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Hillary Clinton Pre-Blames Russians For A November Loss
"In her first extended Q&A with reporters in nine months, Hillary Clinton spent much of it suggesting that Russian President Vladimir Putin was working with Donald Trump to defeat her in November. If she's so confident of winning in November, why is Clinton already making excuses for losing?


When a reporter aboard Clinton's campaign plane asked if Putin is using cyberwarfare to help elect Trump, Clinton said "I'm not going to jump to conclusions." She then proceeded to jump away."




So she is pre-blaming the Russians for her inevitable loss. What does this mean? Does she plan on calling for the election to be null and void if she loses? Does she plan on demanding a (or multiple) recount in the event of a loss? Where is the evidence for all of this accusation? Does anyone care about evidence anymore?


What does it all meeeeaaaaan?

Haha that question you can tell was written by Hillary's campaign so they could continue to push this Russia crap.


This is their tactic to deflect from the actual corruption that was exposed and yet to be exposed in their emails.  Ya we're corrupt, but RUSSIA and PUTIN, ya know? They're bad, mmkay? A vote for Trump is a vote for the big bad Russians.  


See how they are trying to flip the script?

Hillary is a lying, conniving, disgusting beast who should be in prison already...and those are her better qualities.


Carville: "Possible" To Rig Voting Machine For 100 Votes; Calling Election Rigged "Fundamental Attack On The Country"

Uh, I guess Hillary is fundamentally attacking our country, according to confidant James Carville.

Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/09/07/carville_calling_election_rigged_fundamental_attack_on_the_country_possible_to_rig_voting_machine_for_100_votes.html'>Carville: "Possible" To Rig Voting Machine For 100 Votes; Calling Election Rigged "Fundamental Attack On The Country"</a>

Uh, I guess Hillary is fundamentally attacking our country, according to confidant James Carville.

"Impossible" but also "possible"

<div>Carville: "Possible" To Rig Voting Machine For 100 Votes; Calling Election Rigged "Fundamental Attack On The Country"
Uh, I guess Hillary is fundamentally attacking our country, according to confidant James Carville.



Why would they need the U.N. and Homeland Security if it's just a matter of a stray 100 votes here and there?  Because they are in the bag for Hillary.  What would people say if Trump sent out Trump employees to make sure the election wasn't rigged?  They would say, "HE'S TRYING TO RIG IT!"