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Full Version: Gus Last Sunade! Who would be the interim head coach?
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Quote:Whoever earns it, the honor will be their just deserts.

You have a dry sense of humor, since it should be "just desserts".
Marrone since they'll want Olsen focusing on Bortles and the play calling.


Please, O Diety above, let this happen by week 5!

Or lets be 4-1


You guys are depressing.

Caldwell has already said even if there is a losing streak early on they will let Bradley coach all 16 games and see what is on Khans mind. 



Quote:Caldwell has already said even if there is a losing streak early on they will let Bradley coach all 16 games and see what is on Khans mind. 



  I'll be surprised if Gus Bradley lasts through the season if the Jaguars get off to a bad 4 to 8 games and the team clearly appears to be underachieving.    Shad Khan's expectations are too high to just wait until the end of the season if he doesn't like what he's seeing on the field over an extended period. 
John Oehser.
Quote:John Oehser.

If that will finally lift the curse I say do it now.
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