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Full Version: Mark Cuban - Trump $10M Policy Challenge
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Quote:Both of your posts have me kind of curious. It is well documented that Trump said more than 2 decades ago that the only way he would ever run for president is if America got really, really bad. Well, here we are. The man kept his word. Do you know what that means?


You state your views of his intention as fact. They are just your opinion. Just step back and listen to yourselves for a minute. Why would a guy who self funded his entire primary run not care about BEING president?

There is so much evidence of him NOT self funding.
Quote:Both of your posts have me kind of curious. It is well documented that Trump said more than 2 decades ago that the only way he would ever run for president is if America got really, really bad. Well, here we are. The man kept his word. Do you know what that means?

You state your views of his intention as fact. They are just your opinion. Just step back and listen to yourselves for a minute. Why would a guy who self funded his entire primary run not care about BEING president?
Do you play poker? Are you able to pick up on little things people do when they are lying? Not the low hanging fruit like repeating "Believe me", "I promise you", or "I guarantee it" so often it's impossible to believe anything he says. I'm talking about the more subtle tells. If so, I encourage you to listen to the entire audio of Trump's interview (bull manure session) with the Washington Post. Not only are his answers nonsense. But there are two questions which make his voice shoot up two octaves when giving an answer. Listen to it yourself. The responses he gives where his pitch shoots up are: "I'm religious." and "I want to govern." It's like someone is squeezing his sack when he utters these words. His voice is fairly level except when uttering these phrases.
So, you are a WSOP champion / CIA human lie detector now? C'mon man!
People's voices don't shift way up when they are defensive about something?

Quote:Both of your posts have me kind of curious. It is well documented that Trump said more than 2 decades ago that the only way he would ever run for president is if America got really, really bad. Well, here we are. The man kept his word. Do you know what that means?


You state your views of his intention as fact. They are just your opinion. Just step back and listen to yourselves for a minute. Why would a guy who self funded his entire primary run not care about BEING president?

Uh.................hmmm. You purport Donald Trump kept his word. Donald Trump also said Hillary would make a great President. He also said Obama was unqualified for the Presidency because he was born in Kenya.


During the Reagan years Trump was Republican. During the Clinton years Trump was a Democrat. Between Clinton and Bush he was a Reformist. Then during the Bush presidency he was a Republican again.


Does anyone see a trend here? History lesson.


Regards.....................the Chiefjag
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