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Full Version: Biden now says he'll allow country to get back to normal when 98% of U.S. vaccinated
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Seig Heil, Mein Biden!
(10-01-2021, 08:40 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Masking children is done because of fear, not science. But you keep using your anecdotes, bro.

If this is directed at Cleatwood, then, way to come and late and completely miss the point.

If it is directed at StroudCrowd, then, yes, he is talking out of his butt again, trying to link masks in children with god knows what.
It's at Cleatwood. Masking children, regardless of the reasons Stroud mentions, is completely unnecessary. It's primary purpose is to alleviate fears in the public. We don't need to mandate things that serve no purpose. If you want to wear one, wear one.
Masks are stupid because pretty much nobody wears one that actually does anything and it's not done right.  I see it every day.  Some people "wear" masks below their nose.  Others will reach up and take it off or put it on when their hands are not sanitized.  Of the few people that I see "wearing" a mask, most of them are the "designer" types that have no protective value.

Quite frankly, "wearing a mask" has become a political point and/or a comfort thing for some people rather than a safety thing.

I can count on one hand the number of times that I have worn one only because I had no choice.  I have a disposable mask in my truck console for that purpose.  When I used it the first time it was no longer "sanitary" because I didn't sanitize my hands prior to putting it on.  I wore it while I had to, then put it right back into the un-sanitized console of my truck.  I used the same mask under the same conditions a few other times.  I suspect that there are many others like me that have done the same.

I would bet that children in schools don't "do the mask thing" correctly either.  They probably constantly touch it without having their hands sanitized.  They probably re-use the same mask throughout the day and through many days.  It does nothing to "protect" them.  It's only for a statement that says "masks are mandated".
Masks are being forced out of fear and used for control. It is all apart of the conditioning process.
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