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Why the Shotgun sweep so much though?
He was met in the backfield like a 100 times today.
TJ played good. Anyone who says different is just going off of stats.
I think our line didn't get it done with run blocking. I didn't think Yeldon was the weak link as much as guys up front. While we would have had more success with both backs in the game, our line is the main problem. They allowed way too much penetration by the defense. 

Yeldon is soft soft, please bring a Fred Taylor,mjd type or runner
Quote:Yeldon is soft soft, please bring a Fred Taylor,mjd type or runner
Did you not see him knock the helmet off of Ha Ha Clinton-Dix on his TD run?


I thought Yeldon played well, evading tackles and running physical. 
Yeldon played as well as his line let him. He had some gaps open up, which he took advantage of, but not many..
Does yeldon even lift weights. He goes down on the first hit. The joeckel of rb's
Quote:Does yeldon even lift weights. He goes down on the first hit. The joeckel of rb's
Thats not true, he did make some people miss. But comparing him to someone like Freddy T or MJD it is obvious that he isn't nearly as good as they were. With a decent line he will look decent. With our bad line you get results like he did today, which was a lot of drops in the backfield.
Not having Ivory today was probably the difference between a win and a loss. Yeldon was constantly getting hit three yards deep and just fighting to get back to the line.
I might be the only one that thought Joeckel played a heck of a game.
Quote:I might be the only one that thought Joeckel played a heck of a game.

Nope. Luke had a really decent game. Surprised me, really.
Having Ivory would have greatly impacted in the games outcome.
Quote:Need to draft a real rb, fournette

Lol, that would be nice.
Yeldon played as good as the line let him today, anyone hating on him is insane

Quote:Nope. Luke had a really decent game. Surprised me, really.
I only saw one bad play, and it wasn't on the phantom hold, it was where he whiffed and allowed the sack before Bortles to ARob converted to save the drive again. Still needs to get better in run blocking, but again, he did a good job at the goal line to clear a lane. Better than I expected, and I expected him to be better at guard than tackle.
The team couldn't get the ground game going. Period.
Obvious to the most casual fan the two yard carries were not working between the tackles, so why waste another 10 downs in the second half calling the same play and expecting a different result?

Packers blew up the run almost every time. They were loading the box, I would've just let Bortles sling it and change up the gameplan.

Quote:Packers blew up the run almost every time. They were loading the box, I would've just let Bortles sling it and change up the gameplan.

That sounds like a coaching thought.... not something strong with Gus.
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