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The always fun and feisty Megan Rapinoe, who singlehandedly got more Subways shut down than even pedophile Jared, has come out with her take on trannies in sports.  Unfortunately, the referenced article in Time is behind a pay wall, so here's SI's take on the article.  She doesn't seem to mention how she would feel if transgender men-to-women began obliterating Women's Soccer records and kept otherwise qualified women off of future Women's soccer teams.  Must have just been a harmless oversight on her part.  Of course, she'll be long gone from the sport by the time this actually starts to happen. I'll be interesting to hear any future follow up take from her if her own personal records get demolished by a tranny.  In some perverse way, I'd almost like to see it happen.

The teen/boys team destroyed the Olympic gold winning women's team in practice but you don't hear much about it.

She's already been removed from the team because she isn't good enough anymore. I doubt she would support it, most women wouldn't support it, even if they publicly supported it. They just wouldn't openly say anything negative but in private you can bet it wouldn't be that way.

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Rapinoe is an idiot who is just trying to stay relevant now that her career is over.
(06-23-2022, 09:10 AM)KingIngram052787 Wrote: [ -> ]Rapinoe is an idiot who is just trying to stay relevant now that her career is over.

And that is the reason she doesn’t care about bio men being in the game now!
She is a foul human being. Hateful to the core.

Caitlyn Jenner does not approve of male to female trans in women's sports. But he/she's rebuked by his/her own 'people' because he/she's a conservative.
Transgender female cross-country runner dominating new competition after struggling against boys | Fox News

...In last year's Emerald South Conference Championships, the student, then a male, finished in 72nd place in the boys division with a 20:40.6 time. This year, now competing as a girl, she finished in first place with a time of 19:14.5, a school record...
If you can't keep up with the competition cheating is always an option.
Prediction Time:

Within the next few years, we'll have Queen James in the WNBA on a massive back to back to back to back to back to back to back to back title run.
(11-18-2022, 12:44 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]If you can't keep up with the competition cheating is always an option.

Meanwhile, East German swimmers from the 70's are saying "Why didn't we think of this?"
What true athlete would even want to hold these records now? There's no source of pride here anymore. Even the Martina Navratilova's of the world know they are bogus and worthless in the eyes of any rational sports fan. It's like the Globetrotters undefeated record, or Kramer dominating the dojo fighting children.
My feelings are that this is not my problem. 

OBVIOUSLY, the whole conundrum was created by two things: woke culture, and "separate but equal" women's sports.  Women want to exclude men from their sports, but (some of them) want to support transgender rights, as they see them.  Which of course leads us to the current situation, where they have to tie themselves up in knots in order to reconcile two incompatible positions: that women can exclude men from their sports, but they have to allow (people who were born as) men into their sports. 

It's their problem.  They created it, and they can try to deal with it.  It's not my problem.
All or nothing thinking is so destructive.
We can affirm transgenderism as much or as little as we want.
We can accept new pronouns without allowing AMAB people to compete in women's sports.
(11-18-2022, 11:06 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]All or nothing thinking is so destructive.
We can affirm transgenderism as much or as little as we want. 
We can accept new pronouns without allowing AMAB people to compete in women's sports.

I dare someone to demand that I call them by their pronoun. I'm gonna call you lots of things, none will be good and none will be pronouns..
(11-18-2022, 11:30 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-18-2022, 11:06 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]All or nothing thinking is so destructive.
We can affirm transgenderism as much or as little as we want. 
We can accept new pronouns without allowing AMAB people to compete in women's sports.

I dare someone to demand that I call them by their pronoun. I'm gonna call you lots of things, none will be good and none will be pronouns..

I have no problem addressing people by their preferred pronouns. If they want me to address them as "he, she, they, ze, alternate being or fence post", I will do so. But don't expect society at large to change cultural norms, established gender rules and language to accommodate their predilection. 

It's really very simple but certain people have discovered there is political power in pushing such an agenda while others have discovered there is political power is collaborating with such an agenda. How is it that all of the sudden it's acceptable to teach very young children about gender and sexuality when it was considered imprudent before? Because there is power in shaming other people and using that shame to label and forcibly silence them.
(11-18-2022, 10:16 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]My feelings are that this is not my problem. 

OBVIOUSLY, the whole conundrum was created by two things: woke culture, and "separate but equal" women's sports.  Women want to exclude men from their sports, but (some of them) want to support transgender rights, as they see them.  Which of course leads us to the current situation, where they have to tie themselves up in knots in order to reconcile two incompatible positions: that women can exclude men from their sports, but they have to allow (people who were born as) men into their sports. 

It's their problem.  They created it, and they can try to deal with it.  It's not my problem.

What if it becomes the problem of someone you care about?  How would you feel if your daughter/granddaughter was bumped from the high school/college team by a male?  What if she makes it all the way to Olympic tryouts, only to have her dream shattered by someone against whom she cannot possibly compete?
(11-18-2022, 11:52 AM)Sneakers Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-18-2022, 10:16 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]My feelings are that this is not my problem. 

OBVIOUSLY, the whole conundrum was created by two things: woke culture, and "separate but equal" women's sports.  Women want to exclude men from their sports, but (some of them) want to support transgender rights, as they see them.  Which of course leads us to the current situation, where they have to tie themselves up in knots in order to reconcile two incompatible positions: that women can exclude men from their sports, but they have to allow (people who were born as) men into their sports. 

It's their problem.  They created it, and they can try to deal with it.  It's not my problem.

What if it becomes the problem of someone you care about?  How would you feel if your daughter/granddaughter was bumped from the high school/college team by a male?  What if she makes it all the way to Olympic tryouts, only to have her dream shattered by someone against whom she cannot possibly compete?
Even more importantly, loses out on a college scholarship.
The way I see it, I'm just not hand feeding them into their delusions..
(11-18-2022, 11:30 AM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-18-2022, 11:06 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]All or nothing thinking is so destructive.
We can affirm transgenderism as much or as little as we want. 
We can accept new pronouns without allowing AMAB people to compete in women's sports.

I dare someone to demand that I call them by their pronoun. I'm gonna call you lots of things, none will be good and none will be pronouns..

I can think of a few action verbs that would apply.....
I guess this 'could kinda' fit here

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