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Full Version: Bye bye "bold gold"?
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Quote:should get rid of the gold on the helmets also. Just do away with it entirely. I understand the re-branding purposes. It still sucks though.
Yep. Newer and flashy isn't always better. Its like a new paint job on a car that doesn't run, looks nice but it won't take you anywhere. I know a lot of teams that have been around for ages have swapped their jerseys/unis around a bit... But we are on pace to out-change some of the oldest franchises if we keep messing with the uniforms in a decade or 2. We had a very unique, yet traditional styled look here in Jacksonville. Now we look like a Jr college team with our "ran out of paint" helmets and tje "look at me i'm cool and edgy" uniforms. Call me old fashioned but I loved our 90s uniforms, and any team that holds a relatively similar uniform through time(Packers, Steelers,Browns.)
I don't mind the gold jerseys much, in fact I have an A-Rob one, but the solid gold uniforms are awful. Gold tops with black/white bottoms or visa versa could look alright.

Quote:All teal.


That was our distinguishing color from the get go.

I agree with this. I wish teal would become the primary color once again. It was OUR color.
The style of the uniform is good. That gold on the helmet is just grossly overboard. I think the uniform with a solid black helmet would be just fine. They could have incorporated the gold on the helmet with some kind of lighting effect or something. The half-and-half just ruins our whole look.

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