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The NYT says "freedom" is an anti-government slogan. 

I wonder what Bernie thinks of this? 'Powah to Fidel's revalooshanaries'. 

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthemillenniumreport.com%...f=1&nofb=1]
(07-12-2021, 07:48 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/14143...52708?s=20

The NYT says "freedom" is an anti-government slogan. 

I wonder what Bernie thinks of this? 'Powah to Fidel's revalooshanaries'. 

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthemillenniumreport.com%...f=1&nofb=1]

Once again, I defend the NYTimes.  "Freedom" is indeed an anti-government slogan when it is aimed at the Cuban government, as it was in this case.
(07-12-2021, 09:35 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-12-2021, 07:48 AM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/14143...52708?s=20

The NYT says "freedom" is an anti-government slogan. 

I wonder what Bernie thinks of this? 'Powah to Fidel's revalooshanaries'. 

[Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthemillenniumreport.com%...f=1&nofb=1]

Once again, I defend the NYTimes.  "Freedom" is indeed an anti-government slogan when it is aimed at the Cuban government, as it was in this case.
Freedom is anti government no matter the country.
I disagree that "Freedom" is an anti-government slogan. Just because you want a law to change doesn't mean you want the government to change. For example, many people think the mask mandates are a violation of their freedoms, but they aren't clamoring for a systemic overhaul of the government. The NY Times editor could have isolated "Freedom" from the other anti-government slogans, simply because it's in a distinct category. That said, it is very clear, in this instance, that "Freedom" is clamoring for a systemic change of the government itself. I don't know that the piece in the NY Times does anything to detract from that idea.
(07-12-2021, 12:01 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I disagree that "Freedom" is an anti-government slogan. Just because you want a law to change doesn't mean you want the government to change. For example, many people think the mask mandates are a violation of their freedoms, but they aren't clamoring for a systemic overhaul of the government. The NY Times editor could have isolated "Freedom" from the other anti-government slogans, simply because it's in a distinct category. That said, it is very clear, in this instance, that "Freedom" is clamoring for a systemic change of the government itself. I don't know that the piece in the NY Times does anything to detract from that idea.

The government issues the mandates, therefore they are attempting to take away a freedom.
Radical libertarians are almost as annoying as radical progressives. Both tout an untenable, ideological code while simultaneously benefiting from the established system.

There are so many philosophical problems with libertarianism. Unless you are willing to devolve to anarchy, even libertarianism is restricted by an ethical point of view, which... wait for it... isn't real freedom. This type of Utopia will always be replaced by power, which is the ultimate freedom.
(07-12-2021, 09:35 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Once again, I defend the NYTimes.  "Freedom" is indeed an anti-government slogan when it is aimed at the Cuban government, as it was in this case.

In the technical sense you're correct. But, as L2L pointed out, they could have separated it out rather than make it sound like a protest mantra.
What I find is that Cubans shouting "freedom" while waving U.S. Flags during a protest is in fact "anti-government".  It is also anti-socialist and anti-communist.  They want to be more like us, yet there are many in the democrat party that want us to look like them.

"Free" government run healthcare, "free" money from the government (universal basic income), "free" "education" (more like college indoctrination), etc. never works.
(07-12-2021, 01:55 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Radical libertarians are almost as annoying as radical progressives. Both tout an untenable, ideological code while simultaneously benefiting from the established system.

There are so many philosophical problems with libertarianism. Unless you are willing to devolve to anarchy, even libertarianism is restricted by an ethical point of view, which... wait for it...  isn't real freedom. This type of Utopia will always be replaced by power, which is the ultimate freedom.

Who thought freedom would only be a "radical" Libertarian idea?
Freedom isn't only a radical libertarian idea.
(07-13-2021, 08:22 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Freedom isn't only a radical libertarian idea.

I will tell you what I tell everyone. Libertarianism and the Libertarian Party are not the same.
The Libertarian Party isn't even one with a coherent platform anymore. It's just a collection of weirdos, radicals, anarchists, and former Republicans that all think the government is too big and powerful, but can't really agree on how much less there should be.
Dude. You think I don't understand libertarianism? There are all kinds of variants within the libertarian movement, and like most ideologies, some are more reasonable than others. You seem to be on the more extreme end, hence why I call you a radical libertarian. You know... the guys who have found Truth with a capital T.

Enlighten me. What is freedom?
(07-13-2021, 09:02 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]The Libertarian Party isn't even one with a coherent platform anymore. It's just a collection of weirdos, radicals, anarchists, and former Republicans that all think the government is too big and powerful, but can't really agree on how much less there should be.

That is what happens when you welcome all walks of life and represent the majority of America. That is why Justin Amash is trying to unite the party. He understands the only way we will grow is to act like a party. I would say Jo's platform was pretty coherent. She had by far the best platform and she didn't change it when she won the nomination unlike Biden did when he won the Dem nom.
(07-13-2021, 09:03 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Dude. You think I don't understand libertarianism? There are all kinds of variants within the libertarian movement, and like most ideologies, some are more reasonable than others. You seem to be on the more extreme end, hence why I call you a radical libertarian. You know... the guys who have found Truth with a capital T.

Enlighten me. What is freedom?

This is true. I was surprised at how many there are. A progressive libertarian? Yep. A social libertarian? Check. It gets pretty weird when you really look into it. 

I am a libertarian who believes in less government (smaller? Less overreach), less regulations, fewer taxes, etc., but I am fully aware of the reality we live in where people in general, especially the younger ones coming up, lack the mindset it takes to police or govern themselves as individuals much less in communities. Common courtesy, common sense, initiative to do & get things done, responsibility, and all the other things that make up the mindset are just not there. Or rather, they are diminishing with each successive generation. 

This is due to the culture of the day, some due to parenting styles (or lack of parenting,) influencers across social media platforms, big tech, MSM, politics, religion, the apparent worship of the entertainment industry, etc. Too much focus on the individual in a narcissistic way, not in a "what can I do to make a difference?" or, an "I can get this done" way. 

There was no internet when I was a kid. The first time I ever saw a computer "go online" I was 25 years old and didn't have it in my house on the regular until I moved back from Germany when I was in my early-mid 30s. The only way you knew what was going on in the entertainment industry was on shows like Entertainment Tonight or Inside Edition and magazines like Rolling Stone, Entertainment Weekly, Teen Beat, and so on. The three major networks and the newspaper was our source of news. We weren't overloaded with information, the majority of which we don't even need. We still had to and could think for ourselves. Now everyone has "smart" things to think for them; influencers in media, news and politics telling them what to think; big tech (and everyone else) advertising to the masses telling them what they need. 

None of that spells FREEDOM to me. And because of the things I touched on above there has to be laws, government, policing and regulations beyond what I prefer. Otherwise SHTF scenarios would be worse than they already are.
God help the students that have him as a “teacher”
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