated or the league has basically passed them since then, but the team's facilities, including the weight areas, the nutrition, etc., should not be among the league's worst, but listening to the analysts discussing the changes after the fact lets me know the team may not have invested enough in them.  I am also left to wonder what the team was doing in terms of strength and conditioning.  How is it that UM can immediately come in and Chark could add 7 pounds worth of muscle and actually get faster?  What was it the previous administrations were not doing?  I've also heard the players say the food and nutrition is better now than it has been.  How much of a disadvantage has that put the team in over the years?  Did it make players perform not as well on the field?  Did players NOT want to come here in part because of this, or were things of this nature contributing factors in players not wanting to stay here?

Ultimately I don't know whether UM will be successful as the Jaguars coach.  But so far, these changes he has implemented are encourage and in any analysis of UM at this early stage have to go towards giving him the benefit of the doubt early on.

For me the jury is out on the Tebow decision. Did he give Tebow a try out because of their history? Sure, Urban even admitted that. But if Tebow makes the team based on merit, then great. If Tebow doesn't make the team on merit, also great. But if Tebow makes it just because he is Tebow, then not so great.
(06-12-2021, 09:49 AM)I The Eleventh Doctor Wrote: [ -> ]I'm skeptical. He's made some headscratcher decisions. Won't be surprised if he's gone in a couple years due to 'health concerns'. Hopefully it doesn't hinder Lawrence's development if it comes to that.

Once again finding myself agreeing with the Doctor here. I want to believe Urban Meyer will do great, but some of the decisions are head scratchers. It would not surprise me if he underwhelmed for a couple years before quitting for ‘health reasons’ as he has done now multiple times. But he was successful at those stops, so hopefully we get some of that too.
(06-10-2021, 09:51 PM)Rockman1966 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 01:22 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Much of this has been hashed out in other threads, but it is an ongoing dialogue that needs a home IMO. 
So here we are. 

Lots of opinions on Meyer out there. Many skeptical takes floating about while many fans are bought in before a single snap is taken. 

How do you feel about him now with Training Camp right around the corner? 

Frangie is a buffoon.

I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.
 football. Isn't that what we have been doing for the last 10 years and what has that gotten us a non playoff team year after year. Myer has already established a culture of winning now that all the players rookies and veterans have not only bought into but are voicing their opinion of how excited they are about this season and their respect for their head coach and coaching staff. I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you? They already understand that he is providing them every venue needed diet, training, medical and rehabilitation procedures to insure their fitness and health and in return he expects not a 100% from players but 110% on every play. What more could you expect from a coach at this point in training camp. As a whole he has had a very successful free agency and draft.  For the Cam haters I think we have Little and Batch to fall back on if he does not meet expectations. For the Tebow haters hiring one player you don't agree with erases all the positives Meyer has brought to the team. We are entering a new era of winning football and you can't climb on the bandwagon  and support the team you love until there is reason to jump off.
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 09:51 PM)Rockman1966 Wrote: [ -> ]Frangie is a buffoon.

I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.
 football. Isn't that what we have been doing for the last 10 years and what has that gotten us a non playoff team year after year. Myer has already established a culture of winning now that all the players rookies and veterans have not only bought into but are voicing their opinion of how excited they are about this season and their respect for their head coach and coaching staff. I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you? They already understand that he is providing them every venue needed diet, training, medical and rehabilitation procedures to insure their fitness and health and in return he expects not a 100% from players but 110% on every play. What more could you expect from a coach at this point in training camp. As a whole he has had a very successful free agency and draft.  For the Cam haters I think we have Little and Batch to fall back on if he does not meet expectations. For the Tebow haters hiring one player you don't agree with erases all the positives Meyer has brought to the team. We are entering a new era of winning football and you can't climb on the bandwagon  and support the team you love until there is reason to jump off.

I sort of agree with a lot of what you said.  

Here's my opinion.  I don't think him being a college coach and having no NFL experience is a disadvantage.  Sure, most college coaches that go to the NFL fail.   But so do most NFL assistants who become head coaches.   For every Mike Tomlin or John Harbaugh, there are a dozen Mike Mularkeys or Doug Marrones or Gus Bradleys.  No one ever points that out.  They just point out how college coaches fail in the NFL.  Well, NFL assistant coaches fail, too, when they become head coaches, probably at the same rate.  

Meyer does not have NFL experience.  But what he does have is experience as the captain of the ship, running a program, being the boss.  I think there's a lot of advantage to having that kind of experience.  

I don't like him hiring Tebow.  But I'm not going to like everything he does.  I do like the moves he has made in free agency and the draft.  And like I said, he does have a probable franchise QB, and that is, in my opinion, the number one factor in the success or failure of a head coach.  

I don't know if he'll succeed or fail.  I think the odds favor him succeeding, because of the situation he came into, with all the draft picks, cap space, and probable franchise quarterback.

One thing I do not understand is why so many Gator fans seem to hate the guy, even after he gave them two national championships.
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 09:51 PM)Rockman1966 Wrote: [ -> ]Frangie is a buffoon.

I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.
 football. Isn't that what we have been doing for the last 10 years and what has that gotten us a non playoff team year after year. Myer has already established a culture of winning now that all the players rookies and veterans have not only bought into but are voicing their opinion of how excited they are about this season and their respect for their head coach and coaching staff. I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you? They already understand that he is providing them every venue needed diet, training, medical and rehabilitation procedures to insure their fitness and health and in return he expects not a 100% from players but 110% on every play. What more could you expect from a coach at this point in training camp. As a whole he has had a very successful free agency and draft.  For the Cam haters I think we have Little and Batch to fall back on if he does not meet expectations. For the Tebow haters hiring one player you don't agree with erases all the positives Meyer has brought to the team. We are entering a new era of winning football and you can't climb on the bandwagon  and support the team you love until there is reason to jump off.

I don't mind the gamble on a college coach and I don't mind an effort to break the cycle of recycled NFL coaches and promoted coordinators. 

I do have to point out something that always sticks in my craw in these situations, though. 
All of this "he's a winner"
"all he does is win"
"building a winning culture" 
"surrounding himself with winners" 

That stuff is just complete and utter horse [BLEEP] to me until they actually win football games. 
How the heck can you have a winning culture devoid of wins?  It's just talk. 
Improve the facilities, the nutrition, add coaches and players that have been in winning programs all you want. 
Those are all good things.  But there is no winning culture until you win games IMO. 

If they make all those improvements and start the season 1-5 - come back to me and let me know what the culture is in that locker room. We've seen that play out before.
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 09:51 PM)Rockman1966 Wrote: [ -> ]Frangie is a buffoon.

I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.
 football. Isn't that what we have been doing for the last 10 years and what has that gotten us a non playoff team year after year. Myer has already established a culture of winning now that all the players rookies and veterans have not only bought into but are voicing their opinion of how excited they are about this season and their respect for their head coach and coaching staff. I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you? They already understand that he is providing them every venue needed diet, training, medical and rehabilitation procedures to insure their fitness and health and in return he expects not a 100% from players but 110% on every play. What more could you expect from a coach at this point in training camp. As a whole he has had a very successful free agency and draft.  For the Cam haters I think we have Little and Batch to fall back on if he does not meet expectations. For the Tebow haters hiring one player you don't agree with erases all the positives Meyer has brought to the team. We are entering a new era of winning football and you can't climb on the bandwagon  and support the team you love until there is reason to jump off.

Historically, no, that's not at all what we did at anytime in our history. In fact every head coach weve brought in was NOT fired but usually a promotion from actively coaching another team. More importantly not one of them repeatedly bailed on multiple programs for "health reasons" either. And you should go read the glowing remarks about Bobblehead's culture and how it was beloved versus Coughlin's that was not and compare those outcones as well.
(06-13-2021, 09:12 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.
 football. Isn't that what we have been doing for the last 10 years and what has that gotten us a non playoff team year after year. Myer has already established a culture of winning now that all the players rookies and veterans have not only bought into but are voicing their opinion of how excited they are about this season and their respect for their head coach and coaching staff. I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you? They already understand that he is providing them every venue needed diet, training, medical and rehabilitation procedures to insure their fitness and health and in return he expects not a 100% from players but 110% on every play. What more could you expect from a coach at this point in training camp. As a whole he has had a very successful free agency and draft.  For the Cam haters I think we have Little and Batch to fall back on if he does not meet expectations. For the Tebow haters hiring one player you don't agree with erases all the positives Meyer has brought to the team. We are entering a new era of winning football and you can't climb on the bandwagon  and support the team you love until there is reason to jump off.

Historically, no, that's not at all what we did at anytime in our history. In fact every head coach weve brought in was NOT fired but usually a promotion from actively coaching another team. More importantly not one of them repeatedly bailed on multiple programs for "health reasons" either. And you should go read the glowing remarks about Bobblehead's culture and how it was beloved versus Coughlin's that was not and compare those outcones as well.

If Urban wins a Super Bowl or two and bails for "health reasons" will you be OK with that?
(06-13-2021, 09:19 AM)Dimson Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2021, 09:12 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Historically, no, that's not at all what we did at anytime in our history. In fact every head coach weve brought in was NOT fired but usually a promotion from actively coaching another team. More importantly not one of them repeatedly bailed on multiple programs for "health reasons" either. And you should go read the glowing remarks about Bobblehead's culture and how it was beloved versus Coughlin's that was not and compare those outcones as well.

If Urban wins a Super Bowl or two and bails for "health reasons" will you be OK with that?

I'll be happy we won and happy to have my opinion of him further confirmed.
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.

I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you?

1. I don't think most of us wanted a guy who was fired from his last job. We wanted, for the most part, one of the young up and comers.

2. I think the positive outlook sounded a whole lot like it does now when Gus Bradley took over for Mularkey.
(06-13-2021, 09:32 AM)Upper Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2021, 08:47 AM)dennisp3 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't understand the big advantage of hiring a NFL coach who was fired from his last job as coach because he can give you a better chance to win then hiring Meyer one of the most successful coaches in college.

I can't remember a coach that established a culture that resulted in the entire team expressing such a positive outlook on the up coming season, can you?

1. I don't think most of us wanted a guy who was fired from his last job. We wanted, for the most part, one of the young up and comers.

2. I think the positive outlook sounded a whole lot like it does now when Gus Bradley took over for Mularkey.

Of course Gus *was* one of the young up and comers. Fat lot of good that did us.
I’m in I think he is going to make us better across the board. I’m sure there will be growing pains but I don’t expect a 3 or 4 year rebuilding plan. He’s not blowing the roster up and he’s smart enough to build a system around the talent he has instead of focusing on a system and looking for talent to fill it.

I’ll give it two years we should be contending for the division by year two hopefully this year but that’s asking a lot
(06-12-2021, 09:06 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-10-2021, 06:53 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]Dude.. our HC is Mothman.. How cool is that?!?

Lol. That's what I said.

I can't quite tell whether it's a picture of Mothman from above, soaring majestically through the sky and master of all he surveys, or a picture of a tiny mothman splattered against a car windscreen, viewed from inside the car.
(06-14-2021, 04:34 AM)iapetus Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-12-2021, 09:06 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol. That's what I said.

I can't quite tell whether it's a picture of Mothman from above, soaring majestically through the sky and master of all he surveys, or a picture of a tiny mothman splattered against a car windscreen, viewed from inside the car.

Either way, without a doubt, 100%, it needs to go on a t-shirt.. Maybe teal shirt with a spray painted Jags logo on it.
(06-13-2021, 09:19 AM)Dimson Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-13-2021, 09:12 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Historically, no, that's not at all what we did at anytime in our history. In fact every head coach weve brought in was NOT fired but usually a promotion from actively coaching another team. More importantly not one of them repeatedly bailed on multiple programs for "health reasons" either. And you should go read the glowing remarks about Bobblehead's culture and how it was beloved versus Coughlin's that was not and compare those outcones as well.

If Urban wins a Super Bowl or two and bails for "health reasons" will you be OK with that?

...Urbz's health reasons are usually a veiled excuse to jump the ship before the trouble sticks to him in his past stops, though, so I'll be happy for the wins, but he'd be just as despicable as Tom Coughlin in my book.

So you're saying would we be ok with deflategate or filiming other team's practices for a ring? Eh, I'd hate that there would always be that disclaimer over how we managed to steal one away before the heat caught up to us.

If it's just because he's dumped us in cap hell, and didn't want to have to cut his friends? A little less of a sting, but let's say it this way - if you win a ring or two but it means you have to move on from your franchise QB and start from square one again, will you be OK with that?
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