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if only Hillary got a fair shake, maybe our country would become great again.  


sorry, i mean *world.  maybe our world would be great again, because saying country is racist.


open borders is the way to go. borders are racist. TPP is the way, anything against TPP is racist.

Quote:if only Hillary got a fair shake, maybe our country would become great again.

sorry, i mean *world. maybe our world would be great again, because saying country is racist.

open borders is the way to go. borders are racist. TPP is the way, anything against TPP is racist.

You're not even making sense any more.

Go regroup...

Come back after you've cooled off a bit.

Quote:Ohhh sorry, the donation was made so that the trump university law suit would not be prosecuted by the AG.

It's the perfect example of corruption.

That's your fuhrer, trumpettes. A corrupt charlatan that obstructs justice, fleeces rubes out of money and then pays off politicians in order to beat the charges.

Is that anywhere on cnn, or abc, or even nbc's meet the press???

Nope. But please, remind us all how rigged the media is?


I don't think you understand. We aren't denying it happened. We are saying in the grand scheme of scandals, it is so minuscule to your girlfriend's level of corruptibility that it's irrelevant. So Pam Bondi received $25k illegally (I actually haven't read this story, so I will just play along and assume you aren't parroting the CTR-fed MSM talking point). Trump paid off a two-bit politician with chump change. Wow, I am shaken. Trump probably could have settled the law-suit for $25k, but didn't.


Is it comparable to the millions Hillary has received through her slush fund? Absolutely not. She gave Foundation donors special access to the STATE DEPARTMENT, a public organization. Trump is not a public official. Never has been. Hillary is. Hillary was bought and compromised. With millions of dollars.


The two simply aren't comparable. Sorry, bro.
Quote:For those playing at home - The correct answer is The Donald!!!

Trump was found to have made illegal payments to the Florida Attorney General!!!


He had a debt he was forced to pay to the irs!!!!!

The Donald is just as corrupt - if not more so because he actually had to pay a fine for breaking the law!!! - as ole Hill Dawg!!

Now or just embarrassing yourself
Quote:You're not even making sense any more.

Go regroup...

Come back after you've cooled off a bit.


i have no choice but to resort to the satire, because the stuff you are saying is too absurd to offer any real response
Hundreds of millions of dollars to influence American foreign policy = nothing to see here but they want to talk about 25k?

I mean don't get me wrong, I could talk about Pam bondi all day but come on.
Quote:I don't think you understand. We aren't denying it happened. We are saying in the grand scheme of scandals, it is so minuscule to your girlfriend's level of corruptibility that it's irrelevant. So Pam Bondi received $25k illegally (I actually haven't read this story, so I will just play along and assume you aren't parroting the CTR-fed MSM talking point). Trump paid off a two-bit politician with chump change. Wow, I am shaken. Trump probably could have settled the law-suit for $25k, but didn't.

Is it comparable to the millions Hillary has received through her slush fund? Absolutely not. She gave Foundation donors special access to the STATE DEPARTMENT, a public organization. Trump is not a public official. Never has been. Hillary is. Hillary was bought and compromised. With millions of dollars.

The two simply aren't comparable. Sorry, bro.

Attorney General is a two bit political office.

Dude, you're embarrassing yourself.
Quote:Attorney General is a two bit political office.

Dude, you're embarrassing yourself.

State Attorney General.

Quote:State Attorney General.

I repeat. Embarrassing yourself.
Quote:I repeat. Embarrassing yourself.

Sad you place private businessman Trump donating $25k to a SAG on equal grounds with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton giving special access to million-dollar donors of her slush fund. Intellectually dishonest, really.
Quote:Sad you place private businessman Trump donating $25k to a SAG on equal grounds with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton giving special access to million-dollar donors of her slush fund. Intellectually dishonest, really.

all those donations were coincidences.  all 50 times it happened all coincidences, and how dare you? tin foil hat guy

Quote: There are millions of typical republican voters vowing not to vote Trump but rather Johnson. Seems several left leaning folks are talking about him as well. Upset of the century?

Your lips to God's ears
Quote:Sad you place private businessman Trump donating $25k to a SAG on equal grounds with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton giving special access to million-dollar donors of her slush fund. Intellectually dishonest, really.

Actually, my whole entire point is that your fuhrer is as corrupt as a private businessman billionaire and it's not being covered.


Also, you may think that buying off the Attorney General of a state isn't a big deal.  Explain that to the rubes that lost thier life's savings giving money to a scam university.  They may feel different about the importance of that corruption.


But I know, your fuhrer can do no wrong.


It's pathetic how you complain about Hillary's corruption, but when it comes to a billioniaire stealing money from your fellow Floridians, it's not a big deal.  Don't tell me you're for making this nation great and that you're for workers if you are going to be such a hypocrite when it comes to the actions of your fuhrer.

Quote:Your lips to God's ears

He isn't even close to a Libertarian.
Quote:You're aware of the arming of ISIS, right? But you still like her foreign policy?

Having experience in a position of power where you completely undermine the true interests of the American people does not make you qualified to hold an even more powerful position.
Fun fact: we arm everyone. It's kind of our thing.

I'm not absolving her for allowing arms to get in the hands of ISIS in Syria. In my opinion, a black ops team should have taken out Assad the moment he started using chemical weapons on his own people. I realize that's not diplomacy and a violation of a number of international laws. Oh well. Russia's involvement destabilized the area and Hillary took part in trying to help rebels fight an evil dictator. As has happened many times in the past, arms got into the hands of our enemies. It's a [BLEEP] up we seem to make too often. And of course Russia got the Crimean peninsula out of it. I cannot blame Hillary or Obama for actions Russia initiated. They felt the sting of economic sanctions and leveraged the biggest chip they had left: their military. I do not think much would be different if there were a different president or Secretary of State to be honest. Russia's decision to back Assad makes sense as they don't have many dance partners on the international stage and they found a way to offset their economic losses while making a land grab. So yeah.. I blame Russia for putting us back in a semi cold war state. They've been posturing a move like that for years if you recall the G8 summit where Putin was virtually by himself the whole time. All that said.. I absolutely feel Hillary would be better than Trump on foreign policy. Though I freely admit she sucks [BLEEP] as a candidate and any marginally acceptable Republican candidate would gladly get my vote. Trump doesn't come close to meeting the minimum qualifications.
Quote:Kotite also claims Hillary is the better of two candidates on foreign policy, despite her essentially initiating a new cold war with Russia due to her extremely undiplomatic rhetoric. She is the candidate of war. She wants war in Syria to overthrow Assad and install her own "democratically elected" puppet (that will be overthrown in less than a decade). She wants to forcibly install democracy where it doesn't belong, just like Egypt and Libya.

Kotite, can I get a source that claims Trump will leave NATO? I heard he wants to make NATO members pay their dues to be a part of the alliance and receive protection, but I haven't heard he wants to outright leave. So, please provide source.

Have you followed Russia's build up of military force around Syria? How is that Hillary's fault. If you want to blame someone, blame Obama for imposing economic sanctions on them. Of course if he didn't you'd just call him soft on Russia. Do you have any clue what Assad has been doing to his own people? Get a clue before you start backing Assad on anything. The reason for a civil war there is pretty understandable.

If you want a source that Trump wants to leave NATO, might I recommend Trump? Or was that YET ANOTHER instance of him saying verbatim one thing and then saying it was taken out of context.

It's 1984 every time that clown opens his pie hole.
Quote:He isn't even close to a Libertarian.

No he's not and I'd take him 100 times over Hillary or Trump.

Hell id take another 4 years of Bush or Obama over these two options, and anyone that knows me knows I'm no fan of Bush or Obama. But at least Obama has gone into lame duck mode.
Just curious jj... why should we "not go there" when Trump says he wants to frack the Hell out of our country? Am I lying? Is it not something we should fear? Did you hear about the earthquake in middle America this week nowhere near a fault line but right where they were fracking?

P.S. - it's hysterical you think he has bipartisan support for anything when half his own party loathes him. Keep dreaming.
Quote:Fun fact: we arm everyone. It's kind of our thing.

I'm not absolving her for allowing arms to get in the hands of ISIS in Syria. In my opinion, a black ops team should have taken out Assad the moment he started using chemical weapons on his own people. I realize that's not diplomacy and a violation of a number of international laws. Oh well. Russia's involvement destabilized the area and Hillary took part in trying to help rebels fight an evil dictator. As has happened many times in the past, arms got into the hands of our enemies. It's a [BAD WORD REMOVED] up we seem to make too often. And of course Russia got the Crimean peninsula out of it. I cannot blame Hillary or Obama for actions Russia initiated. They felt the sting of economic sanctions and leveraged the biggest chip they had left: their military. I do not think much would be different if there were a different president or Secretary of State to be honest. Russia's decision to back Assad makes sense as they don't have many dance partners on the international stage and they found a way to offset their economic losses while making a land grab. So yeah.. I blame Russia for putting us back in a semi cold war state. They've been posturing a move like that for years if you recall the G8 summit where Putin was virtually by himself the whole time. All that said.. I absolutely feel Hillary would be better than Trump on foreign policy. Though I freely admit she sucks [BAD WORD REMOVED] as a candidate and any marginally acceptable Republican candidate would gladly get my vote. Trump doesn't come close to meeting the minimum qualifications.

In addition to all this that I've said, and now you have also stated---  Trump's positions would have created the same situaiton.  It's not as though trump has stated anything in the past that would have put the USA and ISIS on a different trajectory.


Trump was for getting rid of Quadafi, trump was for bailing out of Iraq.  Trump was for the removal of Assad...  The generals and the american people's will was for funding the rebels and not getting into a ground war in both Lybia and then at the beginning of the Syrian civil war.  


Again, trumpettes try to paint a utopia based on trumpisms.  Yet when you boil it down, the dude has no clue what he's talking about or what he would have done differently.


Heck, his new plan against ISIS is asking the generals to tell him what to do.  LOL!  That's what's going on now!!  The generals don't change after January 21st.  The fuhrer has no clothes!!!  

Well Trump would give Russia a new dance partner.
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