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Other than 2017 when we deep into the playoffs the sole bright spot of being a season ticket holder were the Teal Deal Books that consisted of some really good restaurant deals.  

Has anyone heard whether the Jags were issuing this year or if they ceased this benefit to the season ticket holder?

UPDATE:  Teal Deal Books have arrived (along with a package of Jaguars paraphernalia) !!!
We received again last year, but have not seen one this year.
(09-20-2021, 10:28 AM)ATLjag Wrote: [ -> ]We received again last year,  but have not seen one this year.

Yes, they came in late last year (mid September) due to Covid-19 but nothing yet this season.
UPDATE:  Teal Deal Books have arrived (along with a package of Jaguars paraphernalia) !!!
I hope it's weed pipes or flasks. Only way to stomach this mess
(09-20-2021, 01:42 PM)Hard_Eight Wrote: [ -> ]I hope it's weed pipes or and flasks. Only way to stomach this mess

(09-20-2021, 01:42 PM)Hard_Eight Wrote: [ -> ]I hope it's weed pipes or flasks. Only way to stomach this mess

Actually, they did include a crackpipe and an oxycontin prescription (30 pills valid for 3 refills to get you through the season).  This will work well after I use the $20 Hoptingers coupon on some beer sampling.