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Full Version: 9/11/2001: Where were you?
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I was in high school.  Before this year I've only heard from high schoolers and older about their experience.  I'm glad two people who were in middle school at the time posted.  I guess the middle schoolers got treated about the same as us, "turn on the TV now, you all need to see this". 

I wonder what the memories were for elementary school students.  How did the principals get the important message about what was going on to the teachers without disturbing the kids who are too young to understand it?  Does anyone have a memory of finding out about it when adults were trying to hide it from them?

In middle school walking to gym class. Went in like normal through the locker room, but for some reason the tv was on in there. I've never seen this tv on and didn't even know it worked. There were a few kids and my teacher staring, no one moving or saying anything. Shortly after I got there the second plan hit.
I was at work, and heard the news on a board.  I immediately went to a live feed, lot long before the second tower was hit.


Later that November, I was in the DC area and drove by the Pentagon, which was still in disrepair.  I have been by it many times, but not like this.  There are only a handful of times where what I saw couldn't be described, and pictures in hand, or images on TV or the internet still could not capture the experience of being there - and that was one of those times in my life.
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