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(12-28-2022, 09:19 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Those keeping the “heat” at 65-68 are insane. I can’t be the only one needing 73!!! I mean we’re in FLORIDA!

Also, with the heat pumps, temps and humidity… how often do we get that cold and have the humidity?
While the humidity is high, it doesn't mean there is really any threat. This week the humidity has been high. It's 98% right now because the dew point doesn't drop that low. It's one of the reasons that the temperature here will feel colder than up north. It just depends if there is any actual moisture in the air which is rare.
(12-28-2022, 09:27 PM)WingerDinger Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-28-2022, 09:19 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Those keeping the “heat” at 65-68 are insane.  I can’t be the only one needing 73!!! I mean we’re in FLORIDA!

Also, with the heat pumps, temps and humidity… how often do we get that cold and have the humidity?

72-73 here..

I lived up in New England for a good handful of years.. Not trying to relive the horror.
I can't stand over 68-70 inside as the heat makes it too dry. Up north is worse with radiators. I drop it down to 65 or so at night so I can sleep with a blanket and some times that is too hot. 68 is perfect to wear a soft hoodie or long sleeve shirt.

The rest of the year my fans are set to 74 to cool whatever rooms are occupied and ac set to 78. I have to run a bed cooler, fan, and take the ac down to 75 to sleep with anything other than a sheet.

I'm just too hot blooded. Being up north for work never bothered me other than the dry air. Other than being in Chicago when the windchill is -25 or so and your breath freezes the inside of your nose, it never bothers me. NYC I had to leave my coat open on the walk to the office otherwise I would be sweating in the office because all the heat there.

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(12-28-2022, 09:19 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Those keeping the “heat” at 65-68 are insane.  I can’t be the only one needing 73!!! I mean we’re in FLORIDA!

Also, with the heat pumps, temps and humidity… how often do we get that cold and have the humidity?

Here in NC our humidity and dew point are generally low in the winter months. Daytime humidity averages around 40% and dew point averages in the 40° range but can go into the 30s. Last weekend we actually went to -4 dew point and 20% humidity. It felt so freaking dry and I felt like I couldn't drink enough water. My eyeballs felt dry. I had 2 humidifiers going in the main living space and indoor humidity was still in the 40s.

After having heat stroke in 2011 I don't tolerate heat very well whether it's the middle of summer or a too-hot house, grocery store or other heated building in the winter.
(12-28-2022, 09:19 PM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]Those keeping the “heat” at 65-68 are insane.  I can’t be the only one needing 73!!! I mean we’re in FLORIDA!

Also, with the heat pumps, temps and humidity… how often do we get that cold and have the humidity?

I find that running the heat too high overnight really screws with my sinuses though I'm probably more sensitive with those type issues than the average person.  Just set it at 66 and throw an extra blanket on and then bump it up in the morning for a bit to take the chill off the house.
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