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Full Version: Seperate but equal in 2021?????
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This is a good article about the left moving left. It attempts to address the why, but misses the obvious. It's the news, man.
(08-13-2021, 09:26 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]First of all, I'd like you to acknowledge the role the media is playing in shaping the national narrative instead of being journalists. Then, I'd like you to start finding alternate news sources. They don't have to be right wing. Watch Breaking Points, or the Hill. You will find WAY better news there.

I'd like you to acknowledge that Trump, aside from his inarticulate bloviation, was not making terrible decisions as President, even if you only attribute it to happenstance. I'd like you to acknowledge the role the media played in creating orange man bad. This doesn't mean you have to let Trump off the hook for the terrible things he said from time to time, but it does mean you have to admit this isn't a one sided issue, and every single thing said about Trump by the media can be applied to them sevenfold. 

I'd like you to start acknowledging that the progressive wing of the democratic party wants to destroy the idea of America and its constitution. Stop pretending that every small instance of something is an anomaly and not the harbinger. They have a goal. Their literature is out there to see and read. They have a playbook that repeats itself constantly. I'd like you to stop burying your head in the sand and recognizing them for the threat they are.

And, most importantly, I'd like you to stop voting for a party that refuses to corral it's bad actors. This doesn't mean you had to vote for Trump, but until the Democrats feel the power of Americans, they are going to keep moving to the left, especially if they can stay in power.

Where's it going to stop, Marty?

I will take the above under advisement.  How's that?   I do read The Hill, by the way.  

Not all of Trump's decisions and actions were bad.  That is true.  But I will never believe that he was remotely qualified to be President.  He was ignorant, thin-skinned, a bully, dishonest, and a blatant narcissist.   Perhaps mentally ill.  And I will never accept the way he tried to overturn the election.  I find that beyond reprehensible.  The media didn't have anything to do with my opinion of Trump.  It comes from direct unfiltered observation of the man.  

I don't agree the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is trying to destroy the idea of America and it's Constitution.  It's not some giant conspiracy.  I think they are ignorant and naive.  Like most politicians, they pander to their base.  

As for me stopping voting for a party, I don't vote for a party.  I vote for the person.  There are a lot of Republicans I would have voted for.   But not Trump. 

But, you did answer my question.
That's cool. I am not about party, either, for the record. I've never had a problem with democrats until the last 5 years. The progressives that are woke do not like America. You have your Kyle Kulinskis, who are market socialists that support the constitution and Bill of rights, and the Anna Kasparians who hate it. I think both are wrong about socialism, but the latter has an ideology that's dangerous. She helped start the justice democrats. I just want to start seeing democrats reject this part of their party. Instead, the moderates pretend it doesn't exist while the politicians keep shifting their positions to accommodate this growing base.
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