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Alfie says he will lose 400lbs if we win.
27-17 Chargers

Quote:Alfie says he will lose 400lbs if we win.
That joker better start shopping for treadmills.  Bolts are gonna' get beat. 
Quote:Alfie says he will lose 400lbs if we win.

Dang that would get him all the way down to 250 lbs.
24-10 Jags 

Quote:Dang that would get him all the way down to 250 lbs.

He won't have to drive from the backseat any longer.


Quote:They're gonna unleash Fowler and he's gonna knock Rivers peter in the dirt
That's funny u say that because there's truth to the jags instruction to des last week to not rush heavy but contain rodgers.

This week however they say they are in fact letting him go after rivers.
Quote:That's funny u say that because there's truth to the jags instruction to des last week to not rush heavy but contain rodgers.

This week however they say they are in fact letting him go after rivers.

I heard the same, which prompted me to say that.. They should turn him loose and lettem eat
27-24 jags. I'd love to see a shootout with the jags winning but I just don't quite trust them enough to be putting 30+ points up each week. And rivers is good but he's no Aaron Rodgers. I think the D played fairly well considering last week. So the jags keep the Chargers score down to 24. I am kind of expecting a win this week. Which is the first time I could say that in a while.
I want to believe this is a different Jaguar team.  I have nightmares of the team looking solid one week and then getting blown out the next.  Rivers Has owned this team.  I hope for that to change Sunday.


Going to have blind faith here


28-24 Jags

30-24 jags

24-13 Jags
31 - San Diego

28 - Jacksonville


Just don't like our track record out West. Antonio Gates typically has our number. I think offensively for some reason we will be sluggish in the first half and rally in the second half but by then San Diego will have the game wrapped up or clinched with another field goal late.

To be fair, we've sent bad squads out west. New weapons on offense and defense, hoping for new results.
Quote:31 - San Diego

28 - Jacksonville


Just don't like our track record out West. Antonio Gates typically has our number. I think offensively for some reason we will be sluggish in the first half and rally in the second half but by then San Diego will have the game wrapped up or clinched with another field goal late.
I just dont understand when people say " I don't like our track record out west". The team has been 19-62 from the 2011 season to now. The track record on EVERY coast is TURRIBLE! If this team had a record of something like 8-8 for past 10 years and was 1-12 on the west, then yes i'd buy it. This team has been bad EVERYWHERE! lol! This is the first year they even have a chance. 

Jags win 20-17
Stand by my 31-21 Jags call......it'll be tight until the cardiac cats start to feed late in the 4th.  :woot:

JAX 28

SD 17

Bortles +/- 250 yards 2 td's

Yeldon 108 yards 1 td

JAX Defense 1 td
JAGS 30 - 24
Jaguars 30, Chargers 24.

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