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Full Version: Pentagon confirms 10 civilians killed in Afghanistan drone strike
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(09-18-2021, 05:18 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]If we were talking about drone strikes in general, I'd agree with you. They all do it. It creates innocent casualties. Sure. HOWEVER, this was a drone strike in direct retaliation to an attack on Americans that was a direct result of  Biden's leadership. So, he orders a drone strike to deflect from  his incompetence, only he kills an innocent family. Then he lies and brags about it. Then he lies about it some more. Then the truth comes out.

That's not a run-of-the-mill drone strike, dude. That's not what we're mad at. We are mad at an incompetent liar, and you should be holding his feet to the fire.

All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.
(09-18-2021, 06:35 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 04:35 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]You guys are sooooooooooo transparent. I don't like Biden either and think he is just as incompetent as the last guy, but c'mon. Are you really gonna criticize a drone strike. EVERY president who has ever used drone strikes, missiles or any any type of explosives against the enemy is gonna have civilian casualties. Unless we hit a caravan of terrorists out in the middle of the barren desert, your gonna have innocent people caught in the cross-fire. That is just the nature of the beast. No matter how much recon you do, someone innocent will probably be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You guys realize these are weapons that are designed to take out anything in the vicinity, right? Casualties almost always happen, they just doesn't get reported that much, because it makes us look bad as a country. Due to the fact that we are in such a divided nation though, each party is looking to make the other look bad at every opportunity, even if that means making the entire nation look incompetent. That's why this stuff is in the news now. It's nothing new, it's just something that people didn't think about, because it normally isn't publicized although it's gonna be much more commonplace as the divide grows between the extreme left and extreme right.

Not the same thing.

This drone strike was talked up and bragged about by this failed regime as "retaliation" and "preventing" another suicide attack on the airport.  It was all for optics and narrative.  The current regime not only has the blood of our service members on their hands, they also have the blood of innocent Afghan citizens on their hands.

The liberal news media (as they so often do) will bury this story quickly.  Notice how the alleged coupe between the Speaker of the House and General Milley has been buried?  Notice how the alleged treasonous phone call(s) by General Milley has been buried?

Put your mask on, take your shot and shut up.  That's what the regime and the media wants you to do.

How do you explain the successful drone strike 2 days before.  That would have been enough as a response to the suicide bombing.

Take off your tin foil hat.  Maybe, just maybe, the intel was wrong on this one?
(09-18-2021, 07:59 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 05:18 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]If we were talking about drone strikes in general, I'd agree with you. They all do it. It creates innocent casualties. Sure. HOWEVER, this was a drone strike in direct retaliation to an attack on Americans that was a direct result of  Biden's leadership. So, he orders a drone strike to deflect from  his incompetence, only he kills an innocent family. Then he lies and brags about it. Then he lies about it some more. Then the truth comes out.

That's not a run-of-the-mill drone strike, dude. That's not what we're mad at. We are mad at an incompetent liar, and you should be holding his feet to the fire.

All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.

C'mon, dude. The reason you hate Trump so much is that he's one of the few Presidents where the media actually called him out for lying. AND, I've said this before, most of his lies have to do with his ego. The should call him out for lying, but it makes me sick to my stomach that so many people have gotten used to politicians lying to us, that they justify terrible policy. 

At least things were improving under Trump. He was pretty good on policy. IF trump did the exact same thing as Biden did here, it would be endless news coverage. What Biden did is terrible. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and this drone strike was supposed to be a retaliation for us losing servicemen in a terrorist attack. He hit an innocent family. He called it a terrorist group, and bragged about America's strength, all to cover for his incompetence. Then people started saying it wasn't a terrorist, and his administration doubled down. These are lies that matter. 

It's one thing to say, "we got bad intel... our hearts go out to the families and we need to do better, but this is what happens in these kinds of conflicts." That was Obama's approach on the few times the media called him out for it. Again, that stuff happens. Biden is SO incompetent, and to dismiss it by saying all Presidents lie just astounds me. The Biden administration is ruining everything it touches. This is the worst President of my lifetime and it's not even close. Name an area he's succeeding in or making things better for Americans. Just one.

Trump went after big pharma. He lowered the cost of the epipen and brought a successful lawsuit against the makers of Oxycontin. He was the first President in 30 years who hasn't started another war. The economy was heading in the right direction. China was starting to cave (so much so there's a chance they released Covid intentionally). He brought peace in the middle east. He increased jobs for blacks and Hispanics. There were less people crossing the border than ever. He was expanding the capabilities of our military. 

I get it. Trump had a turd of a personality, but the dude got stuff done. He lied about the size of his hands, and the crowd at his inauguration. He lied about how much money he spent on McDonalds for the national champs. He had to take credit for everything, even when it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about. He was a sore loser, a narcissist, and a demagogue (much like every news pundit on national TV). I make all those concessions... but he was WORLDS better than Biden. To make it worse, you could arguably put the blame for the divisiveness in this country on the media and not Trump. That's my position. If they treated Biden the same way, we'd all hate him, too. 

It astounds me that you give this dude a pass for lying when it's all you talked about with Trump. When you look at everything that's happening with this administration, the last thing you should be saying about people calling him out is that we're transparent. This dude and his administration are trash.
Man, just thinking about Biden's approach to monocolonal antibodies blows my mind. Just another example of completely failed policy by this guy. Remember when Trump denied treatment to blue states?
(09-18-2021, 10:17 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Man, just thinking about Biden's approach to monocolonal antibodies blows my mind. Just another example of completely failed policy by this guy. Remember when Trump denied treatment to blue states?
Should get a better rate for the state of Florida now and cut out the middle man government

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(09-18-2021, 10:03 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 07:59 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.

C'mon, dude. The reason you hate Trump so much is that he's one of the few Presidents where the media actually called him out for lying. AND, I've said this before, most of his lies have to do with his ego. The should call him out for lying, but it makes me sick to my stomach that so many people have gotten used to politicians lying to us, that they justify terrible policy. 

At least things were improving under Trump. He was pretty good on policy. IF trump did the exact same thing as Biden did here, it would be endless news coverage. What Biden did is terrible. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and this drone strike was supposed to be a retaliation for us losing servicemen in a terrorist attack. He hit an innocent family. He called it a terrorist group, and bragged about America's strength, all to cover for his incompetence. Then people started saying it wasn't a terrorist, and his administration doubled down. These are lies that matter. 

It's one thing to say, "we got bad intel... our hearts go out to the families and we need to do better, but this is what happens in these kinds of conflicts." That was Obama's approach on the few times the media called him out for it. Again, that stuff happens. Biden is SO incompetent, and to dismiss it by saying all Presidents lie just astounds me. The Biden administration is ruining everything it touches. This is the worst President of my lifetime and it's not even close. Name an area he's succeeding in or making things better for Americans. Just one.

Trump went after big pharma. He lowered the cost of the epipen and brought a successful lawsuit against the makers of Oxycontin. He was the first President in 30 years who hasn't started another war. The economy was heading in the right direction. China was starting to cave (so much so there's a chance they released Covid intentionally). He brought peace in the middle east. He increased jobs for blacks and Hispanics. There were less people crossing the border than ever. He was expanding the capabilities of our military. 

I get it. Trump had a turd of a personality, but the dude got stuff done. He lied about the size of his hands, and the crowd at his inauguration. He lied about how much money he spent on McDonalds for the national champs. He had to take credit for everything, even when it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about. He was a sore loser, a narcissist, and a demagogue (much like every news pundit on national TV). I make all those concessions... but he was WORLDS better than Biden. To make it worse, you could arguably put the blame for the divisiveness in this country on the media and not Trump. That's my position. If they treated Biden the same way, we'd all hate him, too. 

It astounds me that you give this dude a pass for lying when it's all you talked about with Trump. When you look at everything that's happening with this administration, the last thing you should be saying about people calling him out is that we're transparent. This dude and his administration are trash.

Yep, he's an abject failure but as long as the media doesn't cover it, then they're okay with it.

 When Biden lies they like to say 'Well all politicians lie.' With Trump is was 'Oh my gawwwwwwd! My eyeballz are bleeeeding!'

[Image: dribbble-bullseye.gif]
(09-18-2021, 10:03 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 07:59 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.

C'mon, dude. The reason you hate Trump so much is that he's one of the few Presidents where the media actually called him out for lying. AND, I've said this before, most of his lies have to do with his ego. The should call him out for lying, but it makes me sick to my stomach that so many people have gotten used to politicians lying to us, that they justify terrible policy. 

At least things were improving under Trump. He was pretty good on policy. IF trump did the exact same thing as Biden did here, it would be endless news coverage. What Biden did is terrible. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and this drone strike was supposed to be a retaliation for us losing servicemen in a terrorist attack. He hit an innocent family. He called it a terrorist group, and bragged about America's strength, all to cover for his incompetence. Then people started saying it wasn't a terrorist, and his administration doubled down. These are lies that matter. 

It's one thing to say, "we got bad intel... our hearts go out to the families and we need to do better, but this is what happens in these kinds of conflicts." That was Obama's approach on the few times the media called him out for it. Again, that stuff happens. Biden is SO incompetent, and to dismiss it by saying all Presidents lie just astounds me. The Biden administration is ruining everything it touches. This is the worst President of my lifetime and it's not even close. Name an area he's succeeding in or making things better for Americans. Just one.

Trump went after big pharma. He lowered the cost of the epipen and brought a successful lawsuit against the makers of Oxycontin. He was the first President in 30 years who hasn't started another war. The economy was heading in the right direction. China was starting to cave (so much so there's a chance they released Covid intentionally). He brought peace in the middle east. He increased jobs for blacks and Hispanics. There were less people crossing the border than ever. He was expanding the capabilities of our military. 

I get it. Trump had a turd of a personality, but the dude got stuff done. He lied about the size of his hands, and the crowd at his inauguration. He lied about how much money he spent on McDonalds for the national champs. He had to take credit for everything, even when it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about. He was a sore loser, a narcissist, and a demagogue (much like every news pundit on national TV). I make all those concessions... but he was WORLDS better than Biden. To make it worse, you could arguably put the blame for the divisiveness in this country on the media and not Trump. That's my position. If they treated Biden the same way, we'd all hate him, too. 

It astounds me that you give this dude a pass for lying when it's all you talked about with Trump. When you look at everything that's happening with this administration, the last thing you should be saying about people calling him out is that we're transparent. This dude and his administration are trash.

I hate Trump for a myriad of reasons. It's definitely NOT just one thing. As far as people getting used to politicians lying, what do you expect? It happens so much that people are starting to realize you can't be an honest person and maintain that honesty while having a career in politics. We've become desensitized to the lying, because it's an everyday occurrence. We could whine and complain, but where will that get us? It's certainly not gonna make these politicians grow a conscience. It's just one of those things we come to accept, because we cannot change it. 

I couldn't disagree with that statement more. Things started going downhill with Obama, Trump made them awful and Biden is killing us. It just gets worse with every president. I don't know what kind of news you are watching, that you believe Biden is getting away with things. He's not. He's getting "skewered" all over the place for the terrible job he is doing. His approval ratings are in the toilet, but he was voted in as a direct response to just how much people hated Trump. I knew Biden was a terrible choice, but I certainly wasn't gonna sit through 4 more years of Trump, so I voted my conscience and cast my ballot for the Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Putting everything aside, her political leanings were closest to my own and she seemed like a very sensible person. If people ignore the notion that you have to vote either Democrat or Republican and instead just voted for the best candidate, we wouldn't be in this mess where we had to pick from Trump or Biden (two equally terrible choices.)

I saw Trump get rid of Obamacare, promise a bigger and better healthcare system for middle and low income people and then give us nothing in return. He created a huge rift between races with his divisive speeches and failure to immediately call out hate groups and he constantly ticked off our own allies. He was golfing 5 days a week and was never at the white house and when he spoke he acted like an ego maniac. He would get the extreme right all stirred up, because he knew those people were so gullible, he could easily manipulate them. It was these things as well as many, many other reasons why Biden was able to win the election, despite that he is a doddering old fool that doesn't know where he is half of the time. If trump wouldn't have lied about healthcare, wouldn't talk bad about our closest allies and just would've been a reasonable decent human being, we wouldn't be stuck with Joe Biden. Trump needs to accept his part in why we now have Joe Biden as a president. God help us. 

You admit that Trump lied on some minor things, but what about the lies he told about building a wall and having Mexico pay for it? What about the lie he told about replacing Obamacare with something better? Those were bad lies. Those lies along with his crappy personality lost him the election. It wasn't just his personality. I know some of his supporters wanna think that is the only reason, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

I'm not giving Biden a pass on lying, but Trump made me desensitized to politicians lying that I'm just accepting of it now, because that's what I expect. Why should Biden be any different than Trump? Everything that comes out of both of their mouths are lies. I've just become sick of the whole political process. Nothing is ever gonna change. It's just gonna continue to get worse and worse. I'm just gonna do the same thing for the Biden presidency that I did with the Trump presidency. I'll endure it for 4 years and just hope something better comes along, while realizing that it's probably just gonna get worse. 

Look at the bright side. Trump screwed things up so bad, that Biden beat him and the Democrats took over. Now, Biden is screwing things up so bad, that it is inevitable the Republicans will win the next presidential election and probably take back control the government again. That's how it goes. With every failure Biden has now, that just makes the odds swing back in the Republicans favor for the next election.
(09-18-2021, 10:03 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 07:59 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.

C'mon, dude. The reason you hate Trump so much is that he's one of the few Presidents where the media actually called him out for lying. AND, I've said this before, most of his lies have to do with his ego. The should call him out for lying, but it makes me sick to my stomach that so many people have gotten used to politicians lying to us, that they justify terrible policy. 

At least things were improving under Trump. He was pretty good on policy. IF trump did the exact same thing as Biden did here, it would be endless news coverage. What Biden did is terrible. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and this drone strike was supposed to be a retaliation for us losing servicemen in a terrorist attack. He hit an innocent family. He called it a terrorist group, and bragged about America's strength, all to cover for his incompetence. Then people started saying it wasn't a terrorist, and his administration doubled down. These are lies that matter. 

It's one thing to say, "we got bad intel... our hearts go out to the families and we need to do better, but this is what happens in these kinds of conflicts." That was Obama's approach on the few times the media called him out for it. Again, that stuff happens. Biden is SO incompetent, and to dismiss it by saying all Presidents lie just astounds me. The Biden administration is ruining everything it touches. This is the worst President of my lifetime and it's not even close. Name an area he's succeeding in or making things better for Americans. Just one.

Trump went after big pharma. He lowered the cost of the epipen and brought a successful lawsuit against the makers of Oxycontin. He was the first President in 30 years who hasn't started another war. The economy was heading in the right direction. China was starting to cave (so much so there's a chance they released Covid intentionally). He brought peace in the middle east. He increased jobs for blacks and Hispanics. There were less people crossing the border than ever. He was expanding the capabilities of our military. 

I get it. Trump had a turd of a personality, but the dude got stuff done. He lied about the size of his hands, and the crowd at his inauguration. He lied about how much money he spent on McDonalds for the national champs. He had to take credit for everything, even when it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about. He was a sore loser, a narcissist, and a demagogue (much like every news pundit on national TV). I make all those concessions... but he was WORLDS better than Biden. To make it worse, you could arguably put the blame for the divisiveness in this country on the media and not Trump. That's my position. If they treated Biden the same way, we'd all hate him, too. 

It astounds me that you give this dude a pass for lying when it's all you talked about with Trump. When you look at everything that's happening with this administration, the last thing you should be saying about people calling him out is that we're transparent. This dude and his administration are trash.

(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 10:03 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]C'mon, dude. The reason you hate Trump so much is that he's one of the few Presidents where the media actually called him out for lying. AND, I've said this before, most of his lies have to do with his ego. The should call him out for lying, but it makes me sick to my stomach that so many people have gotten used to politicians lying to us, that they justify terrible policy. 

At least things were improving under Trump. He was pretty good on policy. IF trump did the exact same thing as Biden did here, it would be endless news coverage. What Biden did is terrible. He completely botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, and this drone strike was supposed to be a retaliation for us losing servicemen in a terrorist attack. He hit an innocent family. He called it a terrorist group, and bragged about America's strength, all to cover for his incompetence. Then people started saying it wasn't a terrorist, and his administration doubled down. These are lies that matter. 

It's one thing to say, "we got bad intel... our hearts go out to the families and we need to do better, but this is what happens in these kinds of conflicts." That was Obama's approach on the few times the media called him out for it. Again, that stuff happens. Biden is SO incompetent, and to dismiss it by saying all Presidents lie just astounds me. The Biden administration is ruining everything it touches. This is the worst President of my lifetime and it's not even close. Name an area he's succeeding in or making things better for Americans. Just one.

Trump went after big pharma. He lowered the cost of the epipen and brought a successful lawsuit against the makers of Oxycontin. He was the first President in 30 years who hasn't started another war. The economy was heading in the right direction. China was starting to cave (so much so there's a chance they released Covid intentionally). He brought peace in the middle east. He increased jobs for blacks and Hispanics. There were less people crossing the border than ever. He was expanding the capabilities of our military. 

I get it. Trump had a turd of a personality, but the dude got stuff done. He lied about the size of his hands, and the crowd at his inauguration. He lied about how much money he spent on McDonalds for the national champs. He had to take credit for everything, even when it was clear he didn't know what he was talking about. He was a sore loser, a narcissist, and a demagogue (much like every news pundit on national TV). I make all those concessions... but he was WORLDS better than Biden. To make it worse, you could arguably put the blame for the divisiveness in this country on the media and not Trump. That's my position. If they treated Biden the same way, we'd all hate him, too. 

It astounds me that you give this dude a pass for lying when it's all you talked about with Trump. When you look at everything that's happening with this administration, the last thing you should be saying about people calling him out is that we're transparent. This dude and his administration are trash.

I hate Trump for a myriad of reasons. It's definitely NOT just one thing. As far as people getting used to politicians lying, what do you expect? It happens so much that people are starting to realize you can't be an honest person and maintain that honesty while having a career in politics. We've become desensitized to the lying, because it's an everyday occurrence. We could whine and complain, but where will that get us? It's certainly not gonna make these politicians grow a conscience. It's just one of those things we come to accept, because we cannot change it. 

I couldn't disagree with that statement more. Things started going downhill with Obama, Trump made them awful and Biden is killing us. It just gets worse with every president. I don't know what kind of news you are watching, that you believe Biden is getting away with things. He's not. He's getting "skewered" all over the place for the terrible job he is doing. His approval ratings are in the toilet, but he was voted in as a direct response to just how much people hated Trump. I knew Biden was a terrible choice, but I certainly wasn't gonna sit through 4 more years of Trump, so I voted my conscience and cast my ballot for the Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Putting everything aside, her political leanings were closest to my own and she seemed like a very sensible person. If people ignore the notion that you have to vote either Democrat or Republican and instead just voted for the best candidate, we wouldn't be in this mess where we had to pick from Trump or Biden (two equally terrible choices.)

I saw Trump get rid of Obamacare, promise a bigger and better healthcare system for middle and low income people and then give us nothing in return. He created a huge rift between races with his divisive speeches and failure to immediately call out hate groups and he constantly ticked off our own allies. He was golfing 5 days a week and was never at the white house and when he spoke he acted like an ego maniac. He would get the extreme right all stirred up, because he knew those people were so gullible, he could easily manipulate them. It was these things as well as many, many other reasons why Biden was able to win the election, despite that he is a doddering old fool that doesn't know where he is half of the time. If trump wouldn't have lied about healthcare, wouldn't talk bad about our closest allies and just would've been a reasonable decent human being, we wouldn't be stuck with Joe Biden. Trump needs to accept his part in why we now have Joe Biden as a president. God help us. 

You admit that Trump lied on some minor things, but what about the lies he told about building a wall and having Mexico pay for it? What about the lie he told about replacing Obamacare with something better? Those were bad lies. Those lies along with his crappy personality lost him the election. It wasn't just his personality. I know some of his supporters wanna think that is the only reason, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

I'm not giving Biden a pass on lying, but Trump made me desensitized to politicians lying that I'm just accepting of it now, because that's what I expect. Why should Biden be any different than Trump? Everything that comes out of both of their mouths are lies. I've just become sick of the whole political process. Nothing is ever gonna change. It's just gonna continue to get worse and worse. I'm just gonna do the same thing for the Biden presidency that I did with the Trump presidency. I'll endure it for 4 years and just hope something better comes along, while realizing that it's probably just gonna get worse. 

Look at the bright side. Trump screwed things up so bad, that Biden beat him and the Democrats took over. Now, Biden is screwing things up so bad, that it is inevitable the Republicans will win the next presidential election and probably take back control the government again. That's how it goes. With every failure Biden has now, that just makes the odds swing back in the Republicans favor for the next election.

I feel like you continue to underestimate the role the media is playing in your apathy. Even if we take your two examples of Trump's BIG lies, it's not like he didn't try. Trump never said Mexico was going to directly pay for the wall. In fact, he told Wall Street journal he was going to get the money by renegotiating NAFTA, which he did. It wasn't enough to pay for the wall he was building, but it was at least something. The pundits all said he would never be able to renegotiate that deal. They said he'd never get any wall built, even though he managed to get up 450 miles in the face of super strong opposition. Where's your ire for THEIR lies? These dudes literally used pictures from the Obama regime to admonish Trump for his border policies. The media lies so much you can't even keep track of it anymore. 

As to his second big lie you mentioned, I don't think that was a high priority for Trump, I will give you that. However, in what world would he even be able to bring something like that to the table? He couldn't get bi-partisan support for ANYTHING. He couldn't even get Democrats to make concessions to help black owned business. Even still, which President gets ALL of their promises accomplished in a 4 year term? Do you think it's fair to hold one President to that standard, even though no other President has done that? It's an impossible ask. 

I have said it before and I will say it again: Trump is a narcissist. I think he truly wanted to good, if for nothing else than his own ego. I strongly believed Democrats could have leveraged his narcissism to enact many social policies, but that's not what happens at the political level. It's all about power, and giving the other side any amount of success is political suicide. That's the primary driver for the national Trump hate. The failure of moderates to recognize this simple fact is why their outlook on conservatives is so skewed.
(09-20-2021, 09:52 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-19-2021, 01:29 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]I hate Trump for a myriad of reasons. It's definitely NOT just one thing. As far as people getting used to politicians lying, what do you expect? It happens so much that people are starting to realize you can't be an honest person and maintain that honesty while having a career in politics. We've become desensitized to the lying, because it's an everyday occurrence. We could whine and complain, but where will that get us? It's certainly not gonna make these politicians grow a conscience. It's just one of those things we come to accept, because we cannot change it. 

I couldn't disagree with that statement more. Things started going downhill with Obama, Trump made them awful and Biden is killing us. It just gets worse with every president. I don't know what kind of news you are watching, that you believe Biden is getting away with things. He's not. He's getting "skewered" all over the place for the terrible job he is doing. His approval ratings are in the toilet, but he was voted in as a direct response to just how much people hated Trump. I knew Biden was a terrible choice, but I certainly wasn't gonna sit through 4 more years of Trump, so I voted my conscience and cast my ballot for the Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen. Putting everything aside, her political leanings were closest to my own and she seemed like a very sensible person. If people ignore the notion that you have to vote either Democrat or Republican and instead just voted for the best candidate, we wouldn't be in this mess where we had to pick from Trump or Biden (two equally terrible choices.)

I saw Trump get rid of Obamacare, promise a bigger and better healthcare system for middle and low income people and then give us nothing in return. He created a huge rift between races with his divisive speeches and failure to immediately call out hate groups and he constantly ticked off our own allies. He was golfing 5 days a week and was never at the white house and when he spoke he acted like an ego maniac. He would get the extreme right all stirred up, because he knew those people were so gullible, he could easily manipulate them. It was these things as well as many, many other reasons why Biden was able to win the election, despite that he is a doddering old fool that doesn't know where he is half of the time. If trump wouldn't have lied about healthcare, wouldn't talk bad about our closest allies and just would've been a reasonable decent human being, we wouldn't be stuck with Joe Biden. Trump needs to accept his part in why we now have Joe Biden as a president. God help us. 

You admit that Trump lied on some minor things, but what about the lies he told about building a wall and having Mexico pay for it? What about the lie he told about replacing Obamacare with something better? Those were bad lies. Those lies along with his crappy personality lost him the election. It wasn't just his personality. I know some of his supporters wanna think that is the only reason, but nothing could be further from the truth. 

I'm not giving Biden a pass on lying, but Trump made me desensitized to politicians lying that I'm just accepting of it now, because that's what I expect. Why should Biden be any different than Trump? Everything that comes out of both of their mouths are lies. I've just become sick of the whole political process. Nothing is ever gonna change. It's just gonna continue to get worse and worse. I'm just gonna do the same thing for the Biden presidency that I did with the Trump presidency. I'll endure it for 4 years and just hope something better comes along, while realizing that it's probably just gonna get worse. 

Look at the bright side. Trump screwed things up so bad, that Biden beat him and the Democrats took over. Now, Biden is screwing things up so bad, that it is inevitable the Republicans will win the next presidential election and probably take back control the government again. That's how it goes. With every failure Biden has now, that just makes the odds swing back in the Republicans favor for the next election.

I feel like you continue to underestimate the role the media is playing in your apathy. Even if we take your two examples of Trump's BIG lies, it's not like he didn't try. Trump never said Mexico was going to directly pay for the wall. In fact, he told Wall Street journal he was going to get the money by renegotiating NAFTA, which he did. It wasn't enough to pay for the wall he was building, but it was at least something. The pundits all said he would never be able to renegotiate that deal. They said he'd never get any wall built, even though he managed to get up 450 miles in the face of super strong opposition. Where's your ire for THEIR lies? These dudes literally used pictures from the Obama regime to admonish Trump for his border policies. The media lies so much you can't even keep track of it anymore. 

As to his second big lie you mentioned, I don't think that was a high priority for Trump, I will give you that. However, in what world would he even be able to bring something like that to the table? He couldn't get bi-partisan support for ANYTHING. He couldn't even get Democrats to make concessions to help black owned business. Even still, which President gets ALL of their promises accomplished in a 4 year term? Do you think it's fair to hold one President to that standard, even though no other President has done that? It's an impossible ask. 

I have said it before and I will say it again: Trump is a narcissist. I think he truly wanted to good, if for nothing else than his own ego. I strongly believed Democrats could have leveraged his narcissism to enact many social policies, but that's not what happens at the political level. It's all about power, and giving the other side any amount of success is political suicide. That's the primary driver for the national Trump hate. The failure of moderates to recognize this simple fact is why their outlook on conservatives is so skewed.

I can't keep doing this back and forth if you're not going to deal in reality. He DID say Mexico was gonna pay for the wall, multiple times without offering any kind of context, because he knew gullible people would buy into it. Here are three examples. In the first one he says Mexico will pay for the wall and they will like it. https://youtu.be/M3cBvP6b8O4. In the second, he directly says Mexico will pay for it, https://youtu.be/l_m1Mm6VERY and in the third, he asks his "sheep" "whose gonna pay for the wall?" and they reply, "Mexico" and he says, "100%." https://youtu.be/cBW8mTHDgvk. You need to accept this. He did state over and over and over that Mexico was gonna pay for the wall and then when he realized it wasn't gonna happen, he backtracked and said Mexico would indirectly pay for it through the NAFTA deal. He got caught in an outright lie and then had to cover his tracks. 450 miles of a wall is like a speed bump. We share about 1954 miles of land border with Mexico. 

Of course healthcare wasn't a high priority for Trump. He and his friends can afford the best healthcare available. They don't need insurance, but if you are someone who makes less than $100,000 a year (and the average household income was $68,400 in 2020) and you have health issues, medical bills make up the vast majority of what you spend each month. He took away the life line of many people (Obamacare), promised them something bigger and better (which was fine), but then gave them nothing (which was another huge lie.) He didn't even try. When asked for details of his healthcare plan, he offered no details at all (because he had no intentions of replacing Obamacare) and he just kept saying "it's coming." The guy was nothing but a "snake oil" salesman. I do think it's extremely fair to hold him to a standard that he promised. He took away something, promised to replace it with something better and had no intentions of doing so. If he did, he would've given some details on his proposed replacement plan. Anything would suffice. He gave nothing. He was never gonna replace Obamacare. He didn't care about average income people, he never did and he never will. 

You keep buying into believing Trump wanted to do good. It's a fantasy. He only wanted to do things that made him look good to the rich and powerful, in order to boost his own ego. He found a gullible base that would keep making excuses for him, every time he lied directly to their faces. That's what is so frustrating. People kept buying into his outright lies. He's like one of those Nigerian internet scammers that get senior citizens to send him all their money, promising that he is a prince that needs their help to get his inheritance and when he gets it, he will share it with them. The old people who are scammed, die penniless, but they go to their graves still believing that their scammer was a real prince who was gonna make them rich.
I don't think Trump wanted to do good for the sake of goodness. He's a narcissist. I think he wanted the people to love him, so he did what he thought would make them love him.

You seem to struggle separating the entertainer Trump from the businessman Trump. The difference between MOST Trump supporters and MOST consumers of MSM is that Trump supporters didn't take his rhetoric seriously, which is not true of the people that consume MSM. There was a survey done in 2016 that showed that most Trump supporters didn't take Trump literally, but they did take him seriously, meaning they didn't have expectations about HOW he would accomplish his goals, only that he would TRY to accomplish his goals. By contrast, most Democrats took Trump literally, but not seriously. This includes the MSM. The MSM shaped the narrative that you digested, and it shows in your hatred of the dude. 

I didn't watch all 3 videos, because I'm assuming they are redundant, but in the first video you posted, Trump said Mexico was going to ENJOY paying for the wall. Do you think his supporters thought he was being literal? Do you REALLY think he believed Mexico was going to enjoy paying for the wall? Really? No. So why do you insist that he was literally going to make them write a check? Just because he said it at a rally where he's entertaining his supporters? If they did write him a check, would you be here saying, "but they didn't ENJOY it!" That would be ridiculous. 

Entertainer Trump said outlandish things. However, Businessman Trump has always said the same thing since 2015:


Quote:Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options].  We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

Not one of those methods listed by his campaign involved Mexico writing a check. Did he get all of the money for the wall? Absolutely not. Did he attempt to do those things mentioned in his campaign? Absolutely. 

These were his 5 campaign promises:

1) build the wall, 2) clean the swamp, 3) fix trade policy with China, 4) fix illegal immigration, 5) repeal and replace Obamacare.

1) He put up 450 miles of wall despite not having control of the House. 
2) He did NOT clean the swamp, but he definitely exposed it. People are more aware of the corruption in DC than ever. Even though it didn't get cleaned out, he was constantly attacking the system.
3) He definitely put pressure on China, and I believe he was on the verge of winning the trade war (as do many experts). 
4) He definitely improved illegal immigration; I think this is inarguable
5) He repealed Obamacare. He didn't replace it. 

Of his campaign promises, he attempted to do 4.5 out of 5. He succeeded in #4, and was on track to accomplish #1 and #3 during his second term. Even though he didn't replace Obamacare, again, you fail to recognize democrats opposition to those matters. He was never going to do that. The difference between us is that I think he could have been easily persuaded by democrats and you don't. This is because you don't seem to give enough credit to the power dynamics in DC. Neither party will compromise anymore because they don't want the other party to get the credit. This is NOT a Trump only problem. He only highlighted it.

I also find it odd that you are chastising the man for not completing the wall when he had FIERCE opposition in DC and still managed to complete 1/4 of it. That's actually impressive, but you are spinning it like he is a liar. How many Presidents accomplish a fraction of what they want to do with that kind of opposition? Is Barrack Obama a liar for his healthcare? Do you call him a liar because Obamacare failed? No. You recognize that he tried to accomplish something that ultimately failed because of his opposition (I would argue it failed because it catered to corporate interests, but that's for another time). Why don't you have that same grace for Trump? 

As for the healthcare thing, you are probably right. Keep in mind that most Trump supporters were ok with him just rolling back Obamacare because they saw it as an improvement. That was enough for his base to not feel like he's a liar. I can see if moderates were expecting something great there, but the simple truth is that our healthcare system is woefully inadequate, and it's going to take someone much smarter than Trump to fix it. And, most importantly, it's going to take politicians who are acting in the interest of the people and not corporations.

I don't really care to argue the merits of that, so if you want a concession there, take it. I still think it's wholly inadequate to demagogue Trump over one lofty campaign promise that was NEVER his focus. You can take that one and run with it if you want. He attempted to fulfill more campaign promises than any other President that I can remember. 

Ultimately, my problem is less with your frustration with Trump and more that you are not seemingly equally as incensed at the marriage of corporations to our journalists and politicians. Trump was clearly not part of the club, and I feel like that worked in the people's best interest. You're shaking your fist at the snake-oil salesman, and I'm saying you're missing the snakes that came out to stop him.
(09-20-2021, 05:05 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think Trump wanted to do good for the sake of goodness. He's a narcissist. I think he wanted the people to love him, so he did what he thought would make them love him.

You seem to struggle separating the entertainer Trump from the businessman Trump. The difference between MOST Trump supporters and MOST consumers of MSM is that Trump supporters didn't take his rhetoric seriously, which is not true of the people that consume MSM. There was a survey done in 2016 that showed that most Trump supporters didn't take Trump literally, but they did take him seriously, meaning they didn't have expectations about HOW he would accomplish his goals, only that he would TRY to accomplish his goals. By contrast, most Democrats took Trump literally, but not seriously. This includes the MSM. The MSM shaped the narrative that you digested, and it shows in your hatred of the dude. 

I didn't watch all 3 videos, because I'm assuming they are redundant, but in the first video you posted, Trump said Mexico was going to ENJOY paying for the wall. Do you think his supporters thought he was being literal? Do you REALLY think he believed Mexico was going to enjoy paying for the wall? Really? No. So why do you insist that he was literally going to make them write a check? Just because he said it at a rally where he's entertaining his supporters? If they did write him a check, would you be here saying, "but they didn't ENJOY it!" That would be ridiculous. 

Entertainer Trump said outlandish things. However, Businessman Trump has always said the same thing since 2015:


Quote:Mexico must pay for the wall and, until they do, the United States will, among other things: impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages; increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them); increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays); increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays); and increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico [Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options].  We will not be taken advantage of anymore.

Not one of those methods listed by his campaign involved Mexico writing a check. Did he get all of the money for the wall? Absolutely not. Did he attempt to do those things mentioned in his campaign? Absolutely. 

These were his 5 campaign promises:

1) build the wall, 2) clean the swamp, 3) fix trade policy with China, 4) fix illegal immigration, 5) repeal and replace Obamacare.

1) He put up 450 miles of wall despite not having control of the House. 
2) He did NOT clean the swamp, but he definitely exposed it. People are more aware of the corruption in DC than ever. Even though it didn't get cleaned out, he was constantly attacking the system.
3) He definitely put pressure on China, and I believe he was on the verge of winning the trade war (as do many experts). 
4) He definitely improved illegal immigration; I think this is inarguable
5) He repealed Obamacare. He didn't replace it. 

Of his campaign promises, he attempted to do 4.5 out of 5. He succeeded in #4, and was on track to accomplish #1 and #3 during his second term. Even though he didn't replace Obamacare, again, you fail to recognize democrats opposition to those matters. He was never going to do that. The difference between us is that I think he could have been easily persuaded by democrats and you don't. This is because you don't seem to give enough credit to the power dynamics in DC. Neither party will compromise anymore because they don't want the other party to get the credit. This is NOT a Trump only problem. He only highlighted it.

I also find it odd that you are chastising the man for not completing the wall when he had FIERCE opposition in DC and still managed to complete 1/4 of it. That's actually impressive, but you are spinning it like he is a liar. How many Presidents accomplish a fraction of what they want to do with that kind of opposition? Is Barrack Obama a liar for his healthcare? Do you call him a liar because Obamacare failed? No. You recognize that he tried to accomplish something that ultimately failed because of his opposition (I would argue it failed because it catered to corporate interests, but that's for another time). Why don't you have that same grace for Trump? 

As for the healthcare thing, you are probably right. Keep in mind that most Trump supporters were ok with him just rolling back Obamacare because they saw it as an improvement. That was enough for his base to not feel like he's a liar. I can see if moderates were expecting something great there, but the simple truth is that our healthcare system is woefully inadequate, and it's going to take someone much smarter than Trump to fix it. And, most importantly, it's going to take politicians who are acting in the interest of the people and not corporations.

I don't really care to argue the merits of that, so if you want a concession there, take it. I still think it's wholly inadequate to demagogue Trump over one lofty campaign promise that was NEVER his focus. You can take that one and run with it if you want. He attempted to fulfill more campaign promises than any other President that I can remember. 

Ultimately, my problem is less with your frustration with Trump and more that you are not seemingly equally as incensed at the marriage of corporations to our journalists and politicians. Trump was clearly not part of the club, and I feel like that worked in the people's best interest. You're shaking your fist at the snake-oil salesman, and I'm saying you're missing the snakes that came out to stop him.

Who made the poll? Let me guess, it was probably Fox News, Newsmax or some other right wing media outlet. Polls can be skewered and faked by the people that make them to have whatever outcome they want. Liberals fake results and make biased polls to make themselves look good and so do conservatives. Polls mean absolutely nothing. I don't even pay attention to them, because they are completely inaccurate. I live in a rural, blue collar county in Ohio where about 78% of voters cast their ballots for Trump in the last election. I know a ton of them. I remember asking several of them when Trump was campaigning, how he was gonna get Mexico to pay for the wall? I heard answers from them ranging from 1. He's a great businessman, he's just gonna talk them into building it and flipping the bill. 2. He'll place sanctions on Mexico until they write us a check. 3. One idiot even told me Trump would probably threaten military action if they didn't pay for the wall, so don't tell that people didn't take him seriously, because they most certainly did. They basically took his word as gospel. Granted, most of the people I know who voted for him had no more than a high school education and were gullible as hell, but they were his most fervent supporters and he knew it. He needed their votes, so he told them what they wanted to hear. When he wouldn't follow through on his promises, they would vigorously defend him by blaming the democrats, because they just parroted that answer from him. 

No, not exactly. Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall and enjoy it. That's a little different than enjoying paying for the wall. Semantics matter in this case. Yes, I know many, many, many of his followers took him literally, because his supporters around here told me so. I don't need a poll to tell me that. I've witnessed it. Do I think Trump believed Mexico was gonna pay for the wall? Absolutely not! He knew they wouldn't, but he also knew he could get his followers to believe they would and that would help get him elected, so he flat out, lied. It worked. He built portions of the wall using our governments money and then blamed liberals when he couldn't complete a project he had no intentions of finishing. It's a classic technique used by snake oil salesmen. 

Drain the swamp? Are you kidding me? He exposed it by adding to the problem. He appointed all his rich friends to cabinet seats. He appointed a former oil lobbyist as Secretary of the Interior, for God's sake! So many of his appointees were either under investigation or quit midway through their jobs that it was like a version of musical chairs when it came to his cabinet. Gimme a break! Trump didn't drain the swamp, he expanded it and added toxic waste to it. 

We'll never know who was gonna blink first between Trump and China. 

Yes, he did improve the immigration problem. I'll definitely give you that one. I approved of what he did on that issue. See, I'm not bashing Trump on this one. I'm giving him credit.

I have a real issue with anyone taking something away that some people depend on, promising to replace it and not even making an effort to do what they promised. That is what Trump did with Obamacare. If he would've just been honest and said he was gonna ditch Obamacare and left it at that, I wouldn't have been half as mad, because that is what I would have expected from him. Instead, he promised that he would replace it with "something bigger and better," even though he had no intentions of it. That is what made me so mad. It was just another outright lie. If he had no intentions of replacing it, just say so. Don't promise something you have no intentions of doing. 

Because he was using our money to build the wall. That's why there was opposition. I never believed Trump was gonna get Mexico to pay for it, but had he gotten the money from them to do it, I'd say go for it. I was against using our tax money to do it though. We have more pressing needs to use taxpayer dollars on. 

Obama is a treasonous piece of trash for freeing multiple terrorists in exchange for a deserter. Don't get me started on him. He should be in federal prison. 

Because until the day he left the white house, he was still telling people his wonderful healthcare plan was on the way, even though he had nothing. He lied until the bitter end. 

It's his job to try and fix issues like healthcare. That's why people elected him. His voters bought into his promises that his fictional system would help fix things. Don't be "that guy" who makes excuses for his dishonesty. You're better than that. 

If certain things were never gonna be Trump's focus during his presidency, he shouldn't have made campaign promises about those very things. 

I've never given the media a pass on anything. They most certainly fan the flames of division in this country in order to attract viewers and readers. That is a fact and they should be held accountable in one way or another. I'm just tired of Trump supporters giving him a pass on every lie he tells. It's always some type of excuse for his dishonesty. People need to stop being so gullible and come back to reality.
I don't think we're in disagreement. He did #4, as I said. I personally believe he could have accomplished #1 and #3 with a second term. The point was he was really trying to accomplish those feats in spite of pressure. And, no... he wasn't getting backlash because he wanted to use our money. He got backlash because Democrats don't care about our border, as evidenced by our current crisis.

I conceded 5, and said he exposed the swamp, but did not drain it, so basically a concession there. The problem with the swamp is that who are you going to appoint to those positions if you think the people there are corrupt? I've thought about that myself. If you look outside the system, you are brining in people that will be in over their heads and exploited. If you look inside the system, there's a good chance you end up with someone on the take. It's not like you can just start from scratch without risking national security. I think it's a VERY difficult problem. I am more lenient than you there. It could be cronyism, but it could also just be trying to put competent people in places you trust.

For example, I believe Ben Carson is smart and honest. Having him in charge of HUD is clearly not an area of expertise for him, but is it something he can learn, break down, and repair. Unfortunately, having only 4 years to learn the system, he ended up accomplishing nothing. You can either look at that and say he's incompetent (which was inevitable for a time) or you can say Trump should have brought in an expert, which probably wouldn't have changed the status quo, either. Who knows with a second term? Carson reportedly wants to open a think-tank now because he feels like he has learned enough to start making an impact, but it's probably too little too late.

You're right in picking up that Trump has flaws. I just think we, the people, actually had a chance at manipulating his flaws to our advantage, as opposed to with the polished politicians that make it seem like they care when they don't.

Oh, the poll was a RealClearPolitic poll, but I can't find the link to it anymore. I did find one of their stories that referenced it, but the link wasn't there. The Atlantic also had an article that discussed the phenomenon.
(09-18-2021, 07:59 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(09-18-2021, 05:18 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]If we were talking about drone strikes in general, I'd agree with you. They all do it. It creates innocent casualties. Sure. HOWEVER, this was a drone strike in direct retaliation to an attack on Americans that was a direct result of  Biden's leadership. So, he orders a drone strike to deflect from  his incompetence, only he kills an innocent family. Then he lies and brags about it. Then he lies about it some more. Then the truth comes out.

That's not a run-of-the-mill drone strike, dude. That's not what we're mad at. We are mad at an incompetent liar, and you should be holding his feet to the fire.

All presidents lie. That's part of the job. They lie to make themselves look better. Trump did that more than anyone. Like I said, I don't like Biden at all. He's like a mindless, walking corpse. He does lie, but so does every other president. George Bush lied, Clinton told some whoppers, Bush Jr. lied, Obama lied, Trump lied a lot and Biden lies, although I don't know if he realizes it, because I don't think he knows where he is half the time. Even the greatest president in the history of this country (Reagan) lied. They all lied about different things. Some lied to prevent mass panic or to prevent backlash for some of the shady things we do in the name of democracy and some lied for personal gain or to boost their own ego. It doesn't matter. A lie is a lie and it's just part of politics. Yes, Biden told a bad lie and it's horrible that innocent people got killed, but it's nothing that I haven't already come to expect. Politics are shady and it's really gotten worse with Obama, Trump and now Biden, so my expectations keep getting lower and lower. I've just come to expect stuff like this to happen now. It'll almost certainly happen with the next president as well, no matter which party is in power. I don't find any of this stuff surprising. It's just depressing, but totally expected.

So the lying does not bother you unless it is from an unpolished liar?
Nice agreement with the Taliban
I agree with basically everything that o-line matters is saying.
Well, you guys consume the same news, so it makes sense.
But I admit I'm confused about what actually happened.
Was this strike before or after ISIS-K murdered 13 Americans?
And was it the only strike, or was there another one that actually took out the bad guys?

(09-21-2021, 08:44 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Well, you guys consume the same news, so it makes sense.

I hardly consume any news at all.  I check CNN and Fox news about once a day.  I listen to NPR on the drive home about once a week.
So this isn't a question of news consumption so much as it is a question of worldview.
I apply Hanlon's razor rigorously. That's how I make sense of the information I get.  But you put everything on a scoreboard of bad guys narrative vs good guys narrative, that's how you make sense of things.
No, dummy. You are exactly making my point. You can't actually be informed while casually absorbing main stream news. Not only do you get the most polarized version of what's out there, the MSM doesn't even touch on the most important issues we face as a people. Complex ideas are reduced to soundbites, and you end up making your informed choices by which one best resonates with you. Politics is nuanced, and you and O-line seem very similar to me in your outlook. Well meaning, but misinformed.

You're not alone in this. The truth is that busy people just aren't going to have the time to get into the weeds and find better, nuanced takes on these issues. I find most moderates to be woefully undereducated in politics, and they are the group that most enables the system to continue to function in this broken state. That's not going to change until you apply Hanlon's razor to yourself.
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