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Full Version: Hillary Clinton, "Half of Trump supporters are in the 'basket of deplorables"
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Quote:Pence declined to repudiate David Duke yesterday...

... What a fascinating turn of events...
“I'm also not going to validate the language that Hillary Clinton used to describe the American people,” Pence told reporters following a meeting with House Republicans on Capitol Hill, referring to Clinton’s comment over the weekend that half of Donald Trump supporters were a "basket of deplorable."

“Hillary Clinton wasn't talking about that bad man,” Pence continued. “She was talking about people all across this country who are coming out in record numbers to stand by Donald Trump and to stand with him in his vision to make America great again.”

So "bad man" is a term of endearment?
Was that his explanation after the wolf Blitzer interview?

I'd like the link to your quote, please.
Quote:Was that his explanation after the wolf Blitzer interview?

I'd like the link to your quote, please.

This is what he said in the Blitzer interview:

""I'm not in the name-calling business," Pence told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, while at the same time repeating Trump's disavowal of Duke's support.
"We don't want his support and we don't want the support of the people who think like him," he said."

But I'm sure that doesn't mean anything unless he used the same word that Hillary is getting castigated for, right?
Quote:Was that his explanation after the wolf Blitzer interview?

I'd like the link to your quote, please.

Since you are so lazy.
Quote:This is what he said in the Blitzer interview:

""I'm not in the name-calling business," Pence told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, while at the same time repeating Trump's disavowal of Duke's support.
"We don't want his support and we don't want the support of the people who think like him," he said."

But I'm sure that doesn't mean anything unless he used the same word that Hillary is getting castigated for, right?

She is only getting heat from people who are trump supporters. Who cares. She was 100% right.
Quote:If that's the case, I am mega - deplorable

I suppose everyone has their own opinions on themselves and the goals they strive for.

I'm guessing when you line up to piss on her grave you'll be squatting.
Quote:This is what he said in the Blitzer interview:

""I'm not in the name-calling business," Pence told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, while at the same time repeating Trump's disavowal of Duke's support.
"We don't want his support and we don't want the support of the people who think like him," he said."

But I'm sure that doesn't mean anything unless he used the same word that Hillary is getting castigated for, right?

Point taken.

But I'm of the opinion that if someone asks about David Duke, you don't pull punches. Unless you are trying to give a wink to those deplorable types...
Quote:I suppose everyone has their own opinions on themselves and the goals they strive for.

I'm guessing when you line up to [BAD WORD REMOVED] on her grave you'll be squatting.

Only for the dump I take
Quote:Pence declined to repudiate David Duke yesterday...

... What a fascinating turn of events...

LOL... comparable to the "have you stopped beating your wife?" question.




At some point, you'll realize that if you're on the right side of the truth, you don't have to manufacture talking points or create false narratives to have your ideas win in the arena of thought.
Quote:Only for the dump I take

Being a nurse, and most of your menopausal comments it seemed you're an angry disenfranchised female. The squat comment was just being physically correct. Just make sure to wipe.
Quote:Being a nurse, and most of your menopausal comments it seemed you're an angry disenfranchised female. The squat comment was just being physically correct. Just make sure to wipe.

Of course you would confuse male with female. That's a major problem for you ain't it?

Wait a minute.. I figured it out.. I know why you're up Hillary and Obama's rear so much.. You wanna be able to go into any bathroom you want, right? Now hop on your little tricycle. I'm sure you have a concert starting soon. I'm sure they need you or they cant spell out YMCA correctly.
Quote:Being a nurse, and most of your menopausal comments it seemed you're an angry disenfranchised female. The squat comment was just being physically correct. Just make sure to wipe.

Using "female" as an insult is sexist. Congratulations, you fit into Hillary's deplorable category.
Quote:Using "female" as an insult is sexist. Congratulations, you fit into Hillary's deplorable category.

And you fit in the Trump believers. But is it female thing to insert oneself in other people's conversations? Just moderate. If I need a lecture I'll ask someone respectable. Defending someone who wants to piss on another woman's grave?
Quote:And you fit in the Trump believers. But is it female thing to insert oneself in other people's conversations? Just moderate. If I need a lecture I'll ask a guy.

Mods aren't allowed to interact with us peons?.

Keep those training wheels on and jesus, start using a helmet.
Quote:Of course you would confuse male with female. That's a major problem for you ain't it?

Wait a minute.. I figured it out.. I know why you're up Hillary and Obama's rear so much.. You wanna be able to go into any bathroom you want, right? Now hop on your little tricycle. I'm sure you have a concert starting soon. I'm sure they need you or they cant spell out YMCA correctly.

You're right. One shouldn't assume. When 90% of nurses are female, you fit the profile. Then again, it was a terrible assumption since most are caring, kind, giving people. Not the hating, piss on some woman's grave you hate so much. You do fit the deplorable profile, as you yourself are proud of. Mega deplorable, right?
Quote:Mods aren't allowed to interact with us peons?.

Keep those training wheels on and jesus, start using a helmet.

You girls stick together. How nice.
Quote:You're right. One shouldn't assume. When 90% of nurses are female, you fit the profile. Then again, it was a terrible assumption since most are caring, kind, giving people. Not the hating, [BAD WORD REMOVED] on some woman's grave you hate so much. You do fit the deplorable profile, as you yourself are proud of. Mega deplorable, right?

I've done my duty helping to take care of our vets. If you find that to be such a big problem, you really ARE a democrat.
Quote:I've done my duty helping to take care of our vets. If you find that to be such a big problem, you really ARE a democrat.

Uh huh. Then you quit. Nurse Ratchet.
Quote:Uh huh. Then you quit. Nurse Ratchet.

More than you've ever done.
Quote:And you fit in the Trump believers. But is it female thing to insert oneself in other people's conversations? Just moderate. If I need a lecture I'll ask someone respectable.

Do you actually know anyone respectable, or is this another make believe person for you?
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